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Univiçosa Laravel OpenId Client

univicosa/laravel-openid-client is a Laravel package which created to integrate the Oauth server to ours Laravel project's that requires authentication.


Installation using composer:

composer require univicosa/laravel-openid-client

For Laravel versions < 5.5 add the service provider in config/app.php:


To personalize the config, publish the package's configuration file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=openid-config

The file config/openid.php will be generated.

Oauth public key

Your system need the oauth public key to connect and communicate with the Oauth Server.So you need to copy the public key file to storage folder of your project.

Redirecting to Login

In the file app\Exceptions\Handler.php find or overwrite the unauthenticated method and change the redirect route to:

protected function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception) : \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
     if ($request->expectsJson()) {
         return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthenticated.'], 401);
     if (env('APP_ENV') === 'local') {
         return redirect()->guest(route('login'));

     return redirect()->guest(config('openid.server') . '/login?continue=' . $request->url());

.env File

Set a variable called SESSION_LIFETIME in the .env file and define it to the time in minutes you want to keep the logged session. The max time of the Oauth Server keeps the session is 240 minutes (4 hours).

#### APP CONFIG ####
APP_URL=url-project (

#### CACHE CONFIG ####


#### OAUTH OPENID ####

Change Kernel.php

In file app/Http/Kernel.php* change the attribute $routeMiddleware

protected $routeMiddleware = [
   'auth' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate::class // CHANGE THIS

For change the Guard

change the file config\auth.php to:

'guards' => [
    'web' => [
        'driver' => 'openid',
        'provider' => NULL,
     * ...


The client methods are available under the facade \OpenId.

The authentication methods like the verifier \Auth::check() are available under the Facade \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

The facade \Oauth2 provides all helpers needed to get and post data from the Oauth Server.

\Ouath2 methods available

@method \Oauth2::getSystems(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/system'

@return array With Systems available in Oauth Server
@method \Oauth2::getSystemRoles(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/system/roles'

@return array With System givable roles
@method \Oauth2::getSystemPermissions(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/system/permissions'

@return array With System givable permissions
@method \Oauth2::getUser(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/user'

@return array With logged user data
@method \Oauth2::getUserProfiles(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/profile'

@return array With logged user profiles
@method \Oauth2::getUserByCpf(string $cpf): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/cpf'

@return array With the data of user owner of document given
@method \Oauth2::getUsersByCpf(array $cpf): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/search/cpf'

@return array With the data of user owner of document given: limit array size to 100 items
@method \Oauth2::searchUserByName(string $name): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/name'

@return array With the data of users owner of document given
@method \Oauth2::searchUserByRegistry(string $registry): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/registry'

@return array With the data of users owner of registry given
@method \Oauth2::getUserSystems(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/user/systems'

@return array With the systems that the user is allowed to access
@method \Oauth2::getUserPermissions(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/user/permissions'

@return array With the roles that the logged user has in the request owner
@method \Oauth2::getGenders(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/profile/genders'

@return array With th data of all genders available for select on the Oauth Server
@method \Oauth2::setUserPermission(string $cpf, string $role, string $expires_at = ''): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/permission'

@return array with the response of Post action
@method \Oauth2::isAddressFilled(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/address/filled'

@return array With the Boolean response if the user address data is populated on the Oauth Server
@method \Oauth2::getStates(): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/address/states'

@return array With the data of all Brazilian states present on the Oauth Server
@method \Oauth2::getCities(string $state): array
@api GET '/api/{version}/address/cities/{state}'

@return array With the data of all Brazilian cities according to the state given present on the Oauth Server
@method \Oauth2::setAddress(array $data): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/address'

@return array with the response of Post action
@method \Oauth2::setProfile(array $data): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/profile'

@return array with the response of Post action
@method \Oauth2::setUsername(array $data): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/user/update/username'

@return array with the response of Post action
@method \Oauth2::getUsersType(string $type): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/profile/users/type'

@return array With all user data available for a type selected on the Oauth server
@method \Oauth2::setUsersType(array $data): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/profile/create/usertype'

@return array with the response of Post action
@method \Oauth2::removeAllTypesFromUser(array $data): array
@api POST '/api/{version}/profile/remove/usertype'

@return array with the response of Post action

View components


For load the user's logged menu, the fast access with the users permissions and render the Login Button in case you have not authenticated page, just call the Blade directive under your header component.


The login directive will call the route you pass or return the oauth path formated with the continue parameter to the required route.

Redirecting routes

The dynamic route from Oauth system can redirect the user back to the source using the ?continue url parameter.

The following example will be redirect back to the source after the user executes the actions needed in the Oauth Service page:

config('openid.server') . '{ouath_service_page}?' . http_build_query(['continue' => {route_to_redirect_back}])