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MailPoet Email Editor

This folder contains the code for the MailPoet Email Editor PHP Package. We aim to extract the engine as an independent library, so it can be used in other projects. As we are still in an exploration phase, we keep it together with the MailPoet codebase.

You can locate the JS package here packages/js/email-editor

Workflow Commands

We use composer run scripts to run the commands. You can run them using composer run <command>. If you don't have composer installed globally, you can use the composer.phar file in ../mailpoet/tools/vendor.

composer run unit-test                             # runs all the unit tests
composer run unit-test -- [path_to_tests]          # runs a single unit test or a directory of tests
composer run integration-test                      # runs all the integrations tests
composer run integration-test -- [path_to_tests]   # run a single integration test or a directory of tests
composer code-style                                # checks the code style


# To run test cases defined in tests/integration/Engine/Theme_Controller_Test.php run
composer run integration-test -- tests/integration/Engine/Theme_Controller_Test.php


The PHP package is divided into engine and integrations subdirectories. Engine consist of code for the editor core and integrations are for extending the functionality. Anything MailPoet specific should be in the mailpoet/lib/EmailEditor/Integrations folder.

Please avoid using MailPoet-specific services and modules in the Email editor package.


Content Renderer

  • Responsible for rendering saved template + email content to HTML or email clients
  • Flow is Preprocessors > BlocksRenderer > Postprocessors

Root Renderer.php

  • Takes the rendered content html and places it into email HTML template template-canvas.php (We have too many items we call “template” I know 🙁)


Please locate MailPoet PHP integrations here

Known rendering issues

  • In some (not all) Outlook versions the width of columns is not respected. The columns will be rendered with the full width.

Actions and Filters

These actions and filters are currently Work-in-progress. We may add, update and delete any of them.

Please use with caution.


Name Argument Description
mailpoet_email_editor_initialized null Called when the Email Editor is initialized
mailpoet_blocks_renderer_initialized BlocksRegistry Called when the block content renderer is initialized. You may use this to add a new BlockRenderer
mailpoet_email_editor_register_templates Called when the basic blank email template is registered. You can add more templates via register_block_template


Name Argument Return Description
mailpoet_email_editor_post_types Array $postTypes Array EmailPostType Applied to the list of post types used by the getPostTypes method
mailpoet_email_editor_theme_json WP_Theme_JSON $coreThemeData WP_Theme_JSON $themeJson Applied to the theme json data. This theme json data is created from the merging of the WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver::get_core_data and MailPoet owns theme.json file
mailpoet_email_renderer_styles string $templateStyles, WP_Post $post string $templateStyles Applied to the email editor template styles.
mailpoet_blocks_renderer_parsed_blocks WP_Block_Parser_Block[] $output WP_Block_Parser_Block[] $output Applied to the result of parsed blocks created by the BlocksParser.
mailpoet_email_content_renderer_styles string $contentStyles, WP_Post $post string $contentStyles Applied to the inline content styles prior to use by the CSS Inliner.
mailpoet_is_email_editor_page boolean $isEditorPage boolean Check current page is the email editor page
mailpoet_email_editor_send_preview_email Array $postData boolean Result of processing. Was email sent successfully? Allows override of the send preview mail function. Folks may choose to use custom implementation
mailpoet_email_editor_post_sent_status_args Array sent post status args Array register_post_status args Allows update of the argument for the sent post status