diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/LICENSE b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6976043b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2025 Rémi Hutin - Paul Adam - Malo <@MDLC01>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/README.md b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/README.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Curryst
+A Typst package for typesetting proof trees.
+## Import
+You can import the latest version of this package with:
+#import "@preview/curryst:0.4.0": rule, proof-tree
+## Basic usage
+To display a proof tree, you first need to create a tree, using the `rule` function. Its first argument is the conclusion, and the other positional arguments are the premises. It also accepts a `name` for the rule name, displayed on the right of the bar, as well as a `label`, displayed on the left of the bar.
+#let tree = rule(
+ label: [Label],
+ name: [Rule name],
+ [Conclusion],
+ [Premise 1],
+ [Premise 2],
+ [Premise 3]
+Then, you can display the tree with the `proof-tree` function:
+In this case, we get the following result:
+![A proof tree with three premises, a conclusion, and a rule name.](examples/usage.svg)
+Proof trees can be part of mathematical formulas:
+Consider the following tree:
+ Pi quad = quad #proof-tree(
+ rule(
+ $phi$,
+ $Pi_1$,
+ $Pi_2$,
+ )
+ )
+$Pi$ constitutes a derivation of $phi$.
+![The rendered document.](examples/math-formula.svg)
+You can specify a rule as the premises of a rule in order to create a tree:
+ rule(
+ name: $R$,
+ $C_1 or C_2 or C_3$,
+ rule(
+ name: $A$,
+ $C_1 or C_2 or L$,
+ rule(
+ $C_1 or L$,
+ $Pi_1$,
+ ),
+ ),
+ rule(
+ $C_2 or overline(L)$,
+ $Pi_2$,
+ ),
+ )
+![The rendered tree.](examples/rule-as-premise.svg)
+As an example, here is a natural deduction proof tree generated with Curryst:
+![The rendered tree.](examples/natural-deduction.svg)
+ Show code
+ ```typ
+ #let ax = rule.with(name: [ax])
+ #let and-el = rule.with(name: $and_e^ell$)
+ #let and-er = rule.with(name: $and_e^r$)
+ #let impl-i = rule.with(name: $scripts(->)_i$)
+ #let impl-e = rule.with(name: $scripts(->)_e$)
+ #let not-i = rule.with(name: $not_i$)
+ #let not-e = rule.with(name: $not_e$)
+ #proof-tree(
+ impl-i(
+ $tack (p -> q) -> not (p and not q)$,
+ not-i(
+ $p -> q tack not (p and not q)$,
+ not-e(
+ $ underbrace(p -> q\, p and not q, Gamma) tack bot $,
+ impl-e(
+ $Gamma tack q$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p -> q$),
+ and-el(
+ $Gamma tack p$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p and not q$),
+ ),
+ ),
+ and-er(
+ $Gamma tack not q$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p and not q$),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ ```
+## Advanced usage
+The `proof-tree` function accepts multiple named arguments that let you customize the tree:
The minimum amount of space between two premises.
The amount width with which to extend the horizontal bar beyond the content. Also determines how far from the bar labels and names are displayed.
The stroke to use for the horizontal bars.
The space between the bottom of the bar and the conclusion, and between the top of the bar and the premises.
The minimum height of the box containing the horizontal bar.
The orientation of the proof tree (either btt or ttb, btt being the default).
+For more information, please refer to the documentation in [`curryst.typ`](curryst.typ).
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/curryst.typ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/curryst.typ
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da59ec122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/curryst.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+/// Creates an inference rule.
+/// You can render a rule created with this function using the `proof-tree`
+/// function.
+#let rule(
+ /// The label of the rule, displayed on the left of the horizontal bar.
+ label: none,
+ /// The name of the rule, displayed on the right of the horizontal bar.
+ name: none,
+ /// The conclusion of the rule.
+ conclusion,
+ /// The premises of the rule. Might be other rules constructed with this
+ /// function, or some content.
