The following tasks are required to work as described below for every project and should be available if necessary.
Side note: install
has formerly be known as setup
(fab setup
The install task will setup the project for you. It will install dependencies (npm, virtualenv, …), and make sure an initial config exists.
You may need to update config.local.yml
after initially running this tasks and then run b5 update
to (re)create
the application config.
When working on a project you may at some time introduce changes that might break the installation of the project for your colleges. This might include changing the database schema, add additional configuration options, …
b5 update
will use the necessary tools to make sure the project is up to date. This means for
example running database migrations.
The clean task will remove any files installed by b5. This includes for example the node_modules-directory
introduced by npm install
This task will build the CSS files necessary for your project. It will build these files once and then exit. May use Sass or less for doing so.
The js task will build any Javascript files inside your project. This may use Typescript or just webpack to combine multiple files. It will exit after doing so.
The watch task will build CSS and Javascript files on every change. It will stay alive until canceled using Ctrl+C. No other jobs are started, so for example no browsersync will be launched.
Starts the local development server, most of the time we will use something like http://localhost:8000/ for this. The development server may be started inside a docker container using docker-compose.
Stops the development server.
Execute a development shell for the project. May differ based on the project.
Note: Django projects will not use b5 shell
to execute the python shell
as b5 shell
most commonly start a docker shell (like docker-compose run --rm web /bin/bash --login
). We use b5 django:shell
instead. This behavior is true for other frameworks providing its own development shell, too.
Will exeecute the test suite.
Will execute the linter and give you details if anything does not follow the coding guidelines.
Takes at least one parameter: Server to deploy to (example: b5 deploy staging
Will deploy all the changes from the local repository to the server.
Like deploy
but will only setup the project on the server. It will not try to run tasks for
updating the project as these will fail (example: running database migrations without having configured
the database connection is a bad idea).
The following tasks must be available in every project:
- install
- update
If no installation is necessary the tasks should simply do nothing, but still will be available.
The following tasks may exist, but are not as standardised as the tasks above:
- db:init - Initialize an empty DB from scratch
- db:download - Download DB from server, might strip some tables for easy usage.
- db:export - Export the local database.
- db:import - Import a database dump.
- db:prepare:dev - Prepare the database for development (changing configuration, truncate tables, …)
Database dumps are normally stored inside $CONFIG_paths_db
, which in general is set to _db/
inside the
project root.
It is most common to provide tasks to execute the tools we use inside the b5 context. This might for example
mean calling docker-compose
with all the neccessary environment changes set. Tasks provided here might
- docker-compose
- pipenv
- composer
- npm
- …
Most of the times these Tasks just use the modules b5 provides. Example:
task:npm() {
npm:npm "$@"
- browsersync - Start
b5 watch
+ browsersync - TODO