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File metadata and controls

531 lines (480 loc) · 24.7 KB

Начиная с версии 13.0 GHost++ поддерживает сохранение условной статистики в базу из карт поддерживающих W3MMD стандарт. Данные зависят от того как написана карта. Это не работает для всех карт, только для карт которые специально поддерживают W3MMD стандарт.

    Теперь давайте разберём как это работает:

  1. Найдите карту которая поддерживает W3MMD стандарт.
  2. Выберите категорию карты. Категории позволяют объединить статистику с разных версий одной и той же карты.
    1. Для примеру, вы могли бы использовать "civwars" для Civ Wars 2.30 и также для Civ Wars 2.31 и будущих версий.
    2. Вы можете изменить категорию в любое время, это повлияет только на будущую статистику, это всего лишь имя определяющее откуда брать статистику.
  3. Откройте фаил конфигурации карты.
    1. Добавьте "map_type = w3mmd".
    2. Добавьте "map_statsw3mmdcategory = <ваша категория>".

GHost++ теперь будет сохранять статистику под указанным именем. Пока нет возможности отображать статистику прямо из GHost++. Целью является то чтобы вы могли отображать статистику извне, например на веб сайте или же вы будете использовать update_w3mmd_elo проект для подсчёта баллов чтобы использовать автоматическую организацию матчей.

/// The Map Meta Data Library
/// Version: v1.00
/// Last Modified: April 24, 2009
/// Author Chain: Strilanc, [insert next ...]
/// This library is used to emit standardized meta data which replay parsers and bot hosts can use to record relevant
/// game statistics like "hero kills" which would otherwise be impossible to record automatically.
/// In particular, the flag function can be used to indicate if a leaver should be awarded a win or not. Replays
/// don't contain enough information to easily tell winners who leave from losers who leave. (for example: people
/// who leave while end-game stats are being shown)
/// Interface:
///   void FlagPlayer(player, flag_constant)
///   void DefineValue(name, type_constant, goal_constant, suggest_constant)
///   void UpdateValueInt(name, player, operation_constant, value)
///   void UpdateValueReal(name, player, operation_constant, value)
///   void UpdateValueString(name, player, value)
///   void DefineEvent0(name, format)
///   void DefineEvent1(name, format, argName1)
///   void DefineEvent2(name, format, argName1, argName2)
///   void DefineEvent3(name, format, argName1, argName2, argName3)
///   void LogEvent0(name)
///   void LogEvent1(name, arg0)
///   void LogEvent2(name, arg0, arg1)
///   void LogEvent3(name, arg0, arg1, arg2)
///   void LogCustom(unique_identifier, data)
///   void RaiseGuard(reason)
/// Notes:
/// - Errors are displayed using BJDebugMsg
/// - Don't try to update a value before defining it
/// - Parsers expect a very specific format, don't screw with the library's output.
/// - If you emit a bunch of data per second, you will cause bandwidth problems for dial-up users. Try to avoid
/// emitting lots of data all at once except at the start and end of games or rounds.
/// - An event's format string uses {#} to represent arguments
/// - Calling RaiseGuard will increase the number of senders for each message from 1 to 3. This increases
/// security but uses more network bandwidth. It is done automatically if tampering is detected.
library MMD initializer init
        public constant integer GOAL_NONE = 101
        public constant integer GOAL_HIGH = 102
        public constant integer GOAL_LOW = 103

        public constant integer TYPE_STRING = 101
        public constant integer TYPE_REAL = 102
        public constant integer TYPE_INT = 103

        public constant integer OP_ADD = 101
        public constant integer OP_SUB = 102
        public constant integer OP_SET = 103

        public constant integer SUGGEST_NONE = 101
        public constant integer SUGGEST_TRACK = 102
        public constant integer SUGGEST_LEADERBOARD = 103

        public constant integer FLAG_DRAWER = 101
        public constant integer FLAG_LOSER = 102
        public constant integer FLAG_WINNER = 103
        public constant integer FLAG_LEAVER = 104
        public constant integer FLAG_PRACTICING = 105

