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60 lines (45 loc) · 1.95 KB


This is an implementation of SecureSocket, a wrapper for the Tardy Socket type that provides TLS functionality.

Supported TLS Backends

  • BearSSL: An implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5346) written in C.
  • s2n-tls: An implementation of SSL/TLS protocols by AWS. (Experimental)


Compatible Zig Version: 0.14.0

Compatible tardy Version: v0.3.0

Latest Release: 0.1.0

zig fetch --save git+

You can then add the dependency in your build.zig file:

const secsock = b.dependency("secsock", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,



We use Nix Flakes for managing the development environment. Nix Flakes provide a reproducible, declarative approach to managing dependencies and development tools.


sh <(curl -L --daemon
  • Enable Flake support in your Nix config (~/.config/nix/nix.conf): experimental-features = nix-command flakes

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone
cd secsock
  1. Enter the development environment:
nix develop

This will provide you with a shell that contains all of the necessary tools and dependencies for development.

Once you are inside of the development shell, you can update the development dependencies by:

  1. Modifying the flake.nix
  2. Running nix flake update
  3. Committing both the flake.nix and the flake.lock


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in secsock by you, shall be licensed as MPL2.0, without any additional terms or conditions.