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File metadata and controls

766 lines (525 loc) · 20.9 KB


When you're writing tests, you often need to check that values meet certain conditions. expect gives you access to a number of "matchers" that let you validate different things on the browser, an element or mock object.

Default Options

These default options below are connected to the waitforTimeout and waitforInterval options set in the config.

Only set the options below if you want to wait for specific timeouts for your assertions.

    wait: 2000, // ms to wait for expectation to succeed
    interval: 100, // interval between attempts

If you like to pick different timeouts and intervals, set these options like this:

// wdio.conf.js
import { setOptions } from 'expect-webdriverio'

export const config = {
    // ...
    before () {
        setOptions({ wait: 5000 })
    // ...

Matcher Options

Every matcher can take several options that allows you to modify the assertion:

Command Options
Name Type Details
wait number time in ms to wait for expectation to succeed. Default: 3000
interval number interval between attempts. Default: 100
beforeAssertion function function to be called before assertion is made
afterAssertion function function to be called after assertion is made containing assertion results
message string user message to prepend before assertion error
String Options

This option can be applied in addition to the command options when strings are being asserted.

Name Type Details
ignoreCase boolean apply toLowerCase to both actual and expected values
trim boolean apply trim to actual value
replace Replacer | Replacer[] replace parts of the actual value that match the string/RegExp. The replacer can be a string or a function.
containing boolean expect actual value to contain expected value, otherwise strict equal.
asString boolean might be helpful to force converting property value to string
atStart boolean expect actual value to start with the expected value
atEnd boolean expect actual value to end with the expected value
atIndex number expect actual value to have the expected value at the given index
Number Options

This option can be applied in addition to the command options when numbers are being asserted.

Name Type Details
eq number equals
lte number less then equals
gte number greater than or equals

Handling HTML Entities

An HTML entity is a piece of text (“string”) that begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;). Entities are frequently used to display reserved characters (which would otherwise be interpreted as HTML code), and invisible characters (like non-breaking spaces, e.g.  ).

To find or interact with such element use unicode equivalent of the entity. e.g.:

<div data="Some&nbsp;Value">Some&nbsp;Text</div>
const myElem = await $('div[data="Some\u00a0Value"]')
await expect(myElem).toHaveAttribute('data', 'div[Some\u00a0Value')
await expect(myElem).toHaveText('Some\u00a0Text')

You can find all unicode references in the HTML spec.

Note: unicode is case-insensitive hence both \u00a0 and \u00A0 works. To find element in browser inspect, remove u from unicode e.g.: div[data="Some\00a0Value"]

Browser Matchers


Checks if browser is on a specific page.

await browser.url('')
await expect(browser).toHaveUrl('')
await browser.url('')
await expect(browser).toHaveUrl(expect.stringContaining('webdriver'))


Checks if website has a specific title.

await browser.url('')
await expect(browser).toHaveTitle('WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js')
await expect(browser).toHaveTitle(expect.stringContaining('WebdriverIO'))


Checks if the browser has a specific text stored in its clipboard.

import { Key } from 'webdriverio'

await browser.keys([Key.Ctrl, 'a'])
await browser.keys([Key.Ctrl, 'c'])
await expect(browser).toHaveClipboardText('some clipboard text')
await expect(browser).toHaveClipboardText(expect.stringContaining('clipboard text'))

Element Matchers


Calls isDisplayed on given element.

const elem = await $('#someElem')
await expect(elem).toBeDisplayed()


Calls isExisting on given element.

const elem = await $('#someElem')
await expect(elem).toExist()


Same as toExist.

const elem = await $('#someElem')
await expect(elem).toBePresent()


Same as toExist.

const elem = await $('#someElem')
await expect(elem).toBeExisting()


Checks if element has focus. This assertion only works in a web context.

const elem = await $('#someElem')
await expect(elem).toBeFocused()


Checks if an element has a certain attribute with a specific value.

const myInput = await $('input')
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttribute('class', 'form-control')
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttribute('class', expect.stringContaining('control'))


Same as toHaveAttribute.

const myInput = await $('input')
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttr('class', 'form-control')
await expect(myInput).toHaveAttr('class', expect.stringContaining('control'))


Checks if an element has a single class name. Can also be called with an array as a parameter when the element can have multiple class names.

const myInput = await $('input')
await expect(myInput).toHaveElementClass('form-control', { message: 'Not a form control!' })
await expect(myInput).toHaveElementClass(['form-control' , 'w-full'], { message: 'not full width' })
await expect(myInput).toHaveElementClass(expect.stringContaining('form'), { message: 'Not a form control!' })