+ ..premises
+) = {
+ assert(
+ label == none or type(label) in (str, content, symbol),
+ message: "the label of a rule must be some content",
+ )
+ assert(
+ name == none or type(name) in (str, content, symbol),
+ message: "the name of a rule must be some content",
+ )
+ assert(
+ type(conclusion) in (str, content, symbol),
+ message: "the conclusion of a rule must be some content (it cannot be another rule)",
+ )
+ for premise in premises.pos() {
+ assert(
+ type(premise) in (str, content, symbol)
+ or (
+ type(premise) == dictionary
+ and "name" in premise
+ and "conclusion" in premise
+ and "premises" in premise
+ ),
+ message: "a premise must be some content or another rule",
+ )
+ }
+ assert.eq(
+ premises.named().len(),
+ 0,
+ message: "unexpected named arguments to `rule`",
+ )
+ (
+ label: label,
+ name: name,
+ conclusion: conclusion,
+ premises: premises.pos()
+ )
+/// Lays out a proof tree.
+#let proof-tree(
+ /// The rule to lay out.
+ ///
+ /// Such a rule can be constructed using the `rule` function.
+ rule,
+ /// The minimum amount of space between two premises.
+ prem-min-spacing: 15pt,
+ /// The amount width with which to extend the horizontal bar beyond the
+ /// content. Also determines how far from the bar labels and names are
+ /// displayed.
+ title-inset: 2pt,
+ /// The stroke to use for the horizontal bars.
+ stroke: stroke(0.4pt),
+ /// The space between the bottom of the bar and the conclusion, and between
+ /// the top of the bar and the premises.
+ ///
+ /// Note that, in this case, "the bar" refers to the bounding box of the
+ /// horizontal line and the rule name (if any).
+ horizontal-spacing: 0pt,
+ /// The minimum height of the box containing the horizontal bar.
+ ///
+ /// The height of this box is normally determined by the height of the rule
+ /// name because it is the biggest element of the box. This setting lets you
+ /// set a minimum height. The default is 0.8em, is higher than a single line
+ /// of content, meaning all parts of the tree will align properly by default,
+ /// even if some rules have no name (unless a rule is higher than a single
+ /// line).
+ min-bar-height: 0.8em,
+ /// The orientation of the proof tree.
+ ///
+ /// If set to ttb, the conclusion will be at the top, and the premises will
+ /// be at the bottom. Defaults to btt, the conclusion being at the bottom
+ /// and the premises at the top.
+ dir: btt,
+) = {
+ /// Lays out some content.
+ ///
+ /// This function simply wraps the passed content in the usual
+ /// `(content: .., left-blank: .., right-blank: ..)` dictionary.
+ let layout-content(content) = {
+ // We wrap the content in a box with fixed dimensions so that fractional units
+ // don't come back to haunt us later.
+ let dimensions = measure(content)
+ (
+ content: box(
+ // stroke: yellow + 0.3pt, // DEBUG
+ ..dimensions,
+ content,
+ ),
+ left-blank: 0pt,
+ right-blank: 0pt,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Lays out multiple premises, spacing them properly.
+ let layout-premises(
+ /// Each laid out premise.
+ ///
+ /// Must be an array of ditionaries with `content`, `left-blank` and
+ /// `right-blank` attributes.
+ premises,
+ /// The minimum amount between each premise.
+ min-spacing,
+ /// If the laid out premises have an inner width smaller than this, their
+ /// spacing will be increased in order to reach this inner width.
+ optimal-inner-width,
+ ) = {
+ let arity = premises.len()
+ if arity == 0 {
+ return layout-content(none)
+ }
+ if arity == 1 {
+ return premises.at(0)
+ }
+ let left-blank = premises.at(0).left-blank
+ let right-blank = premises.at(-1).right-blank
+ let initial-content = stack(
+ dir: ltr,
+ spacing: min-spacing,
+ ..premises.map(premise => premise.content),
+ )
+ let initial-inner-width = measure(initial-content).width - left-blank - right-blank
+ if initial-inner-width >= optimal-inner-width {
+ return (
+ content: box(initial-content),
+ left-blank: left-blank,
+ right-blank: right-blank,
+ )
+ }
+ // Conclusion is wider than the premises: they need to be spaced out.
+ let remaining-space = optimal-inner-width - initial-inner-width
+ let final-content = stack(
+ dir: ltr,
+ spacing: min-spacing + remaining-space / (arity + 1),
+ ..premises.map(premise => premise.content),
+ )
+ (
+ content: box(final-content),
+ left-blank: left-blank,
+ right-blank: right-blank,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Lays out multiple premises that are all leaves, spacing them properly, and
+ /// optionally creating multiple lines if there is not enough available
+ /// horizontal space.
