- User Guide - Ansible Community Documentation
- jdauphant/awesome-ansible: A collaborative curated list of awesome Ansible resources
- ansible-community/awesome-ansible: Awesome Ansible List
- Semaphore UI
- Open-source tool for automation and configuration management
- Agentless: Uses SSH or WinRM for communication
- YAML-based playbooks for defining configurations
- Idempotent: Applies changes without unintended side effects
- Modular: Offers built-in modules for various tasks
- Roles: Organizes tasks for better reuse and collaboration
- Strong community support and extensive documentation
- Control Node: The system running Ansible, typically on Linux/Unix
- Managed Nodes: Target systems controlled by Ansible, requiring SSH and Python (2.6+/3.5+). Supports various OS types, including Windows
- Inventory: A file listing managed hosts. Can be static (.ini) or dynamic (JSON output) for project-specific management
- Tasks: Units of work executed on managed nodes, either ad-hoc or within playbooks
- Playbook: An ordered list of tasks specifying target hosts and execution details, written in YAML
- Handlers: Special tasks for managing services, triggered by other tasks and run after all tasks are completed
- Roles: Structured collections of playbooks and files for reusable automation packages, streamlining specific deployments
pipx install --include-deps ansible
pipx ensurepath
# pipx upgrade --include-injected ansible
- Generate
ansible-config init --disabled > ansible.cfg
- Even if you do not define any groups in your inventory file, Ansible creates two default groups:
. Theall
group contains every host. Theungrouped
group contains all hosts that don’t have another group aside fromall
sudo mkdir -p /etc/ansible
sudo nano /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible --version
ansible-community --version
ansible-inventory --list -y
# module
ansible all -m ping
ansible all -m setup
# Get info about IPv4 and IPv6 network intefaces
ansible all -m setup -a "filter=*ipv*"
# ad-hoc command
ansible all -a "df -h"
ansible all -a "sudo /bin/apt update"
ansible all -a "uptime"
ansible all -a "tail /var/log/nginx/error.log" --become
# Install latest version of vim, as suoder
ansible all -m apt -a "name=vim state=latest" --become
ansible all -m apt -a "name=tree"
# install asking for password
ansible all -m apt -a "name=nginx" --become -K
ansible all -a "systemctl restart nginx" --become
mkdir -p $HOME/ansible/playbooks
cd $HOME/ansible/playbooks
nano intro_playbook.yml
- hosts: all
become: true
- name: Install Packages
apt: name={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=latest
loop: [ 'nginx', 'vim' ]
tags: [ 'setup' ]
- name: Copy index page
src: index.html
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
owner: www-data
group: www-data
mode: '0644'
tags: [ 'update', 'sync' ]
nano index.html
<title>Testing Ansible Playbooks</title>
<h1>Testing Ansible Playbooks</h1>
<p>This server was set up using an Nginx playbook.</p>
ansible-playbook ./intro_playbook.yml --list-tasks
# Execute the playbook, prompting for sudo password
ansible-playbook ./intro_playbook.yml -K -v
# This will use the current system user as remote SSH user, and the current system user’s SSH key to authenticate to the nodes.
Semaphore is a powerful open-source tool for managing Ansible tasks through a web-based interface. This guide demonstrates how to install Semaphore on an Ubuntu Desktop VM using Snap (❗) and configure it for SSH-based Ansible playbooks.
❗ As per Semaphore docs Snap install is deprecated (but still works).
- I need to do some testing to integrate Package manager and/or Docker installation documentation.
# Install Semaphore using Snap
sudo snap install semaphore
# Stop Semaphore (if needed)
sudo snap stop semaphore
# Add an admin user to Semaphore
sudo semaphore user add --admin --login user --name=User [email protected] --password=P@ssw0rd!
# Start Semaphore and view its services
sudo snap start semaphore
sudo snap services semaphore
# Configure SSH for Semaphore
sudo cp $HOME/.ssh/config /root/snap/semaphore/common/sshconfig
chmod 644 /root/snap/semaphore/common/sshconfig
Not tested
Follow the steps outlined in the official Semaphore documentation for Docker-based deployment. Use the container configurator to get the ideal Docker configuration for Semaphore.
Here is a summary for convenience to deploy via docker with data persistence:
docker run --name semaphore \ -p 3000:3000 \ -e SEMAPHORE_DB_DIALECT=bolt \ -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN=admin \ -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=changeme \ -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_NAME="Admin" \ -e SEMAPHORE_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@localhost \ -v semaphore_data:/var/lib/semaphore \ -v semaphore_config:/etc/semaphore \ -v semaphore_tmp:/tmp/semaphore \ -d semaphoreui/semaphore:latest
- Missing
- Log In
- Access Semaphore at http://localhost:3000
- Use the admin credentials set during the setup process
- Keystore Configuration
- Add the SSH keys + passphrases for secure connections
- Repository Configuration
- Link the Git repository using SSH credentials
- e.g. -
[email protected]:syselement/ansibletest.git
- Environment
- Set up an empty environment
- Static Inventory Configuration
- Define an inventory file with host and group details
- e.g.
ansible_ssh_common_args = '-F /root/snap/semaphore/common/sshconfig'
Task templates in Semaphore point to Ansible playbooks stored in the repository. Here’s how to set them up:
- Organize the repository
- Structure the repository to store playbooks logically.
- e.g.
├── playbooks/
│ ├── updatelinux.yaml
│ ├── deployweb.yaml
└── roles/
├── common/
├── webserver/
- Create a template in Semaphore
- Add a new Task Template in Semaphore
- e.g.
- Name -
- Playbook Path - Relative path to the playbook -
- Playbook Path - Relative path to the playbook -
- Add a new Task Template in Semaphore