- Added support for vSAN Health APIs
- Updated bindings with support for the new vSphere 8.0U3 APIs. For details, refer to the API reference guide
- New features of vSphere 8.0U3 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python
- Added type stubs for vSAN APIs
- All type stubs are refactored
- Python 3.12 compatibility (
) - Stub adapters allow the usage of an existing session (
) - Added pyVmomi version in the user-agent request header (
) - Added certFile and certKeyFile attributes to SoapStubAdapter (
) - Added project wide variables to hold the current pyVmomi version - version_info and version_info_str (
) - Added functions to VmomiSupport to list all types - ListManagedTypes(), ListDataTypes(), ListEnumTypes() (
) (9e303c1
) - Added CHANGELOG file (
- Dependency on "pywin32" is removed (
) - Doc: Non-remote ManagedObject and DataObject methods are documented (
) - The support statement now reflects the Broadcom support policy (
) - Copyright switch from VMware to Broadcom (
- sso.SsoAuthenticator.get_bearer_saml_assertion_gss_api() is removed (
) - SSLTunnelConnection is trimmed down to handle only tunnel connections. The code that handles remote proxy doubles the HTTPProxyConnection logic and therefore is removed. (
- 'publicVersions' and 'dottedVersions' aliases are deprecated (
) - pyVmomiSettings.py and related settings are deprecated - allowGetSet, allowCapitalizedNames, binaryIsBytearray, legacyThumbprintException
- Features.py and all pyVmomi feature states logic is deprecated
- pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.VmomiJSONEncoder is deprecated. Use pyVmomi.VmomiJSONEncoder.VmomiJSONEncoder
- pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.templateOf() is deprecated. Use pyVmomi.VmomiJSONEncoder.templateOf()
- pyVmomi.SoapAdapter.ThumbprintMismatchException is deprecated. Use pyVmomi.Security.ThumbprintMismatchException
- Fixed: #978 and #1053 - Fix SmartConnect()'s handling of IPv6 address with square brackets
- Added PyPI classifiers for Python 3.10 and Python 3.11. Support for both versions is verified.
- Updated bindings and type hints with support for vSphere 8.0U2. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, EAM, SMS and VSLM namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 8.0U2?" section in the API reference guide: https://developer.vmware.com/apis/1720/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 8.0U2 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Added bindings and type hints for Virtual Storage Lifecycle Management for vSphere 8.0U1 - VSLM namespace
- Fixed: #1021 - Switch to static imports for type info modules
- Fixed: #1022 - Support proxy authentication
- Add custom HTTP headers support to connect.SmartStubAdapter()
- Missing filters are no longer treated as task failures
- Various small fixes for docstrings and linter checks
- Fixed: #1026 - Use the "from Y import X as X" format to re-export submodules
- Fixed: #1030 - Use a fully qualified name when the type is from another namespace/package
- vcrpy dependency is updated to the latest version with Python 2 support
- testtools dependency is removed
- Travis CI is no longer used
- Various test updates and fixes. All tests are enabled.
- Added missing VMODL1 classes to the type hints
- Enum values now match the letter case of the values from typeinfo files
- Fixed: #1115 - Syntax error in vim/__init__pyi
- Fixed: #1117 - Type stubs: Writable properties are marked as read-only
- Fixed: #1118 - Type stubs: Missing vim.fault.* and vmodl.fault.* types
- Fixed: #1119 - Type stubs: Enum fields should also accept Literal[] str type
- Fixed: #1120 - Type stubs: Exception types must inherit from (Base)Exception
- Updated bindings with support for vSphere 8.0U1. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, EAM and SMS namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 8.0U1?" section in the API reference guide: https://developer.vmware.com/apis/1639/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 8.0U1 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Added support for type hints
- #892 - Allow passing ssl_context when login in with a token
- Fixed: #750 - Bumped vcrpy tests dependency to 2.1
- Fixed: #812 - Fix exception leaks
- Fixed: #1004 - Fix SmartConnect()'s SOAP and OAuth token login
- Fixed: #995 - breaks Ansible vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template folder lookup
- This release restores the legacy behavior when retrieving managed properties and array of instances of ManagedObject
- Fixed: #993 - WaitForTask broken on version >8.0.0
- Fixed: #994 - Pyvomi module failing in connect method
- Replace publicVersions with ltsVersions
- Updated VIM namespace for the next vSphere 8.0 patch release
- Updated bindings with support for vSphere 8.0. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, EAM, SMS and QUERY namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API" section in the API reference guide: https://developer.vmware.com/apis/1355/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 8.0 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Minimum Python 2 requirement is 2.7.9
- DynamicTypeManagerHelper.py is removed
- ManagedMethodExecutorHelper.py is removed
- connect.ConnectNoSSL() and connect.SmartConnectNoSSL() are removed. Use connect.Connect(disableSslCertValidation=True) and connect.SmartConnect(disableSslCertValidation=True)
- VmomiSupport.UncallableManagedMethod is renamed to VmomiSupport.UnknownManagedMethod
Security.py A new module is added to handle thumbprint verification. There is a predefined set of available crypto functions to verify the certificate thumbprints. Its possible to configure during runtime which of the available crypto functions are allowed.
