add any packages to DESCRIPTION renv::snapshot() beware that seems that there are a load of packages incl. tidyverse, googlesheets etc. in the renv lockfile that aren't used in the book pages - maybe some are from the slides and don't need to be there. This which is supposed to just query DESCRIPTION excludes them. renv::snapshot(type="explicit")
use_github_action("bookdown") renv::snapshot() replaced the package installation bit in bookdown.yaml with an older one (still using renv) then it started working no need to commit a gh-pages branch locally first from Github repo enable pages added DESCRIPTION file for dependencies
Chapter numbering.
0x0 to start a 'Part' add the Part header in the file 0x1 etc. within a part
r scripts stored in their own folder chapter file is created by : x-create-readme-book.r add scripts & source x-create to update