Arcspeed Calculator : Useful for calculating arc speed for a specific deg/s at given ranges! Tank gamers gonna love this.
Sudoku solver : Because why not? - Migrated from my separate sudoku solver repo for repo clarity.
Tamagotchi's minigame: Guessing game from tamagotchi minigame. Again, migrated from my separate tamagame repo for clarity.
ROI calculator: Calculation of ROI.
Rangefinder: Calculation of range based by miliradians.
Effective armor thickness: Calculation of effective armor thickness based by angle.
- Leading system for tanks (where to aim lead crosshair on moving objects in order to hit)
- Artillery strike arc system for SPGs (under development now)
This repo started out as: "Messing around with all the random testing stuff for Git/Github playground goes into this..."
But then I also figured out, that I'll need a "container" for all my projects to quickly throw in somewhere, so this repository gonna exactly serve that purpose.
This project is an as-is, and it might get somewhere at some point ...at some time.