+ let layout-leaf-premises(
+ /// Each laid out premise.
+ ///
+ /// Must be an array of content-like (meaning `content`, `string`, etc.).
+ premises,
+ /// The minimum amount between each premise.
+ min-spacing,
+ /// If the laid out premises have an inner width smaller than this, their
+ /// spacing will be increased in order to reach this inner width.
+ optimal-inner-width,
+ /// The available width for the returned content.
+ ///
+ /// `none` is interpreted as infinite available width.
+ ///
+ /// Ideally, the width of the returned content should be bounded by this
+ /// value, although no guarantee is made.
+ available-width,
+ ) = {
+ // By default, typeset like a regular tree.
+ let default = layout-premises(
+ premises.map(layout-content),
+ min-spacing,
+ optimal-inner-width,
+ )
+ if available-width == none or measure(default.content).width <= available-width {
+ return default
+ }
+ // If there is not enough horizontal space, use multiple lines.
+ let line-builder = stack.with(
+ dir: ltr,
+ spacing: min-spacing,
+ )
+ let lines = ((), )
+ for premise in premises {
+ let augmented-line = lines.last() + (premise, )
+ if available-width == none or measure(line-builder(..augmented-line)).width <= available-width {
+ lines.last() = augmented-line
+ } else {
+ lines.push((premise, ))
+ }
+ }
+ layout-content({
+ set align(center)
+ stack(
+ dir: ttb,
+ spacing: 0.7em,
+ ..lines
+ .filter(line => line.len() != 0)
+ .map(line => line-builder(..line)),
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ /// Lays out the horizontal bar of a rule.
+ let layout-bar(
+ /// The stroke to use for the bar.
+ stroke,
+ /// The length of the bar, without taking hangs into account.
+ length,
+ /// How much to extend the bar to the left and to the right.
+ hang,
+ /// The label of the rule, displayed on the left of the bar.
+ ///
+ /// If this is `none`, no label is displayed.
+ label,
+ /// The name of the rule, displayed on the right of the bar.
+ ///
+ /// If this is `none`, no name is displayed.
+ name,
+ /// The space to leave between the label and the bar, and between the bar
+ /// and the name.
+ margin,
+ /// The minimum height of the content to return.
+ min-height,
+ ) = {
+ let bar = line(
+ start: (0pt, 0pt),
+ length: length + 2 * hang,
+ stroke: stroke,
+ )
+ let (width: label-width, height: label-height) = measure(label)
+ let (width: name-width, height: name-height) = measure(name)
+ let content = {
+ show: box.with(
+ // stroke: green + 0.3pt, // DEBUG
+ height: calc.max(label-height, name-height, min-height),
+ )
+ set align(horizon)
+ let bake(body) = if body == none {
+ none
+ } else {
+ move(dy: -0.15em, box(body, ..measure(body)))
+ }
+ let parts = (
+ bake(label),
+ bar,
+ bake(name),
+ ).filter(p => p != none)
+ stack(
+ dir: ltr,
+ spacing: margin,
+ ..parts,
+ )
+ }
+ (
+ content: content,
+ left-blank:
+ if label == none {
+ hang
+ } else {
+ hang + margin + label-width
+ },
+ right-blank:
+ if name == none {
+ hang
+ } else {
+ hang + margin + name-width
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ /// Lays out the application of a rule.
+ let layout-rule(
+ /// The laid out premises.
+ ///
+ /// This must be a dictionary with `content`, `left-blank`
+ /// and `right-blank` attributes.
+ premises,
+ /// The conclusion, displayed below the bar.
+ conclusion,
+ /// The stroke of the bar.
+ bar-stroke,
+ /// The amount by which to extend the bar on each side.
+ bar-hang,
+ /// The label of the rule, displayed on the left of the bar.
+ ///
+ /// If this is `none`, no label is displayed.
+ label,
+ /// The name of the rule, displayed on the right of the bar.
+ ///
+ /// If this is `none`, no name is displayed.
+ name,
+ /// The space to leave between the label and the bar, and between the bar
+ /// and the name.
+ bar-margin,
+ /// The spacing above and below the bar.