Checks if an element has a certain property.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toHaveElementProperty('height', 23)
await expect(elem).not.toHaveElementProperty('height', 0)


Checks if an input element has a certain value.

const myInput = await $('input')
await expect(myInput).toHaveValue('admin-user', { ignoreCase: true })
await expect(myInput).toHaveValue(expect.stringContaining('user'), { ignoreCase: true })


Checks if an element can be clicked by calling isClickable on the element.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeClickable()


Checks if an element is disabled by calling isEnabled on the element.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeDisabled()
// same as
await expect(elem).not.toBeEnabled()


Checks if an element is enabled by calling isEnabled on the element.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeEnabled()
// same as
await expect(elem).not.toBeDisabled()


Checks if an element is enabled by calling isSelected on the element.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeSelected()


Same as toBeSelected.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeChecked()


Checks if element has a specific computed WAI-ARIA label. Can also be called with an array as parameter in the case where the element can have different labels.

await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('a[href=""]')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedLabel('GitHub repository')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedLabel(expect.stringContaining('repository'))
await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('a[href=""]')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedLabel(['GitHub repository', 'Private repository'])
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedLabel([expect.stringContaining('GitHub'), expect.stringContaining('Private')])


Checks if element has a specific computed WAI-ARIA role. Can also be called with an array as parameter in the case where the element can have different labels.

await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('[aria-label="Skip to main content"]')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedRole('region')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedRole(expect.stringContaining('ion'))
await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('[aria-label="Skip to main content"]')
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedRole(['region', 'section'])
await expect(elem).toHaveComputedRole([expect.stringContaining('reg'), expect.stringContaining('sec')])


Checks if link element has a specific link target.

const link = await $('a')
await expect(link).toHaveHref('')
await expect(link).toHaveHref(expect.stringContaining(''))


Same as toHaveHref.

const link = await $('a')
await expect(link).toHaveLink('')
await expect(link).toHaveLink(expect.stringContaining(''))


Checks if element has a specific id attribute.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toHaveId('elem')


Checks if element has a specific text. Can also be called with an array as parameter in the case where the element can have different texts.

await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('.container')
await expect(elem).toHaveText('Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js')
await expect(elem).toHaveText(expect.stringContaining('test framework for Node.js'))
await expect(elem).toHaveText(['Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js', 'Get Started'])
await expect(elem).toHaveText([expect.stringContaining('test framework for Node.js'), expect.stringContaining('Started')])

In case there is a list of elements in the div below:


You can assert them using an array:

const elem = await $$('ul > li')
await expect(elem).toHaveText(['Coffee', 'Tea', 'Milk'])


Checks if element has a specific text. Can also be called with an array as parameter in the case where the element can have different texts.

await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('.hero__subtitle')
await expect(elem).toHaveHTML('<p class="hero__subtitle">Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js</p>')
await expect(elem).toHaveHTML(expect.stringContaining('Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js'))
await expect(elem).toHaveHTML('Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js', { includeSelectorTag: false })
await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('.hero__subtitle')
await expect(elem).toHaveHTML(['Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js', 'Get Started'], { includeSelectorTag: false })
await expect(elem).toHaveHTML([expect.stringContaining('automation test framework for Node.js'), expect.stringContaining('Started')], { includeSelectorTag: false })


Checks if an element is within the viewport by calling isDisplayedInViewport on the element.

const elem = await $('#elem')
await expect(elem).toBeDisplayedInViewport()


Checks amount of the fetched element's children by calling element.$('./*') command.

const list = await $('ul')
await expect(list).toHaveChildren() // the list has at least one item
// same as
await expect(list).toHaveChildren({ gte: 1 })

await expect(list).toHaveChildren(3) // the list has 3 items
// same as 
await expect(list).toHaveChildren({ eq: 3 })


Checks if element has a specific width.

await browser.url('')
const logo = await $('.octicon-mark-github')
await expect(logo).toHaveWidth(32)


Checks if element has a specific height.

await browser.url('')
const logo = await $('.octicon-mark-github')
await expect(logo).toHaveHeight(32)


Checks if element has a specific size.

await browser.url('')
const logo = await $('.octicon-mark-github')
await expect(logo).toHaveSize({ width: 32, height: 32 })


Checks amount of fetched elements using $$ command.

Note: This matcher will update the passed array with the latest elements if the assertion passes. However, if you've reassigned the variable, you'll need to fetch the elements again.

const listItems = await $$('ul>li')
await expect(listItems).toBeElementsArrayOfSize(5) // 5 items in the list

await expect(listItems).toBeElementsArrayOfSize({ lte: 10 })
// same as
assert.ok(listItems.length <= 10)

Network Matchers


Checks that mock was called

const mock = browser.mock('**/api/todo*')
await expect(mock).toBeRequested()


Checks that mock was called for the expected amount of times

const mock = browser.mock('**/api/todo*')
await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes(2) // await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes({ eq: 2 })

await expect(mock).toBeRequestedTimes({ gte: 5, lte: 10 }) // request called at least 5 times but less than 11


Checks that mock was called according to the expected options.

