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1036 lines (605 loc) · 57.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1036 lines (605 loc) · 57.1 KB



Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Added a max-height to the post-megadropdown on desktop to add scrolling in case its content is bigger than the space available. (by @leagrdv with #4906)

  • Replaced usages of color: inherit with tokens to improve high contrast mode compatability. (by @schaertim with #4933)

  • Adapted the trigger of the post-popover component to be able to handle nested elements. (by @schaertim with #4910)

  • Improved header accessibility by ensuring that elements which are hidden on scroll get visible again if they receive focus. (by @leagrdv with #4767)

  • Added the CSS variable --post-popover-max-width that enables configuring the max-width of the post-popover component. (by @leagrdv with #4898)

  • Resolved accessibility violations in the post-language-switch component by adding the role="menu" to the post-menu component. (by @alionazherdetska with #4951)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fixed the gap that appeared between the header and the main navigation when scrolling up. (by @alizedebray with #4810)

  • Fixed text-alignment for post-language-switch component to match the design. (by @alionazherdetska with #4759)

  • Updated the keydown event handling for post-megadropdown component to move focus to the first dropdown element when activated via Space, ensuring consistency with the Enter key behavior. (by @alionazherdetska with #4799)

  • Fixed the mobile menu height in the post-header component when the scrollable parent is not the document's body. (by @oliverschuerch with #4829)

  • Switched the outermost scrollable parent of the post-header component from the html to the body element. (by @oliverschuerch with #4823)

  • Fixed the mobile menu behavior in the post-header and post-megadropdown components, so the second navigation level is always showing at the correct location in design, no matter if the user has scrolled on the first navigation level. (by @oliverschuerch with #4829)

  • Fixed the clipped focus ring on post-mainnavigation items ensuring a fully visible and accessible focus state. (by @alionazherdetska with #4808)

  • Adjusted post-tooltip and post-popover positioning by adding a top margin to ensure they do not overlap the post-header upon opening. (by @alionazherdetska with #4589)

  • Improved the consistency of styles for buttons and links in HCM. (by @leagrdv with #4864)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed post-header component scrollParent getter function. (by @oliverschuerch with #4811)

  • Fixed calculation of post-mainnavigation mobile placement and put back the header border on HCM. (by @leagrdv with #4806)

  • Applied styles to the slot title selector rather than h1 on the post-header to have consistent styles whether or not h1 is used. (by @leagrdv with #4782)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fixed wrong implementation of the relative scroll parent of the post-header component.` (by @oliverschuerch with #4786)

  • Fixed wrong implemented and added missing eventListener removals in the post-header component. (by @oliverschuerch with #4786)

  • Fixed timeing issue in the calculation of the custom property --local-header-height, so it's defined from the very beginning. (by @oliverschuerch with #4786)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed the bug with shifting the post-language-switch dropdown to the right on language selection. (by @alionazherdetska with #4751)

  • Fixed navigation scrolling in post-mainnavigation to ensure scroll buttons persist until the last item is fully visible. (by @schaertim with #4777)

  • Prevented slide-down animation for already open post-megadropdown component when resizing from mobile/tablet to desktop. (by @alionazherdetska with #4704)

  • Disabled body scrolling when mobile navigation is open. (by @myrta2302 with #4775)

  • Updated the post-megadropdown to make the list links wrap to the next line when texts are too long. (by @leagrdv with #4778)

  • Adjusted the composable header height to match the design specifications. (by @alionazherdetska with #4650)

  • Implemented auto-closing behavior for post-megadropdown and post-mainnavigation when clicking a link inside them, to prevent navigation elements from remaining open after user interaction. (by @alionazherdetska with #4765)

  • Fixed an issue with the language switch active state not highlighting only the active language option. The selector now only targets active options. (by @gfellerph with #4776)

  • Enabled header navigation to scroll when content exceeds available height on mobile & tablet. (by @myrta2302 with #4712)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fixed an issue with the main navigation where the scroll arrows were always displayed, even when there were no elements to scroll to. (by @alizedebray with #4766)

