errant variable in getJSONFromZip - corrected
errant variable in getJSONFromZip - corrected
Fixed an issue with mimecast improperly setting mime type outlined in…
Fixed an issue with mimecast improperly setting mime type outlined in…
fixed errors of undefined variables for users that do not use oauth o…
fixed errors of undefined variables for users that do not use oauth o…
updated documentation for a quick push to get fixed postgres function…
updated documentation for a quick push to get fixed postgres function…
added clear token option, updated scopes for m365
added clear token option, updated scopes for m365
corrected an issue where oauth tokens are not renewed correctly
corrected an issue where oauth tokens are not renewed correctly
corrected an issue where oauth tokens are not renewed correctly;
corrected an issue where oauth tokens are not renewed correctly;
expanded token storage in mysql, fixed some errors related to oauth2
expanded token storage in mysql, fixed some errors related to oauth2