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class: center, middle

Hey, Erlang

Pre-alpha Kottans courses

class: center,middle

Introduction into OTP.

Lecture 6.

class: center,middle

Erlang Make

class: center

Erlang Make

--- # Erlang Make --- # Erlang Make

Erlang has it's own builtin tool for making applications and/or modules. It works with globs and can pass compile options to compiler. Take a look at sample Emakefile in app_1 folder (don't forget to take a look at app_1 structure)

% Emakefile
{'./src/*', % glob with path to source files
  [debug_info, % include debug info into BEAM file (enlarges it's size)
  {outdir, "./ebin/"}, % output directory
  {i, "./include/."} % path for includes
  ] % compiler options

This is the one of easiest sample to compile your Erlang application. Let's take a closer look at some selected compiler options you may need.

Erlang Make

Compiler options

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems
  • debug_info - includes debug information into BEAM module which allows to connect debugger

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems
  • debug_info - includes debug information into BEAM module which allows to connect debugger
  • report - print errors and warnings

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems
  • debug_info - includes debug information into BEAM module which allows to connect debugger
  • report - print errors and warnings
  • verbose - verbose mode

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems
  • debug_info - includes debug information into BEAM module which allows to connect debugger
  • report - print errors and warnings
  • verbose - verbose mode
  • {i, Dir} - include search path, Dir is a list

Erlang Make

Compiler options

  • compressed - makes compressed BEAM, useful for embedded systems
  • debug_info - includes debug information into BEAM module which allows to connect debugger
  • report - print errors and warnings
  • verbose - verbose mode
  • {i, Dir} - include search path, Dir is a list
  • {outdir, Dir} - set directory to output BEAM files. Current directory by default

class: center,middle


class: center,middle



class: center



--- # OTP ## Behaviors --- # OTP ## Behaviors

Behaviors is Erlang way to force module to implement some general interface. When you are going to create library or application that will be used outside with associated callbacks - behaviour is the best way to do this. Take a closer look about defining your own behaviour:



Behaviors is Erlang way to force module to implement some general interface. When you are going to create library or application that will be used outside with associated callbacks - behaviour is the best way to do this. Take a closer look about defining your own behaviour:

% gen_foo.erl

behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
    {foo, 0}, % in format Function = atom(), Arity = number()
    {bar, 1},
    {baz, 2}
behaviour_info(_Other) ->


Behaviors. Usage

Now, when we have our first behaviour, let's try to use it and see what happens if we fail to describe it correct. Let's create a file named foo_module_step1.erl

-behavior(gen_foo). % usage of our gen_foo

foo() ->
bar(_) ->


Behaviors. Usage

And now it's a time to compile our first try.

1> c(gen_foo).
2> c(foo_module_step1).
foo_module_step1.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function bar/1 (behaviour 'gen_foo')
foo_module_step1.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function baz/2 (behaviour 'gen_foo')
foo_module_step1.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function foo/0 (behaviour 'gen_foo')
foo_module_step1.erl:4: Warning: function foo/0 is unused
foo_module_step1.erl:6: Warning: function bar/1 is unused

Why this happened? We forgot to export functions so they are private and invisible for behavior description. Now it's a time to correct our warnings. Notice, that module foo_module_step1 is compiled anyway.


Behaviors. Usage

So, let's create second file named foo_module_step2.erl. It will look like this:

-export([foo/0, bar/1, baz/2]). % export functions needed by behavior

foo() ->
bar(_) ->
baz(_, _) ->


Behaviors. Usage

Now we need to compile it to check if everything works correctly.

1> c(foo_module_step2).

As you can see everything went ok.


Behaviors. Usage

Let's complicate things a bit. Now we will create callbacks-enabled behavior. Let's create file gen_listener.erl

-export([init/1, behaviour_info/1]).

init(Mod) ->
  spawn(fun() -> loop(Mod) end).

behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
  [{parse_message, 1}];
behaviour_info(_Others) ->

loop(Mod) ->
    terminate ->
    Message ->
  after 0 ->


Behavior. Usage

And now it's a time to create real listener.erl

-export([init/0, parse_message/1]).

init() ->

parse_message(Message) ->
  io:format("Received message ~s~n", [Message]).


Behavior. Usage

Now we are going to compile and test them.

1> c(gen_listener).
2> c(listener).
3> Pid = listener:init().
4> Pid ! "Hello, World!"
Received message Hello, world!
"Hello, world!"
5> Pid ! terminate.
6> process_info(Pid).

class: center,middle


OTP introduced behaviors


OTP introduced behaviors


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.

  • gen_server - for implementing standard server from client-server relation


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.

  • gen_server - for implementing standard server from client-server relation
  • gen_fsm - for finite state machines


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.

  • gen_server - for implementing standard server from client-server relation
  • gen_fsm - for finite state machines
  • gen_event - for implementing event handling


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.

  • gen_server - for implementing standard server from client-server relation
  • gen_fsm - for finite state machines
  • gen_event - for implementing event handling
  • supervisor - for implementing supervisors from supervisors tree


OTP introduced behaviors

There is a list of OTP behaviors with short explanation.

  • gen_server - for implementing standard server from client-server relation
  • gen_fsm - for finite state machines
  • gen_event - for implementing event handling
  • supervisor - for implementing supervisors from supervisors tree
  • application - for application callback module

class: center,middle

End of Lecture 6

Subject of next lecture: OTP. Application structure.

class: center,middle

Bye, folks!

Joe with notebook