Bring back the correct sentence prompt
Bring back the correct sentence prompt
Add icon and color columns to study set & Fix few production env prob…
Add icon and color columns to study set & Fix few production env prob…
Make error messages a little better
Make error messages a little better
Remove unnecessary sql.NullTime use
Remove unnecessary sql.NullTime use
Finish implementing CRUD for definitions
Finish implementing CRUD for definitions
Add sentences property to definition structure & Rename definition's …
Add sentences property to definition structure & Rename definition's …
Add rate limiting & Fix study set get all empty response
Add rate limiting & Fix study set get all empty response
Finish implementing CRUD operations on study sets
Finish implementing CRUD operations on study sets
Make query provider filename to singular form
Make query provider filename to singular form
Fix model tag for CompletionChat struct
Fix model tag for CompletionChat struct
Move sentence generating logic into the sentence repository
Move sentence generating logic into the sentence repository
Force push
Move sentence generating logic into the sentence repository
Move sentence generating logic into the sentence repository
Work on project structure & Store prepared queries for study set repo
Work on project structure & Store prepared queries for study set repo