+ horizontal-spacing,
+ /// The minimum height of the bar element.
+ min-bar-height,
+ ) = {
+ // Fix the dimensions of the conclusion and name to prevent problems with
+ // fractional units later.
+ conclusion = box(conclusion, ..measure(conclusion))
+ let premises-inner-width = measure(premises.content).width - premises.left-blank - premises.right-blank
+ let conclusion-width = measure(conclusion).width
+ let bar-length = calc.max(premises-inner-width, conclusion-width)
+ let bar = layout-bar(bar-stroke, bar-length, bar-hang, label, name, bar-margin, min-bar-height)
+ let left-start
+ let right-start
+ let premises-left-offset
+ let conclusion-left-offset
+ if premises-inner-width > conclusion-width {
+ left-start = calc.max(premises.left-blank, bar.left-blank)
+ right-start = calc.max(premises.right-blank, bar.right-blank)
+ premises-left-offset = left-start - premises.left-blank
+ conclusion-left-offset = left-start + (premises-inner-width - conclusion-width) / 2
+ } else {
+ let premises-left-hang = premises.left-blank - (bar-length - premises-inner-width) / 2
+ let premises-right-hang = premises.right-blank - (bar-length - premises-inner-width) / 2
+ left-start = calc.max(premises-left-hang, bar.left-blank)
+ right-start = calc.max(premises-right-hang, bar.right-blank)
+ premises-left-offset = left-start + (bar-length - premises-inner-width) / 2 - premises.left-blank
+ conclusion-left-offset = left-start
+ }
+ let bar-left-offset = left-start - bar.left-blank
+ let content = {
+ // show: box.with(stroke: yellow + 0.3pt) // DEBUG
+ let stack-dir = dir.inv()
+ let align-y = dir.start()
+ set align(align-y + left)
+ stack(
+ dir: stack-dir,
+ spacing: horizontal-spacing,
+ h(premises-left-offset) + premises.content,
+ h(bar-left-offset) + bar.content,
+ h(conclusion-left-offset) + conclusion,
+ )
+ }
+ (
+ content: box(content),
+ left-blank: left-start + (bar-length - conclusion-width) / 2,
+ right-blank: right-start + (bar-length - conclusion-width) / 2,
+ )
+ }
+ /// Lays out an entire proof tree.
+ ///
+ /// All lengths passed to this function must be resolved.
+ let layout-tree(
+ /// The rule containing the tree to lay out.
+ rule,
+ /// The available width for the tree.
+ ///
+ /// `none` is interpreted as infinite available width.
+ ///
+ /// Ideally, the width of the returned tree should be bounded by this value,
+ /// although no guarantee is made.
+ available-width,
+ /// The minimum amount between each premise.
+ min-premise-spacing,
+ /// The stroke of the bar.
+ bar-stroke,
+ /// The amount by which to extend the bar on each side.
+ bar-hang,
+ /// The space to leave between the label and the bar, and between the bar
+ /// and the name.
+ bar-margin,
+ /// The margin above and below the bar.
+ horizontal-spacing,
+ /// The minimum height of the bar element.
+ min-bar-height,
+ ) = {
+ if type(rule) != dictionary {
+ return layout-content(rule)
+ }
+ // A small branch is a tree whose premises (if any) are all leaves. The
+ // premises of such a tree can be typeset in multiple lines in case there is
+ // not enough horizontal space.
+ let is-small-branch = rule.premises.all(premise => type(premise) != dictionary)
+ let premises = if is-small-branch {
+ let width-available-to-premises = none
+ if available-width != none {
+ width-available-to-premises = available-width - bar-hang * 2
+ if rule.name != none {
+ width-available-to-premises -= bar-margin + measure(rule.name).width
+ }
+ if rule.label != none {
+ width-available-to-premises -= bar-margin + measure(rule.label).width
+ }
+ // This fixes some rounding issues in auto sized containers.