  • Fixed mobile navigation position and scrolling issues within storybook. (by @myrta2302 with #4738)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Increased gap between header title and local controls in post-header. (by @leagrdv with #4739)

  • Fixed misaligned second level navigation in the post-megadropdown component on desktop. (by @alionazherdetska with #4757)

  • Fixed breakpoint utility, by normalizing the read custom-properties. (by @oliverschuerch with #4764)

  • Changed from vh to dynamic viewport height (dvh) unit on post-header to take into account the mobile devices height change. (by @leagrdv with #4747)

  • Aligned prop validation throughout the component library. (by @myrta2302 with #4638)

  • Fixed the scroll to top that occurs when opening the post-megadropdown on desktop. (by @leagrdv with #4761)

  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Changed list version of post-language-switch to always keep the same order of post-language-options. (by @schaertim with #4706)

  • Added optional safe triangle and trapezoid to post-popovercontainer to improve accessability. (by @schaertim with #4436)

  • Enhanced the post-linkarea component so that modifier keys (ctrl, shift, alt, meta) are passed along when clicking the component. (by @alizedebray with #4696)

  • Updated the post-icon component to make it SSR conform. (by @oliverschuerch with #4697)

Patch Changes

  • Improved keyboard navigation for the post-megadropdown by focusing on the first element when it is opened with the Enter key and returning the focus to the trigger when it is closed. (by @schaertim with #4625)

  • Fixed the correct assignment of the expanded attribute in the post-menu component, ensuring proper aria-expanded handling in components utilizing post-menu, such as post-language-switch and post-breadcrumb. (by @alionazherdetska with #4661)

  • Tokenized the back to top button's shadow. (by @leagrdv with #4641)

  • Cleaned up possible side effects on post-header by adding a disconnectedCallback() function. (by @leagrdv with #4736)

  • Duplicated post-mainnavigation links' content to avoid layout shift on active elements. (by @leagrdv with #4694)

  • Added documentation for the design-system-components-react package. (by @leagrdv with #4669)

  • Fixed the post-language-switch component to support any boolean notation for the active attribute on post-language-option. (by @alizedebray with #4701)

  • Fixed focus order on desktop for post-megadropdown component. (by @alionazherdetska with #4379)

  • Added high contrast mode styles for header. (by @myrta2302 with #4262)

  • Fixed the animation glitch when switching between megadropdowns. (by @leagrdv with #4723)

  • Fixed the post-header component to correctly set the --local-header-height property. (by @alizedebray with #4746)

  • Switched from thrown error to logged errors when post-list title is missing. (by @leagrdv with #4725)

  • Fixed overflow handling in the main navigation to ensure all navigation items can be accessed. (by @alizedebray with #4666)

  • Added a line separator between the header and the page content. (by @leagrdv with #4637)

  • Removed the custom properties from the post-header component styles and moved them to the styles package. This change allows these properties to be accessed before the component is loaded. (by @leagrdv with #4663)

  • Updated the post-linkarea component so that it no longer uses the Window object. (by @alizedebray with #4696)

  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Made it possible to use multiple post-language-switch components in the post-header component. Fixed language switch options being wrapped to multiple lines on mobile. (by @oliverschuerch with #4674)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Moved the border styles for the post-accordion-item from the host to an inner element within the shadow DOM to prevent conflicts with external document styles. (by @alizedebray with #4645)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • Updated the URL check on the post-logo component. It now also accepts relative URLs as valid props. (by @gfellerph with #4616)

  • Removed megadropdown animation when another one is already opened. (by @leagrdv with #4627)

  • Fixed post-logo from disappearing on post-header scroll. (by @alionazherdetska with #4606)

  • Fixed the --main-header-height custom property for post-header component, which was previously undefined on initial load. (by @alionazherdetska with #4614)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Improved main navigation overflow display. (by @alizedebray with #4273)