    /// Private variables and constants
        private constant boolean SHOW_DEBUG_MESSAGES = true

        private constant string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-+= \\!@#$%^&*()/?>.<,;:'\"{}[]|`~"
        private constant integer num_chars = StringLength(chars)
        private string array flags
        private string array goals
        private string array ops
        private string array types
        private string array suggestions
        private boolean initialized = false

        private gamecache gc = null
        private constant string ESCAPED_CHARS = " \\"

        private constant integer CURRENT_VERSION = 1
        private constant integer MINIMUM_PARSER_VERSION = 1
        private constant string FILENAME = "MMD.Dat"
        private constant string M_KEY_VAL = "val:"
        private constant string M_KEY_CHK = "chk:"
        private constant integer NUM_SENDERS_NAIVE = 1
        private constant integer NUM_SENDERS_SAFE = 3
        private integer num_senders = NUM_SENDERS_NAIVE
        private integer num_msg = 0

        private timer clock = CreateTimer()
        private string array q_msg
        private real array q_time
        private integer array q_index
        private keyword QueueNode
        private QueueNode q_head = 0
        private QueueNode q_tail = 0

    /// Private functions

    ///Triggered when tampering is detected. Increases the number of safeguards against tampering.
    public function RaiseGuard takes string reason returns nothing
        debug if SHOW_DEBUG_MESSAGES then
        debug     call BJDebugMsg("MMD: Guard Raised! (" + reason + ")")
        debug endif
        set num_senders = NUM_SENDERS_SAFE //increase number of players voting on each message

    ///Returns seconds elapsed in game time
    private function time takes nothing returns real
        return TimerGetElapsed(clock)

    ///Initializes the char-to-int conversion
    private function prepC2I takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local string id
            exitwhen i >= num_chars
            set id = SubString(chars, i, i+1)
            if id == StringCase(id, true) then
                set id = id + "U"
            call StoreInteger(gc, "c2i", id, i)
            set i = i + 1
    ///Converts a character to an integer
    private function C2I takes string c returns integer
        local integer i
        local string id = c
        if id == StringCase(id, true) then
            set id = id + "U"
        set i = GetStoredInteger(gc, "c2i", id)
        if (i < 0 or i >= num_chars or SubString(chars, i, i+1) != c) and HaveStoredInteger(gc, "c2i", id) then
            //A cheater sent a fake sync to screw with the cached values
            set i = 0
                exitwhen i >= num_chars //just a weird character
                if c == SubString(chars, i, i+1) then //cheating!
                    call RaiseGuard("c2i poisoned")
                    call StoreInteger(gc, "c2i", id, i)
                    exitwhen true
                set i = i + 1
        return i

    ///Computes a weak hash value, hopefully secure enough for our purposes
    private function poor_hash takes string s, integer seed returns integer
        local integer n = StringLength(s)
        local integer m = n + seed
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i >= n
            set m = m * 41 + C2I(SubString(s, i, i+1))
            set i = i + 1
        return m

    ///Stores previously sent messages for tamper detection purposes
    private struct QueueNode
        readonly real timeout
        readonly string msg
        readonly integer checksum
        readonly string key
        public QueueNode next = 0
        public static method create takes integer id, string msg returns QueueNode
            local QueueNode this = QueueNode.allocate()
            set .timeout = time() + 7.0 + GetRandomReal(0, 2+0.1*GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer()))
            set .msg = msg
            set .checksum = poor_hash(.msg, id)
            set .key = I2S(id)
            return this
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call FlushStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_VAL+.key, .msg)
            call FlushStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+.key, .key)
            set .msg = null
            set .key = null
            set .next = 0
        public method send takes nothing returns nothing
            call StoreInteger(gc, M_KEY_VAL+.key, .msg, .checksum)
            call StoreInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+.key, .key, .checksum)
            call SyncStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_VAL+.key, .msg)
            call SyncStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+.key, .key)

    ///Returns true for a fixed size uniform random subset of players in the game
    private function isEmitter takes nothing returns boolean
        local integer i = 0
        local integer n = 0
        local integer r
        local integer array picks
        local boolean array pick_flags
            exitwhen i >= 12
            if GetPlayerController(Player(i)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                if n < num_senders then //initializing picks
                    set picks[n] = i
                    set pick_flags[i] = true
                else //maintain the invariant 'P(being picked) = c/n'
                    set r = GetRandomInt(0, n)
                    if r < num_senders then
                        set pick_flags[picks[r]] = false
                        set picks[r] = i
                        set pick_flags[i] = true
                set n = n + 1
            set i = i + 1
        return pick_flags[GetPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())]

    ///Places meta-data in the replay and in network traffic
    private function emit takes string message returns nothing
        local QueueNode q
        if not initialized then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Emit Error: Library not initialized yet.")

