Confirm the logistics with the customer (date, time, on-site contact, room reservation, projector, customer supplied laptops/desktops with Internet access, ability to install the pre-requisites on the customer equipment, lunch, etc)
Request an environment for the dates you will need to prep and deliver the workshop. The request form is located at: https://docs.google.com/a/pivotal.io/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxska47haG1pRuQyoAHstq7A4rEBiYpYY1rAcQ1ArDUdxt6Q/viewform
NOTE: If PCF Metrics is not installed in the lab environment you will need to do this prior to the workshop date. Also, if you plan to do a live demo with JMX Bridge and jconsole you will need to install the JMX Bridge Tile.
Fork this repo to a publically accessible repo.
Copy the PowerPoint presentations located under the "Slides" directory to your local machine.
If necessary, customize the presentations locally.
Create pdfs of the presentations and add them to the repo under the "Slides" folder (NOTE: You need to keep the same name but with a .pdf extension otherwise the links in the syllabus.adoc will break. Also the pdfs are not in the main trunk so the links will not work until you upload them).
If you have removed a presentation or added one you will need to update the syllabus.adoc.
If necessary, update the agenda.adoc.
Remove the PowerPoint files from the public repo so that users accessing the site cannot download the editable slides.
Remove the instructor-prep_instructions.adoc from your publically accessible repo so that users do not see the instructions.
Email participants with the publically accessible repo URL and instruct them to complete the Pre-Requisites listed in the README.md prior to the date of the workshop
Follow the syllabus.adoc
Click-through PowerPoint presentations have been provided for PCF Installation, JMX Bridge, and App Security Groups. Instead of using the click-through presentation for PCF Installation you can login to Ops Manager and provide a live tour. You can also do this for JMX Bridge if you have installed it in the lab.