[X] README.md included [X] Slides included [X] Code included
- Code follows PEP-8
- Very readable and easy to follow
- Great job using python functions for web scraping. Reminder- include docstrings at the beginning to help the reader understand the inputs and purpose of these functions
- In future projects, try to create functions and py files for your modeling process.
- Good & informative README.md. In the results section you mentioned the features you focused on- name and define them so the reader clearly understand
- Markdown cell at beginning of .ipynb explains scope and analyis
- Could use more markdown cells throughout as section headings and explaining decisions made
- Love the approach/project design of the project. Worked through LR,Ridge,Lasso, and log transforming features.
- Inputting data can be a nightmare. Good to see you tried as many approaches as possible. This is typical data scientist methodology. Good work!
- Feature engineering-after boot camp would love to see if you can do feature interactions.
- Good job on project 2! :)
- Future note- this may be a good project to revisit for project 4 (NLP). You will be able to look into the user reviews and extract information about why the game does well.