        //remember sent messages for tamper check
        set q = QueueNode.create(num_msg, message)
        if q_head == 0 then
            set q_head = q
            set = q
        set q_tail = q

        //send new message
        set num_msg = num_msg + 1
        if isEmitter() then
            call q.send()

    ///Performs tamper checks
    private function tick takes nothing returns nothing
        local QueueNode q
        local integer i

        //check previously sent messages for tampering
        set q = q_head
            exitwhen q == 0 or q.timeout >= time()
            if not HaveStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_VAL+q.key, q.msg) then
                call RaiseGuard("message skipping")
                call q.send()
            elseif not HaveStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+q.key, q.key) then
                call RaiseGuard("checksum skipping")
                call q.send()
            elseif GetStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_VAL+q.key, q.msg) != q.checksum then
                call RaiseGuard("message tampering")
                call q.send()
            elseif GetStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+q.key, q.key) != q.checksum then
                call RaiseGuard("checksum tampering")
                call q.send()
            set q_head =
            call q.destroy()
            set q = q_head
        if q_head == 0 then
            set q_tail = 0

        //check for future message tampering
        set i = 0
            exitwhen not HaveStoredInteger(gc, M_KEY_CHK+I2S(num_msg), I2S(num_msg))
            call RaiseGuard("message insertion")
            call emit("Blank")
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i >= 10

    ///Replaces control characters with escape sequences
    private function pack takes string value returns string
        local integer j
        local integer i = 0
        local string result = ""
        local string c
        loop //for each character in argument string
            exitwhen i >= StringLength(value)
            set c = SubString(value, i, i+1)
            set j = 0
            loop //for each character in escaped chars string
                exitwhen j >= StringLength(ESCAPED_CHARS)
                //escape control characters
                if c == SubString(ESCAPED_CHARS, j, j+1) then
                    set c = "\\" + c
                    exitwhen true
                set j = j + 1
            set result = result + c
            set i = i + 1
        return result

    ///Updates the value of a defined variable for a given player
    private function update_value takes string name, player p, string op, string value, integer val_type returns nothing
        local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
        if p == null or id < 0 or id >= 12 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Set Error: Invalid player. Must be P1 to P12.")
        elseif val_type != GetStoredInteger(gc, "types", name) then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Set Error: Updated value of undefined variable or used value of incorrect type.")
        elseif StringLength(op) == 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Set Error: Unrecognized operation type.")
        elseif StringLength(name) > 50 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Set Error: Variable name is too long.")
        elseif StringLength(name) == 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Set Error: Variable name is empty.")
            call emit("VarP " + I2S(id) + " " + pack(name) + " " + op + " " + value)

    ///Defines an event's arguments and format
    private function DefineEvent takes string name, integer num_args, string format, string arg_data returns nothing
        if GetStoredInteger(gc, "events", name) != 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD DefEvent Error: Event redefined.")
            call StoreInteger(gc, "events", name, num_args+1)
            call emit("DefEvent " + pack(name) + " " + I2S(num_args) + " " + arg_data + pack(format))

    ///Places an event in the meta-data
    private function LogEvent takes string name, integer num_args, string data returns nothing
        if GetStoredInteger(gc, "events", name) != num_args+1 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD LogEvent Error: Event not defined or defined with different # of args.")
            call emit("Event " + pack(name) + data)

    /// Public functions

    ///Sets a player flag like "win_on_leave"
    public function FlagPlayer takes player p, integer flag_type returns nothing
        local string flag = flags[flag_type]
        local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
        if p == null or id < 0 or id >= 12 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Flag Error: Invalid player. Must be P1 to P12.")
        elseif StringLength(flag) == 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Flag Error: Unrecognized flag type.")
        elseif GetPlayerController(Player(id)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then
            call emit("FlagP " + I2S(id) + " " + flag)