  • Removed post-popovercontainer from the post-megadropdown component and added desktop animations with new slide-down and slide-up effects. (by @alionazherdetska with #4421)

  • Added the post-linkarea component. (by @veyaromain with #4030)

Patch Changes

  • Removed nav for post-header component causing blank space on scroll for screens <1025px. (by @alionazherdetska with #4532)

  • Added z-index to the post-header component to display it on top of other contents. (by @leagrdv with #4367)

  • Fixed header mobile menu behavior by trapping the focus within it when opened as well as making it scrollable. (by @leagrdv with #4395)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Positioned the post-collapsible host relative so every not static positioned element within uses it as its base render context and therefore gets clipped as it should. (by @oliverschuerch with #4478)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • Renamed the "dropdown" variant to "menu" for the post-language-switch and post-language-option components. (by @leagrdv with #4260)

  • Removed .bg- classes to define background color of elements. (by @leagrdv with #4201)

Patch Changes

  • Removed the dependency on utility classes in post-header component. The header can now be used without importing CSS utility classes. (by @leagrdv with #4358)

  • Updated the documentation of the Post header. (by @leagrdv with #4408)

  • Added a type="button" attribute to the post-close-button to prevent it from submitting forms. (by @schaertim with #4332)

  • Removed auto slotting from post-togglebutton component to enable more flexible usage. (by @schaertim with #4346)

  • Removed all usage of deprecated utility sizing classes. (by @leagrdv with #4343)

  • Reduced the length of random IDs generated in the components; they are now generated using the nanoid library instead of the Web Crypto API. (by @leagrdv with #4369)

  • Updated style and keyboard navigation of post-language-switch. (by @leagrdv with #4260)

  • Removed auto slotting from post-logo component to enable more flexible usage. (by @schaertim with #4345)

  • Modified header megadropdown to close when focus is moved outside. (by @myrta2302 with #4324)

  • Updated header overflow in tablet and mobile for long application titles. (by @leagrdv with #4364)

  • Added hover color to post-accordion in high contrast mode. (by @schaertim with #4316)

  • Removed focus from collapsible when in collapsed state. (by @myrta2302 with #4309)

  • Updated dependencies:


Major Changes

  • Updated the post-togglebutton component to offer greater flexibility. You can now control the visibility of elements within the post-togglebutton using the data-showwhen="toggled" and data-showwhen="untoggled" attributes. Any content without a data-showwhen attribute will always be visible, regardless of the toggle state. (by @alizedebray with #4223)

Minor Changes

  • Added composable footer component. (by @oliverschuerch with #4190)

  • Added the post-megadropdown component. (by @leagrdv with #4177)

  • Added the parts button and body in the post-accordion-item component, so one can override styles from the outside. (by @oliverschuerch with #4190)

  • Added the post-breadcrumb component to provide a standalone breadcrumb navigation solution. (by @alionazherdetska with #4065)

  • Added the css parts button and body in the post-accorddion-item component. (by @oliverschuerch with #4190)

  • Added the post-language-switch component that enables users to change the language of a page. (by @leagrdv with #4044)

Patch Changes

  • Switched mega dropdown content to one column on mobile. (by @leagrdv with #4300)

  • Fixed opening state of megadropdown trigger and expanded detection. (by @leagrdv with #4299)

  • Fix tab isolation in nested post-tabs components by scoping tab queries and interactions to the current instance. (by @alionazherdetska with #4211)

  • Added a fixed slot post-list-item on the post-list-item host element, so it is no longer necessary to add it manually. (by @oliverschuerch with #4190)

  • Fixed the used headingLevel in the post-accorddion-item component. The component now uses the value from its closest post-accorddion parent component, if this is specified and falls back to h2 if not specified. (by @oliverschuerch with #4190)

  • Updated the post-togglebutton to function like a real button, including support for keyboard navigation and proper focus styles. (by @alizedebray with #4242)

