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List of YNAB Toolkit Features

General (Click to Expand/Collapse)

Add "Copy Transactions" to Activity Modals

Add a button to copy transactions displayed in the various Activity Modals (Budget and Reports pages).

Adjust Account Name Height

Make the account names and their padding in the sidebar smaller allowing more accounts to fit on the screen.

Adjust Navigation Tabs Height

Make the navigation tab names (Budget, Reports, etc) and their padding smaller allowing more content to fit on the screen.

Adjust Scrollbars Size

Choose between smaller and cleaner scrollbars across the application.

Emphasize Accounts Needing Import

Adds an underline to account names in the sidebar that have transactions to be imported. Hovering over the account name will display the number of transactions waiting to be imported.

Emphasize Negative Loans

Emphasize loans with negative balances similar to how other negative accounts are emphasized.

Emphasize Negative Numbers

Make all round borders on all negative numbers square making them a bit more of an eyesore so you want to get rid of them!

Emphasize Uncleared Accounts

Add a small indicator next to account balances on the sidebar to indicate not all transactions are cleared.

Hide Account Balances

Allows you to hide account type totals and/or account balances.

Hide Blue Help (?) Button

Hide the blue help (?) button in the bottom right corner of the screen. The button can then be toggled using the button added to the User Menu (click your e-mail).

Hide Closed Accounts

Hide closed accounts from the sidebar. They can then be toggled using the button added to the User Menu (click your e-mail).

Hide Edit Account Button

Hide the "Edit Account" icon on account rows in the sidebar to avoid misclicks. You can still edit an account by right-clicking the account name.

Hide Referral Banner

Hides the "Share YNAB, Get YNAB free" banner.

Modify Currency Colors

Add an option in YNAB's Display Menu to customize the default green/orange/red color scheme to whatever you wish.

Modify Interface Font

Select a font from the Google Fonts library or choose to use your system font.

POS-style Currency Entry

Allow entry of currency values without decimal separators (as done in real-life on POS terminals). For example, entering a figure of "500" will expand to "5.00". Values containing decimal separators will be left unmodified (e.g. "50.00" will stay "50.00"). As a shorthand, values ending with "-" will be expanded to full monetary unit (e.g. "50-" will result in "50.00"). Math operations are supported as well (e.g. "50*5" becomes "2.50").

Printing Improvements

Changes print styles so budget and account sections can be easily printed. Due to the number of columns, the account section should be printed using landscape orientation.

Privacy Mode

Obscure dollar amounts everywhere until hovered. In toggle mode, a lock icon will appear in the lower left corner of YNAB. Click to enable or disable privacy mode.

Budget (Click to Expand/Collapse)

Add Category Filter

Add a textbox to the budget page allowing you to filter categories.

Add Custom Average Month Quick Budget

Select an average month count to calculate a quick budget option with

Add Date of Money Tooltip

Hovering "Age of Money" will display the date of the income. For example, on 11th January with Age of Money = 10, Date of Money would be 1st January.

Add Days of Buffering

Add a calculation which shows how long your money would likely last if you never earned another cent based on your average spending from a chosen date range. We know that no month is 'average' but this should give you some idea of how much of a buffer you have. The actual calculation is the sum of all your budget accounts divided by the average daily outflow in the time range. Optionally, you can exclude negative credit card balances for better accuracy when carrying credit card debt.

Add Days of Buffering - Exclude Credit Cards

Option to exclude credit cards from the days of buffering calculation, this will usually eliminate negative calculations for Days of Buffering but it should be noted that this will also inflate you "Days of Buffering" as far as the actual calculation goes.

Add Fund Half

Adds a button or buttons to fund half of your category's monthly Target amount. Perfect for budget categories you fund half of twice a month. Low Half/High Half refers to which you assign when the monthly Target amount is an odd number. Works with multiple selected budget categories.

Add Goal Indicator

Add an indicator to subcategories with goals. Types: (M)onthly goal, target by (D)ate goal, (T)arget without date, (S)pending goals, and (U)pcoming transactions.

Add Master Category Toggle

Add a toggle to the budget table header to expand/collapse all categories at once. You can also enable "Solo Mode" by right clicking the toggle which will ensure only one category is expanded at a time.

Add Pacing

Add a column for "pacing" which shows you how much money you have left in your budget proportionate to how much time is left in the month.

Add Quick Budget Confirmation

Pop up a confirmation prompt when using a quick budget option to prevent mistakingly altering your budget.

Add Total Monthly Goals

Add a 'Total Monthly Goals' section to the budget inspector, which displays the total amount of monthly funding goals. It's also possible to have a more detailed overview of the goals, and information of 'Income vs Spending' for the month.

Adjust Budget Row Height

Make the height of budget category rows smaller allowing more categories to fit on the screen.

Adjust Category Activity Popup Size

Makes the screen that pops up when you click on activity from a budget category wider so you can see more details of the transactions listed.

