All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Added OpenAPI documentation on API usage
- Added type and description of shape in vocabulary editor
- Performance improvements for metadata editing, vocabulary editing and file operations
- Upgraded JupyterHub to 0.8.2
- Changed webdav library in Jupyter singleuser notebook from wdfs to davfs2
- Use ElasticSearch for retrieving and searching the list of metadata
- Extended vocabulary editor to support entities on other domains
- Support identifier inference from shacl:path and shacl:targetClass
- Improved validation on metadata entities
- Show a spinner while loading metadata
- Improved read-only view for metadata and vocabulary entities
- Use ElasticSearch to populate dropdowns
- Fixed issues with validation of blank nodes
- Fixed error message after logout
- Fixed handling fields with controlled vocabulary
0.6.4 - 2019-05-07
- Initial version to keep track of changes