+ width-available-to-premises += 0.00000001pt
+ }
+ layout-leaf-premises(
+ rule.premises,
+ min-premise-spacing,
+ measure(rule.conclusion).width,
+ width-available-to-premises,
+ )
+ } else {
+ layout-premises(
+ rule.premises.map(premise => layout-tree(
+ premise,
+ none,
+ min-premise-spacing,
+ bar-stroke,
+ bar-hang,
+ bar-margin,
+ horizontal-spacing,
+ min-bar-height,
+ )),
+ min-premise-spacing,
+ measure(rule.conclusion).width,
+ )
+ }
+ layout-rule(
+ premises,
+ rule.conclusion,
+ bar-stroke,
+ bar-hang,
+ rule.label,
+ rule.name,
+ bar-margin,
+ horizontal-spacing,
+ min-bar-height,
+ )
+ }
+ layout(available => {
+ let tree = layout-tree(
+ rule,
+ available.width,
+ prem-min-spacing.to-absolute(),
+ stroke,
+ title-inset.to-absolute(),
+ title-inset.to-absolute(),
+ horizontal-spacing.to-absolute(),
+ min-bar-height.to-absolute(),
+ ).content
+ block(
+ // stroke : black + 0.3pt, // DEBUG
+ ..measure(tree),
+ breakable: false,
+ tree,
+ )
+ })
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/math-formula.svg b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/math-formula.svg
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index 000000000..bb80365d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/math-formula.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
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index 000000000..598b6a8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/math-formula.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#import "../curryst.typ": rule, proof-tree
+#set document(date: none)
+#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0.5cm, fill: white)
+Consider the following tree:
+ Pi quad = quad #proof-tree(
+ rule(
+ $phi$,
+ $Pi_1$,
+ $Pi_2$,
+ )
+ )
+$Pi$ constitutes a derivation of $phi$.
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.svg b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b467cd597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.typ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.typ
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de4615415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/natural-deduction.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#import "../curryst.typ": rule, proof-tree
+#set document(date: none)
+#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0.5cm, fill: white)
+#let ax = rule.with(name: [ax])
+#let and-el = rule.with(name: $and_e^ell$)
+#let and-er = rule.with(name: $and_e^r$)
+#let impl-i = rule.with(name: $scripts(->)_i$)
+#let impl-e = rule.with(name: $scripts(->)_e$)
+#let not-i = rule.with(name: $not_i$)
+#let not-e = rule.with(name: $not_e$)
+ impl-i(
+ $tack (p -> q) -> not (p and not q)$,
+ not-i(
+ $p -> q tack not (p and not q)$,
+ not-e(
+ $ underbrace(p -> q\, p and not q, Gamma) tack bot $,
+ impl-e(
+ $Gamma tack q$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p -> q$),
+ and-el(
+ $Gamma tack p$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p and not q$),
+ ),
+ ),
+ and-er(
+ $Gamma tack not q$,
+ ax($Gamma tack p and not q$),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.svg b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aabc7e75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.typ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.typ
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be4d9c3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/rule-as-premise.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#import "../curryst.typ": rule, proof-tree
+#set document(date: none)
+#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0.5cm, fill: white)
+ rule(
+ name: $R$,
+ $C_1 or C_2 or C_3$,
+ rule(
+ name: $A$,
+ $C_1 or C_2 or L$,
+ rule(
+ $C_1 or L$,
+ $Pi_1$,
+ ),
+ ),
+ rule(
+ $C_2 or overline(L)$,
+ $Pi_2$,
+ ),
+ )
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/usage.svg b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/usage.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8989d45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/usage.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3937f04ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/examples/usage.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#import "../curryst.typ": rule, proof-tree
+#set document(date: none)
+#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0.5cm, fill: white)
+#let tree = rule(
+ label: [Label],
+ name: [Rule name],
+ [Conclusion],
+ [Premise 1],
+ [Premise 2],
+ [Premise 3]
diff --git a/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/typst.toml b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/typst.toml
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index 000000000..a008a0f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/preview/curryst/0.4.0/typst.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+name = "curryst"
+version = "0.4.0"
+entrypoint = "curryst.typ"
+authors = ["Rémi Hutin <@remih23>", "Paul Adam <@pauladam94>", "Malo <@MDLC01>"]
+license = "MIT"
+description = "Typeset trees of inference rules."
+repository = "https://github.com/pauladam94/curryst"
+keywords = ["proof tree", "prooftree", "inference", "logic"]
+categories = ["components", "visualization", "integration"]
+disciplines = ["computer-science", "mathematics"]
+compiler = "0.12.0"
+exclude = [".gitignore", "examples/*", "tests/*"]