Most of the options supports expect/jasmine partial matchers like expect.objectContaining

const mock = browser.mock('**/api/todo*', { method: 'POST' })

await expect(mock).toBeRequestedWith({
    url: 'http://localhost:8080/api/todo',          // [optional] string | function | custom matcher
    method: 'POST',                                 // [optional] string | array
    statusCode: 200,                                // [optional] number | array
    requestHeaders: { Authorization: 'foo' },       // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
    responseHeaders: { Authorization: 'bar' },      // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
    postData: { title: 'foo', description: 'bar' }, // [optional] object | function | custom matcher
    response: { success: true },                    // [optional] object | function | custom matcher

await expect(mock).toBeRequestedWith({
    url: expect.stringMatching(/.*\/api\/.*/i),
    method: ['POST', 'PUT'], // either POST or PUT
    statusCode: [401, 403],  // either 401 or 403
    requestHeaders: headers => headers.Authorization.startsWith('Bearer '),
    postData: expect.objectContaining({ released: true, title: expect.stringContaining('foobar') }),
    response: r => Array.isArray(r) && === 20

Snapshot Matcher

WebdriverIO supports basic snapshot tests as well as DOM snapshot testing.


Checks if any arbitrary object matches a certain value. If you pass in an WebdriverIO.Element it will automatically snapshot the outerHTML state of it.

// snapshot arbitrary objects (no "await" needed here)
expect({ foo: 'bar' }).toMatchSnapshot()
// snapshot `outerHTML` of WebdriverIO.Element (DOM snapshot, requires "await")
await expect($('elem')).toMatchSnapshot()
// snapshot result of element command
await expect($('elem').getCSSProperty('background-color')).toMatchSnapshot()


Similarly, you can use the toMatchInlineSnapshot() to store the snapshot inline within the test file. For example, given:

await expect($('img')).toMatchInlineSnapshot()

Instead of creating a snapshot file, WebdriverIO will modify the test file directly to update the snapshot as a string:

await expect($('img')).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"<img src="/public/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">"`)

Visual Snapshot Matchers

The following matcher are implemented as part of the @wdio/visual-service plugin and only available when the service is set up. Make sure you follow the set-up instructions accordingly.


Checks that if given element matches with snapshot of baseline.

await expect($('.hero__title-logo')).toMatchElementSnapshot('wdioLogo', 0, {
    // options

The expected result is by default 0, so you can write the same assertion as:

await expect($('.hero__title-logo')).toMatchElementSnapshot('wdioLogo', {
    // options

or not pass in any options at all:

await expect($('.hero__title-logo')).toMatchElementSnapshot()


Checks that if current screen matches with snapshot of baseline.

await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage', 0, {
    // options

The expected result is by default 0, so you can write the same assertion as:

await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage', {
    // options

or not pass in any options at all:

await expect(browser).toMatchScreenSnapshot('partialPage')


Checks that if the full page screenshot matches with snapshot of baseline.

await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage', 0, {
    // options

The expected result is by default 0, so you can write the same assertion as:

await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage', {
    // options

or not pass in any options at all:

await expect(browser).toMatchFullPageSnapshot('fullPage')


Checks that if the full page screenshot including tab marks matches with snapshot of baseline.

await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('tabbable', 0, {
    // options

The expected result is by default 0, so you can write the same assertion as:

await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('tabbable', {
    // options

or not pass in any options at all:

await expect(browser).toMatchTabbablePageSnapshot('tabbable')

Using regular expressions

You can also directly use regular expressions for all matchers that do text comparison.

await browser.url('')
const elem = await $('.container')
await expect(elem).toHaveText(/node\.js/i)
await expect(elem).toHaveText([/node\.js/i, 'Get Started'])
await expect(browser).toHaveTitle(/webdriverio/i)
await expect(browser).toHaveUrl(/webdriver\.io/)
await expect(elem).toHaveElementClass(/Container/i)

Default Matchers

In addition to the expect-webdriverio matchers you can use builtin Jest's expect assertions or expect/expectAsync for Jasmine.

Asymmetric Matchers

WebdriverIO supports usage of asymmetric matchers wherever you compare text values, e.g.:

await expect(browser).toHaveTitle(expect.stringContaining('some title'))


await expect(browser).toHaveTitle(expect.not.stringContaining('some title'))