- Change comments so they appear in the right spot for all content types.
- Ensure consistent display on all content types.
- End of day processing?
- Faceted search.
- Add more types to front page search.
- Audit & Fix up permissions.
- Convert to use phpmoney class?
- Provide default templates:
- Password record.
- Troubleshooting tips.
- Contract.
- Users
- Computers.
- Printers.
- Emailing invoices.
- Templating invoices.
- Printing invoices.
- Add sync to Xero.
- Make nice calendar view.
- Auto create bill on entry.
- Relate to purchase orders.
- Add subscription based invoices.
- Auto emailed statements.
- Method of identifying which register/pos was used?
- Stock take list
- POS front end.
- Auto create subscription on invoice submission.
- Auto combine subscriptions for the same day to create a single invoice.
- If there are already subscriptions created for an item, don't allow changing the subscription period.
- What do, we do everything 'inc' tax, but other countries have differing requirements. Need to be flexible. Probably later.
- Incoming email to ticket?
- Check in on job ability - technician front end.
- Base fields same as line item
- Calculate and store dollar value on save to be simpler when adding as line item?
- More example webform's
- Use https://github.com/commerceguys/intl ?
- Information pages publishing status, authored by can be hidden
- Why does document have a status field?
- Revision log messages in an accordion
- Make 'About text formats' nicer
- Hide 'Show row weights' unless an admin
- Hide customer balance field unless admin
- Dashboard of 'all the things'
- Front page selection screen additional type searches
- Theme improvements
- Authentication via LDAP/AD
- Outlook & gmail sync
- Dashboard per customer to include:
- Current invoices outstanding
- Subscriptions
- Last contacted
- Email & Telephone numbers
- Direct link to managed services console
- Direct link to subscription console(s)
- SMS ability
- Encypted password document/field type https://www.drupal.org/project/encrypt_content_client ?
- Expiring discount for payment within X days.
- Lookup product on supplier to check stock levels on viewing.
- Lookup product on shopping site to get price range.
- Provide bookmark-let, chrome add-on or similar for easy entry of product.
- Auto lookup product from barcode on amazon or similar?
- Item type with built in 10th item free - eg ink cartridges.
- Add PABX module with asterisk sub-module for auto importing phone records.
- Auto populate invoices when Total amount typed in; or
- Calculate the Total as the invoices are selected.
- Export email addresses
- Stocktake process
- External facing dashboard for customer
- Signature acceptance
- App?
- Slack integration on incoming ticket.
- To do or not to do.
- Integration with Nextcloud.
- Pull in records from rmm.
- Provide deep linking direct to machines.
- eg. Printer inks, 10th for free.