  • Fixed an issue with the post-list component where the horizontal property could not be set programmatically. Also, reduced the specificity of the component's styles to make customization easier. (by @alizedebray with #4137)

  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Ιmplemented the back-to-top button component. (by @myrta2302 with #3991)

  • Added the capability to use a slotted img as a logo inside ´accordion-items´. (by @leagrdv with #4166)

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added the post-togglebutton component. (by @veyaromain with #3889)

  • Refactored post-icon component to use the <use> tag to load and show icons under the hood. This enables responsive icons, enables better caching and improves render performance slightly. There is no further action required. (by @oliverschuerch with #3969)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed bug that showed delayed tooltip even after blur event. (by @leagrdv with #4053)

  • Made post-icon component use base tag href to define location of icons folder. (by @leagrdv with #4069)

  • Updated dependencies:


Major Changes

  • Renamed the alert component to banner and updated the styles of banner and toast components. The class .alert is still supported for now but is deprecated and will be removed in v10. Changed web component <post-alert> to <post-banner>. Additionally, the classes .{toast|alert}-primary, .{toast|alert}-gray and .toast-notification have been deprecated. (by @leagrdv with #3862)

  • Removed the alert-fixed-bottom variant of the alert. (by @leagrdv with #3862)

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added a provisional post-header component with some basic functionality in place. This component is not finished in this state. (by @gfellerph with #3837)

  • Added new Menu Button components (post-menu-button, post-menu-trigger, and post-menu-item) for creating accessible dropdown menus. (by @alionazherdetska with #3795)

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • Removed the .breadcrumb-item class, which previously handled styling for breadcrumb items. Introduced a new post-breadcrumb-item that should be used in place of the .breadcrumb-item class. (by @alionazherdetska with #3659)

Minor Changes

  • Created the post-list and post-list-item components. (by @myrta2302 with #3812)

  • Added close button web component. (by @leagrdv with #3880)

Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • Switched stencil hydrated flag from class (hydrated) to attribute (data-hydrated). This flag indicates when a component finished rendering on the page. If your tests relied on the class being present, please rewrite the selector to use the new attribute selector. (by @oliverschuerch with #3783)

Minor Changes

  • Added the post-language-option component, a header component made to enable users to select their preferred language. (by @alizedebray with #3802)

  • Added component post-avatar to show an avatar, based on different possible input data (gravatar by email, initials by first- and/or lastname, fallback). (by @oliverschuerch with #3352)

Patch Changes

  • Made the ´´ visually hidden for tooltips to fix accessability issue. (by @schaertim with #3619)

  • Fixed the post-card-control label read twice by screen readers. (by @myrta2302 with #3625)

  • Fixed an issue with property validation where some checks were run before the framework had the chance to add computed properties (for example Angular bindings like [for]="$id"). The checks are now delayed to work around this issue. (by @gfellerph with #3775)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • Made the heading-level property required for the accordion and removed it from the accordion-item docs. (by @schaertim with #3383)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed a bug in nested accordions where closing a child item unintentionally closed all parent accordion elements. (by @schaertim with #3427)

  • Fixed an issue related to conflicting pointer and focus events hiding the tooltip unexpectedly in some situations. The tooltip now behaves as expected in this situation. (by @alionazherdetska with #3592)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added the post-logo component, which enables displaying the Post's logo either as a clickable link or as a simple image. (by @oliverschuerch with #3477)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added an invalid message for the card-control component and an icon in the invalid message of the checkbox and radio button (by @davidritter-dotcom with #2978)

  • Added a delayed property to the post-tooltip component to allow delaying its display for a few milliseconds after it is triggered. (by @alizedebray with #3245)

  • Added a post-collapsible-trigger component to properly handle the role, ARIA attributes, and event listeners for elements that toggle a post-collapsible. (by @alizedebray with #3209)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed an issue with popovers on Firefox ESR that unexpectedly closed popovers when clicking on content. (by @gfellerph with #3211)