Adjust Category Dropdown Size

The Categories Dropdown that shows in the move money modal is quite small. Show more categories if the page real estate allows for it.

Adjust Monthly Notes Popup Size

Makes the screen that pops up when you click on 'Enter a note...' below the month name wider so you can add more text.

Budget Rows Progress Bars

Add progress bars and a vertical bar that shows how far you are through the month to category rows.

Collapse Budget Inspector

Add a collapse button to the bottom of the budget inspector.

Colored Master Category Row

Adds Color to Master Category Row.

Colored Master Category Row - Dark Theme Color

The color which will be used for the Dark YNAB Theme. The default is #636366.

Colored Master Category Row - Default/Classic Theme Color

The color which will be used for the Default and Classic YNAB Themes. The default is #d1d1d6.

Credit Card Emoji

Adds a credit card emoji 💳 to the "Credit Card Payments" category.

Display Target Goal and Emphasize Overbudget

Adds a "Goal" column which displays the target goal amount for every category with a goal. Optionally emphasize the amount as red if you've budgeted beyond your goal or green if you've met/exceeded your goal.

Emphasize Available to Assign

Changes the "Ready to Assign" background color to yellow if there is unallocated money left to be budgeted.

Emphasize Current Month

Change the month background color to better distinguish you're looking at the current month.

Emphasize Underfunded Goals

Change the default orange goal underfunded warning to blue to better differentiate it from credit card overspending.

Emphasize Unmet Target Balances

Add warning emphasis to categories with Target Balances that have not yet been met.

Enable Markdown in Notes

Adds Markdown parsing to notes, allowing support for links, bullet points, and other formatting tools. Learn how to use Markdown here.

Hide Age of Money

Hides "Age of Money" in the budget header. YNAB will continue to run its Age of Money calculations, so the data will always be up to date if you decide to show it again.

Hide Negative/Zero Categories When Covering Overspending

Removes categories which have a zero or negative balance from the "Cover Overspending" menu since they don't have any way of helping.

Highlight Budget Rows On Hover

Shows a light gray background on category rows when hovered over.

Highlight all Negative Category Balances Red

Ensure all negative balances are highlighted red instead of yellow, even with credit card spending.

Live on Last Month's Income

Add a section to the budget inspector showing your variance between last month's income and this month's assigned budget for users who still live by the old Rule #4.

Paid in Full Credit Card Assist

Highlights credit card category balances with a yellow warning and adds an alert icon next to the account if the balance of the category does not match the account balance. Adds a button to the Inspector to rectify the difference.

Show Available After Savings

Shows "Available After Savings" in the budget breakdown. This allows you to see how much you have available if you exclude your savings. Any categories under a category group that includes "Savings" in its name will be taken into account. You can also add "Savings" anywhere in the name of a category to mark it.

Show Total Overspent

Adds "Overspending" to the budget inspector, which displays the total overspending from selected categories.

Show Upcoming Transaction Total

Add the total of upcoming transactions alongside activity for each category.

Stealing From Future Warning

Adds a red button next to "Ready to Assign" when you've gone negative at some point in you budget's future.

Striped Budget Rows

Shows a light gray background on alternating category rows.

Subtract Upcoming Transactions from Available Balance

Subtracts upcoming transactions from the available balance for each category. In other words, treat upcoming transactions as if the money has already been spent. Also shows "Available After Upcoming Transactions" in the budget breakdown.

Additionally, this feature totals the amounts in the "Payment" column of your CC category group and subtracts that from the "Available After Upcoming Transactions" in the budget breakdown. This allows you to see how much you have available if you exclude the money "reserved" in your Credit Card Payments category group. You can turn this part of the feature off by selecting "Don't Include CC Payments".

If the "Show Available After Savings" feature is enabled, the "Available After Savings" amount is used as the starting point for the budget breakdown calculations.

Unhighlight all Positive Category Balances

Removes the highlight colour from positive (or zero) category balances and colours positive balances green instead.

Accounts (Click to Expand/Collapse)

Add "Auto Distribute" Button To Split Transactions

Distributes the remaining total of a split transaction proportionally to all other splits which contain an amount.

Add "Check Number" Column

Adds a check number column to your account view. YNAB currently has a way to save check numbers but does not officially support it. There are no guarantees that YNAB will continue to store this value. For that reason, it is still recommended that you store check numbers in the memo field

Add "Scheduled" and "Reconciled" Toggle Buttons

Add buttons to quickly show/hide either scheduled or reconciled transactions with one click.

Add "Toggle Memo" Option

Add an option to toggle the memo column under the account page's "View" menu

Add "Toggle Splits" Button

Add a button to expand/collapse all splits for the current account register.

Add Reset Column Widths Button

Adds button to reset column widths on in the accounts View menu.

