Focus outside the player (e.g. click anywhere in the page) and press a hotkey (e.g. space bar).
+ The player hotkey should trigger and perform the action.
By setting globalHotkeys: true extends the normal hotkey behavior at the global level. Therefore
+ hotkeys: true also need to be set.
Note that if the focus is on an interactive element in the page, the global hotkey behavior would not trigger.
Player with default hotkeys
Player with 'x' button linked to play/pause
Test Interactive Area
This is a sample paragraph with some interactive content.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
diff --git a/src/js/player.js b/src/js/player.js
index 0345f93e5a..b298c6c59e 100644
--- a/src/js/player.js
+++ b/src/js/player.js
@@ -374,6 +374,8 @@ class Player extends Component {
this.boundUpdatePlayerHeightOnAudioOnlyMode_ = (e) => this.updatePlayerHeightOnAudioOnlyMode_(e);
+ this.boundGlobalKeydown_ = (e) => this.handleGlobalKeydown_(e);
// default isFullscreen_ to false
this.isFullscreen_ = false;
@@ -615,6 +617,10 @@ class Player extends Component {
this.on('keydown', (e) => this.handleKeyDown(e));
this.on('languagechange', (e) => this.handleLanguagechange(e));
+ if (this.isGlobalHotKeysEnabled()) {
+ Events.on(document.body, 'keydown', this.boundGlobalKeydown_);
+ }
@@ -650,6 +656,7 @@ class Player extends Component {
// Make sure all player-specific document listeners are unbound. This is, this.fsApi_.fullscreenchange, this.boundDocumentFullscreenChange_);, 'keydown', this.boundFullWindowOnEscKey_);
+, 'keydown', this.boundGlobalKeydown_);
if (this.styleEl_ && this.styleEl_.parentNode) {
@@ -2251,6 +2258,12 @@ class Player extends Component {
this.trigger('textdata', data);
+ handleGlobalKeydown_(event) {
+ if ( === document.body) {
+ this.handleKeyDown(event);
+ }
+ }
* Get object for cached values.
@@ -4574,6 +4587,10 @@ class Player extends Component {
+ isGlobalHotKeysEnabled() {
+ return !!(this.options_ && this.options_.userActions && this.options_.userActions.globalHotkeys);
+ }
enableAudioOnlyUI_() {
// Update styling immediately to show the control bar so we can get its height
diff --git a/test/unit/player-user-actions.test.js b/test/unit/player-user-actions.test.js
index d639434edc..35a5614e2a 100644
--- a/test/unit/player-user-actions.test.js
+++ b/test/unit/player-user-actions.test.js
@@ -639,3 +639,58 @@ QUnit.test('hotkeys are NOT ignored when focus is on a button input', function(a
defaultKeyTests.mute(this.player, assert, true);
defaultKeyTests.playPause(this.player, assert, true);
+QUnit.module('Player: User Actions: Global Hotkeys', {
+ beforeEach() {
+ this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer();
+ },
+ afterEach() {
+ this.player.dispose();
+ this.clock.restore();
+ }
+QUnit.test('when userActions.globalHotkeys is true, hotkeys are enabled at document.body level', function(assert) {
+ this.player.dispose();
+ this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
+ controls: true,
+ userActions: {
+ globalHotkeys: true,
+ hotkeys: true
+ }
+ });
+ this.player.requestFullscreen = sinon.spy();
+ const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
+ key: 'f'
+ });
+ document.body.dispatchEvent(event);
+ assert.strictEqual(this.player.requestFullscreen.callCount, 1, 'has gone fullscreen');
+QUnit.test('when userActions.globalHotkeys is NOT true, hotkeys are NOT enabled at document.body level', function(assert) {
+ this.player.dispose();
+ this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
+ controls: true,
+ userActions: {
+ globalHotkeys: false,
+ hotkeys: true
+ }
+ });
+ this.player.requestFullscreen = sinon.spy();
+ const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
+ key: 'f'
+ });
+ document.body.dispatchEvent(event);
+ assert.strictEqual(this.player.requestFullscreen.callCount, 0, 'has not gone fullscreen');