Feature.py A new module related to pyVmomi development within VMware.
VmomiJSONEncoder.py The VmomiJSONEncoder is moved into a dedicated module.
- A new 'binaryIsBytearray' setting is added to select the base type for the binary type. By default, the binary type is 'str' for Python 2 and 'bytes' for Python 3. If binaryIsBytearray is True, the binary type for Python 2 is set to 'bytearray'. Required for VmomiJSONEncoder to work properly.
- The license note is removed from the Python files. LICENSE.txt holds the Apache 2 license note.
- pyVmomi now uses relative imports
- Dependency on "requests" is removed
- Added support for SAML token authentication
- Added timeout for HTTP requests
- Added option to set the maximum amount of time a task is allowed to run. On timeout, an exception is generated if raiseOnError is True.
- Add option to get all updates for the task.
- Add option to use a logger instead of the standard output
- Various bug fixes
- Code style improvements
- connect.OpenUrlWithBasicAuth()
- connect.OpenPathWithStub()
- Added new bindings to support vSphere 7.0U3. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, EAM and SMS namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 7.0U3?" section in the API reference guide: https://code.vmware.com/apis/1192/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 7.0U3 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Outdated samples are removed. Community samples project: https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi-community-samples
- Bindings files are renamed to _typeinfo_{namespace}.py
- "stable" version alias is removed
- "public" version alias is renamed to "LTS"
- Added new bindings to support vSphere 7.0U2. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, EAM and SMS namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 7.0U2?" section in the API reference guide: https://code.vmware.com/apis/1131/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 7.0U2 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Drop support of Python 3.3
- Added new bindings to support vSphere 7.0U1. Includes updates to VIM, PBM, and EAM namespaces. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 7.0U1?" section in the API reference guide: https://code.vmware.com/apis/1067/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 7.0U1 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Added new bindings to support vSphere 7.0. For details, refer "What's New in vSphere API 7.0?" section in the API reference guide: https://code.vmware.com/apis/968/vsphere
- New features of vSphere 7.0 based on REST APIs are available via the vSphere Automation SDK for Python https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python
- Publish new bindings to support vSphere 6.7 Update 3 Release - vmware#827
- Add sso.py to support get bearer/hok token from sso server - vmware#828
- pydoc support Fix - vmware#810
- httpProxy Support Fix - vmware#799
- Changes to VmomiSupport to handle API versions vmware#827
- Other changes Fix vmware#831
- Newer features are available via the new vSphere Automation SDK for Python here
- Support JSON encoding for pyVmomi objects PR #732
- Fix vcrpy hardening in test-requirements. Support versions < 2.0
- Delete deprecated Docs folder
- Publish new bindings to support vSphere 6.7 Update 1 Release
- Newer features are available via the new vSphere Automation SDK for Python here
- Publish new bindings to support vSphere 6.7
- Newer features are available via the new vSphere Automation SDK for Python here
- Fixed issues in first version of 6.7 bindings
- Remove sso.py and it's dependencies(lxml and pyOpenSSL) as they don't compatible with certain OS.
- Add sso.py to support get bearer/hok token from sso server
- Fixes #519, #448, #420, #421 Fix SoapAdapter serializer to support serializing unicode chars.
- Fix #487: Remove custom getattr in _HTTPSConnection
- Add user-agent header when connecting to vsphere
- Spec bump to support vSphere 6.5.
- Include EAM bindings to support vSphere EAM service.
- Fixed server thumbprint verification.
- Fixed sslcontext creation in sample code.
- Newer features are available via the new vSphere Automation SDK for Python here
- Fixed bug in task.py vmware#395
- Add support for SPBM and SMS APIs.
- Python3 related bug fixes.
- Include task.py utility class.
- Spec bump to support vSphere 6.0 server objects and types vSphere 6.0 U1 spec is used
- New ssl context parameter in Connect.py and SoapAdapter.py to support passing various ssl options while connecting to vSphere.
- Drop python 2.6 support.
- Critical bug fixes.
- Fixes bug with Iso8601 date serialization (for messages sent to the service)
- Simplifies test-requirements.txt
- Introduces support for
- Changes version number scheme
- Fixes README to be pypi compatible
- Improved sdist and bdist packaging support
- Changes to package information based on The Python Packaging Authority instructions
- Fix bug that produces traceback when running tests for the first time
- Fixes testing bug present on some distributions.
NOTE: This is a re-release of 5.5.0-2014.1.1 the the version number was changed to eliminate the use of the -
- Release Notes
- Python 3 support
- added unit testing using fixtures
- fixed session timeouts issue
- fixed Querying datastore cluster fails
- fixed Malformed Faults fail in non-informative ways
- added RST documentation
- fixed getheader does not always fetch cookie value
pyVmomi as released with vSphere 5.5.0 GA
Initial open source release!