Add Scrollbars to Edit Menu

Resize the edit menu to fit on the screen and add scrollbars.

Adjust Transaction Row Height

Make the height of transaction rows smaller allowing more transactions to fit on the screen.

Automatically Add Next Split

Automatically add a new split row when tabbing past the last split's "Inflow" input.

Automatically Enable Running Balance

Enables YNAB's native "Running Balance" by default for each account register.

Automatically Fill Split Transaction Amount

Automatically fill each additional split transaction row with the current remaining amount.

Automatically Fill Split Transaction Payee

Automatically fill the split transaction payee value, if empty, with the original payee.

Automatically Mark Transaction as Cleared

Automatically mark transaction as cleared when you enter it manually.

Bottom Notification Bar

Move the notification bar to the bottom as an overlay preventing transactions from "jumping around."

Bulk Edit Memos

Add an option to the "Edit Transaction(s)" menu to "Edit Memo(s)" for all selected transactions. Allows adding a prefix or a suffix to selected memos.

Bulk Edit Payees

Add an option to the "Edit Transaction(s)" menu to "Manage Payee(s)" for all selected transactions.

Calculate Internal Rate of Return

Calculate Internal Rate of Return for Tracking Accounts. Set Tracking Account contributions to this color to calculate IRR

Compact Account Header

Compact the account header. Something reminescent of the old-style account headers.

Confirm Transaction Edit Cancellation

Display a confirmation prompt when transaction cancelling a transaction edit by pressing "Enter" guarding against accidentely discarding complex split transactions.

Deselect Transactions on Save

Deselect all transactions after a transaction is saved.

Emphasize Inflows

Make values in the inflow column green.

Emphasize Outflows

Make values in the outflow column red and put them in parenthesis.

Emphasize Reconciled Transactions

Add emphasis to reconciled transaction rows to better distinguish them from "active" transactions.

Enable Markdown in Memos

Enables Markdown parsing for memos, allowing support for links and other formatting. Learn how to use Markdown here.

Enlarge Small Icons

Makes the uncleared, cleared and reconciled icons slightly larger and easier to click.

Hyperlinks in the memo field

Add support for links in memos on the accounts page.

Keyboard Shortcut: Approve Transaction [A] or [Enter]

Approve scheduled or linked transactions by pressing 'A' or 'Enter' on your keyboard selecting any number of transactions. Alternately, approve single scheduled or linked transactions by right clicking on the blue 'i' or link icon.

Keyboard Shortcut: Clear Transaction [CTRL + Enter]

Clear a new or edited transaction by pressing CTRL+Enter (CMD on Mac) while it's selected.

Modify First Day of the Week

Adjust the first day of the week in the calendar to whichever day you chose when editing or adding a transaction.

Override Memo Enter Behavior

Change the default action of pressing "Enter" while in a transaction's memo field from saving the transaction to moving to the next field.

Reconciliation Assistance

Provides a tool to help find uncleared transactions which add up to the provided reconciliation amount during the normal reconciliation flow.

Save Transaction on Enter

Change the default action of pressing "Enter" to save a transaction rather than "Save and add another".

Show Available Category Balance on Hover

Add a tooltip showing the total available balance for a transaction's category after breifly hovering the transaction category.

Show Reconcile Confetti

Add a fun confetti animation when marking an account as reconciled to mark your tremendous achievement.

Show Reconciled Balance

Show the current reconciled balance excluding cleared and non-reconciled transactions

Spare Change

Shows the total of "spare change" you would accumulate for the set of selected if you were to pay in whole dollars.

Striped Transaction Rows

Alternate backgrounds on every other transaction row. Set your own background color or use the default below.

Striped Transaction Rows - Dark Theme Color

The color which will be used for the Dark YNAB Theme. The default is #1e1e1f.

Striped Transaction Rows - Default/Classic Theme Color

The color which will be used for the Default and Classic YNAB Themes. The default is #fafafa.

Swap Flag/Cleared Columns

Place the Cleared column on the left and the Flagged column on the right sides of an account screen.

Use Cleared Balance for "Record Payment"

Change the default credit card payment value to use the Cleared Balance instead of the Working Balance to avoid overpaying credit card bills. Note: If you don't have enough budgeted in Payment to cover the selected option, it will use the Payment value instead to avoid overbudgeting

Reports (Click to Expand/Collapse)

Compact Income vs. Expense

Modifies styling of the Income vs. Expense report so it doesn't use too much white space on the page.

Hide Zero Cells

If a cell is zero in the Income v. Expense report, replace it with an empty cell so it is easier to focus on non-zero cells. "Total" rows are not modified.

Highlight Income vs Expense Row on Hover

Provides a highlight over the currently hovered row on the native YNAB Income vs Expense report.

Advanced (Click to Expand/Collapse)

Disable Toolkit for YNAB

Turn all features on and off with a single switch.