  • Prevent the post-tabs component from triggering a post Change event before it is loaded. (by @alizedebray with #3247)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed a warning on the tooltip when the id was bound using Angular, the ID check now runs at a later stage in the component lifecycle, giving Angular enough time to set the attribute. (by @gfellerph with #3155)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Added a heading-level property on the post-accordion component to set the heading level of all post-accordion-item children at once. (by @alizedebray with #3104)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed grid-area behaviour in card-control component, if used without any icon. (by @oliverschuerch with #3099)

  • Merged the card-control, checkbox-card and radio button card docs pages and updated the choice-card-control styles. (by @alizedebray with #3104)

  • Fixed high-contrast-mode for card-control component. (by @alizedebray with #3104)

  • Fixed the post-accordion-item chevron no longer rotating. (by @alizedebray with #3104)

  • Updated dependencies:


Major Changes

  • Synchronized the versions of the following packages:

    • @swisspost/design-system-styles
    • @swisspost/design-system-components
    • @swisspost/design-system-components-react
    • @swisspost/design-system-components-angular
    • @swisspost/design-system-migrations
    • @swisspost/design-system-icons
    • @swisspost/design-system-intranet-header

    This will help understanding the dependencies between these packages at a glance but also means that for the individual pacakges, semver is no longer being used. This enables us also to talk about and document Design System versions as a whole instead of documenting the fragmented versions in a complex lookup table. (by @gfellerph with #2856)

  • Updated the package entry properties in the package.json to the by stencil recommended files:

    • Updated the main property from loader/index.cjs.js to dist/index.cjs.js
    • Updated the module property from loader/index.js to dist/loader.js
    • Updated the types property from loader/index.d.ts to dist/types/index.d.ts
    • Removed the es2017 property

    The usage of the @swisspost/design-system-components/loader entry files are still available and should be used to get the lazy-loaded components. (by @oliverschuerch with #2886)

  • Prefixed all web-component custom-events with the keyword post.

    • Changed post-alert component dismissed event to postDismissed.
    • Changed post-card-control component input and change events to postInput and postChange.
    • Changed post-collapsible component collapseChange event to postToggle.
    • Changed post-rating component input and change events to postInput and postChange.
    • Changed post-tabs component tabChange event to postChange. (by @oliverschuerch with #2874)

Minor Changes

  • Added a new tag component. This component is available in standard HTML or as webcomponent. (by @b1aserlu with #2552)

  • Added a new web-component post-card-control, which works like a native input[type="checkbox"] or input[type="radio"] but with a custom visual design. (by @oliverschuerch with #2260)

  • Added the new default slot, to allow the integration of custom HTML in the card-control component. (by @oliverschuerch with #2844)

Patch Changes

  • Fixed accessibility of aria controls through post-tabs components. (by @imagoiq with #2777)

  • Fixed post-tooltip that doesn't show up when the pointer is on a child element (like an icon). (by @imagoiq with #2814)

  • Fixed Collapsible and Accordion element's content which is displayed when hidden on Webkit/Safari. (by @imagoiq with #2963)

  • Added new black and white alpha colors. Replaced hardcoded alpha colors with the new color definitions in card-control component. (by @oliverschuerch with #2861)

  • Updated Sass color variables: - Removed variables $success-green, $error-red, $warning-orange, $success-text, $error-text, $danger as well as the Sass map $contextual-colors. Instead use the variables $success, $error, $warning and the Sass map $signal-colors.

    • Updated the Sass map $signal-colors keys and added a new Sass map $signal-background-colors.
    • Updated the Sass map $background-colors and all the dependant packages accordingly.