    ///Defines a variable to store things in
    public function DefineValue takes string name, integer value_type, integer goal_type, integer suggestion_type returns nothing
        local string goal = goals[goal_type]
        local string vtype = types[value_type]
        local string stype = suggestions[suggestion_type]
        if goal == null then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Unrecognized goal type.")
        elseif vtype == null then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Unrecognized value type.")
        elseif stype == null then
            call BJDebugMsg("Stats Def Error: Unrecognized suggestion type.")
        elseif StringLength(name) > 32 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Variable name is too long.")
        elseif StringLength(name) == 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Variable name is empty.")
        elseif value_type == TYPE_STRING and goal_type != GOAL_NONE then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Strings must have goal type of none.")
        elseif GetStoredInteger(gc, "types", name) != 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg("MMD Def Error: Value redefined.")
            call StoreInteger(gc, "types", name, value_type)
            call emit("DefVarP " + pack(name) + " " + vtype + " " + goal + " " + stype)

    ///Updates the value of an integer variable
    public function UpdateValueInt takes string name, player p, integer op, integer value returns nothing
        call update_value(name, p, ops[op], I2S(value), TYPE_INT)

    ///Updates the value of a real variable
    public function UpdateValueReal takes string name, player p, integer op, real value returns nothing
        call update_value(name, p, ops[op], R2S(value), TYPE_REAL)

    ///Updates the value of a string variable
    public function UpdateValueString takes string name, player p, string value returns nothing
        local string q = "\""
        call update_value(name, p, ops[OP_SET], q + pack(value) + q, TYPE_STRING)

    public function DefineEvent0 takes string name, string format returns nothing
        call DefineEvent(name, 0, format, "")
    public function DefineEvent1 takes string name, string format, string argName0 returns nothing
        call DefineEvent(name, 1, format, pack(argName0) + " ")
    public function DefineEvent2 takes string name, string format, string argName0, string argName1 returns nothing
        call DefineEvent(name, 2, format, pack(argName0) + " " + pack(argName1) + " ")
    public function DefineEvent3 takes string name, string format, string argName0, string argName1, string argName2 returns nothing
        call DefineEvent(name, 3, format, pack(argName0) + " " + pack(argName1) + " " + pack(argName2) + " ")

    public function LogEvent0 takes string name returns nothing
        call LogEvent(name, 0, "")
    public function LogEvent1 takes string name, string arg0 returns nothing
        call LogEvent(name, 1, " " + pack(arg0))
    public function LogEvent2 takes string name, string arg0, string arg1 returns nothing
        call LogEvent(name, 2, " " + pack(arg0) + " " + pack(arg1))
    public function LogEvent3 takes string name, string arg0, string arg1, string arg2 returns nothing
        call LogEvent(name, 3, " " + pack(arg0) + " " + pack(arg1) + " " + pack(arg2))

    ///Emits meta-data which parsers will ignore unless they are customized to understand it
    public function LogCustom takes string unique_identifier, string data returns nothing
        call emit("custom " + pack(unique_identifier) + " " + pack(data))

    /// Initialization

    ///Emits initialization data
    private function init2 takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i
        local trigger t
        set initialized = true

        call emit("init version " + I2S(MINIMUM_PARSER_VERSION) + " " + I2S(CURRENT_VERSION))

        set i = 0
            exitwhen i >= 12
            if GetPlayerController(Player(i)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                call emit("init pid " + I2S(i) + " " + pack(GetPlayerName(Player(i))))
            set i = i + 1

        set t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function tick)
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, 0.37, true)

    ///Places init2 on a timer, initializes game cache, and translates constants
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, 0, false)
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function init2)

        set goals[GOAL_NONE] = "none"
        set goals[GOAL_HIGH] = "high"
        set goals[GOAL_LOW] = "low"

        set types[TYPE_INT] = "int"
        set types[TYPE_REAL] = "real"
        set types[TYPE_STRING] = "string"

        set suggestions[SUGGEST_NONE] = "none"
        set suggestions[SUGGEST_TRACK] = "track"
        set suggestions[SUGGEST_LEADERBOARD] = "leaderboard"

        set ops[OP_ADD] = "+="
        set ops[OP_SUB] = "-="
        set ops[OP_SET] = "="

        set flags[FLAG_DRAWER] = "drawer"
        set flags[FLAG_LOSER] = "loser"
        set flags[FLAG_WINNER] = "winner"
        set flags[FLAG_LEAVER] = "leaver"
        set flags[FLAG_PRACTICING] = "practicing"

        call FlushGameCache(InitGameCache(FILENAME))
        set gc = InitGameCache(FILENAME)
        call TimerStart(clock, 999999999, false, null)
        call prepC2I()