    With the exception of the components notification, toast and tag, there is no component providing a danger variant anymore. Instead use the error variant. (by @oliverschuerch with #2861)

  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Improved display of tooltip arrow in high contrast mode. (by @imagoiq with #2697)

  • Fixes an issue with the post-popover component that stopped working once trigger buttons were removed from the page or new trigger buttons were added to the page asynchronously. (by @gfellerph with #2695)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Fixed double lines between accordion items on chrome/safari. (by @imagoiq with #2615)

  • Fixed two issues with tooltips and Angular integration. Tooltips are now being displayed on buttons that are added to the DOM asynchronously and tooltip elements are no longer duplicated on route change. (by @gfellerph with #2621)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • Restricted post-collapsible to collapse behaviour only. The component remains unchanged when used with external controls, however, it no longer has a header slot.


    <post-collapsible collapsed="" headingLevel="6">
      <span slot="header">Titulum</span>
      <p>Contentus momentus vero siteos et accusam iretea et justo.</p>


    <post-accordion-item collapsed="" headingLevel="6">
      <span slot="header">Titulum</span>
      <p>Contentus momentus vero siteos et accusam iretea et justo.</p>

    To get the same look and feel as in the previous version, use the post-accordion-item component instead. (by @alizedebray with #2379)

Minor Changes

  • Updated the tooltip min-height and max-width and added a new property arrow to the tooltip, that defines wheter or not the pointer arrow is displayed. (by @b1aserlu with #2394)

Patch Changes

  • Update the background color of accordion to be white on any background color other than white. The accordion background remains gray on white backgrounds. (by @alizedebray with #2379)

  • Added a payload to the collapseChange event of the post-collapsible component. This payload is a boolean: true if the collapsible was opened, false if it was closed. (by @alizedebray with #2379)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes

  • Enabled import injection for components. This fixes an issue with importing dynamically loaded web components with the vite compiler for storybook. (by @gfellerph with #2448)


Minor Changes

  • Added the post-popover component. This component can display text and interactive elements in a popover in front of the page content. (by @gfellerph with #2109)

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Defined @stencil/core and @stencil/store as a devDependency to avoid compatibilities issues. (by @imagoiq with #2313)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Reverted #2152 because of an issue with importing the internet headers defineCustomElements. (by @gfellerph with #2208)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Added component exports to the src/index.ts files, to include them in the dist/index.js and dist/index.esm.js output files and therefore fix our stencil setup. (by @oliverschuerch with f74c9662)

  • Added a post-collapsible event emitted when the collapse element is shown or hidden. (by @alizedebray with #2079)

  • Added the post-accordion component. (by @alizedebray with #2079)

Patch Changes

  • Upgraded builder Stenciljs from version 3 to 4. No user visible changes are expected. (by @imagoiq with #2116)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed collapsible/accordion styles that broke after Bootstrap removed several CSS custom properties. (by @alizedebray with #1324)
  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed broken links to the storybook documentation. (by @alizedebray with #1514)

  • Reintegrated mistakenly removed inline-styles into the post-icon component. Animations and scale modifiers now work as expected again. (by @oliverschuerch with #1531)

  • Implemented a workaround for the crossorigin problem in the post-icon component. Icons can now be loaded from cross-origin if the correct img-src is set in your CORS policy. (by @oliverschuerch with #1531)

  • Updated dependencies:


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Updated the flip-v/flip-h properties of the <post-icon> component to corectly work with boolean inputs. (by @oliverschuerch with #1312)


Patch Changes

  • Fixed package dependencies. Moved dependencies that are not being used in production to devDependencies in order to simplify and speed up the package install process. (by @gfellerph with #1289)

  • Fixed the post-icon component to ensure that the icon is properly updated every time the value of the "name" property changes at runtime. (by @oliverschuerch with #1310)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Reverted the update to Bootstrap 5.2 and Angular 15. This update should have been a major release and will be re-released as such as soon as possible. (by @gfellerph with #1207)
  • Updated dependencies:


Minor Changes

  • Major dependency update. The following versions are now supported:

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • Added an icon component that works together with @swisspost/design-system-icons for rendering any Post icon as an SVG. (by @gfellerph with #933)

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes