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Getting Started


Hardware Requirements

To perform side-channel analysis (SCA) for OpenTitan using the infrastructure provided in this repository, the following hardware equipment is required:

  • ChipWhisperer CW310 FPGA Board with K410T

    This is the target board. The Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA is used to implement the full Earl Grey top level of OpenTitan. Note that there are different versions of the board available of which the board with the bigger FPGA device (K410T) is required.

  • ChipWhisperer-Husky CW1190 Capture Board

    This is the capture or scope board. It is used to capture power traces of OpenTitan implemented on the target board. The capture board comes with SMA and 20-pin ChipWhisperer cable required to connect to the target board.

The following, alternative hardware equipment is partially supported:

  • ChipWhisperer CW305-A100 FPGA Board

    This is a smaller target board than the CW310.

    Note: The Xilinx Artix-7 A100T FPGA on the CW305-A100 is considerably smaller than the Kintex-7 K410T FPGA on the CW310 and does not offer sufficient resources for implementing the full Earl Grey top level of OpenTitan. However, it is suitable for implementing the English Breakfast top level, a substantially reduced version of OpenTitan. As a result, the CW305-A100 is suitable for performing SCA of AES but not KMAC or OTBN. Note that also for this board there exist different versions of which of which only the board with the bigger FPGA device (XC7A100T-2FTG256) is supported.

Hardware Setup

To setup the hardware, first connect the target and capture board together. You don't want to accidentally short something out with the conductive SMA connector.


As shown in the photo below,

  1. Connect the SHUNTLOW AMPLIFIED output of the CW310 (topmost SMA) to the CW-Husky Pos input.
  2. Connect the ChipWhisperer Connector (J14) on the CW310 to the ChipWhisperer 20-Pin Connector on the capture board. On the CW-Husky this is the connector on the SIDE not the connector on the FRONT.

The CW310 will need a power supply, the default power supply uses a DC barrel connector to supply 12V. If you use this power supply all switches should be in the default position. To this end, make sure to:

  1. Set the SW2 switch (to the right of the barrel connector) up to the 5V Regulator option.
  2. Set the switch below the barrel connector to the right towards the Barrel option.
  3. Set the Control Power switch (bottom left corner, SW7) to the right.
  4. Ensure the Tgt Power switch (above the fan, S1) is set to the right towards the Auto option.


  1. Plug the DC power adapter into the barrel jack (J11) in the top left corner of the board.
  2. Use a USB-C cable to connect your PC with the USB-C Data connector (J8) in the lower left corner on the board.
  3. Connect the CW-Husky to your PC via USB-C cable.

You should see the blue "Status" LED on the CW310 blinking, along with several green power LEDs. The "USB-C Power" led may be red as there is no USB-C PD source. The CW-Husky should also have a green blinking status LED at this point. If LEDs are solid it may mean the device has not enumerated, which might require additional setup (see UDEV Rules below).


  1. Connect the X4 output of the CW305 (rightmost SMA) to the CW-Husky Pos input.
  2. Connect the ChipWhisperer 20-Pin Connector on the CW305 to the ChipWhisperer 20-Pin Connector on the capture board. On the CW-Husky this is the connector on the SIDE not the connector on the FRONT.

Make sure the S1 jumper on the back of the CW305 is set to 111 such that the FPGA bitstream can be reconfigured via USB. Connect the two boards to your PC via USB.

UDEV Rules

You might need to setup the following udev rules to gain access to the two USB devices. To do so, open the file /etc/udev/rules.d/90-lowrisc.rules or create it if does not yet exist and add the following content to it:

# CW310 (Kintex Target)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2b3e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c310", MODE="0666" SYMLINK+="opentitan/cw_310"

# CW-Husky
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2b3e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="ace5", MODE="0666" SYMLINK+="opentitan/cw_husky"

# CW305 (Artix Target)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2b3e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c305", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="opentitan/cw_305"

To activate the rules, type

$ sudo udevadm control --reload

and then disconnect and reconnect the devices.

With the optional SYMLINK attribute, a stable symbolic link is created, helping to identify the USB devices more easily.

For more details on how to set up udev rules, see the corresponding section in the OpenTitan documentation.

Software Requirements

Software required by this repository can either be directly installed on a machine or obtained using the provided Dockerfile.

Installing on a Machine

Python Virtual Environment

To avoid potential dependency conflicts (in particular with the main OpenTitan repository which may be using a different version of ChipWhisperer) it is strongly recommended to setup a virtual Python environment for this repository.

To this end, type

$ python3 -m venv .venv

to create a new virtual environment.

From this point on, whenever you want to work with this repository, type

$ source .venv/bin/activate

to enable the virtual environment previously initialized.

Python Dependencies

This repository has a couple of Python dependencies to be installed through pip. It is recommended to first install the latest version of pip and setuptools using

python3 -m pip install -U pip "setuptools<66.0.0"

You can then run

$ pip install -r python-requirements.txt

to install all the required Python dependencies.

ChipWhisperer Dependencies

ChipWhisperer itself is installed as a Python dependency through python_requirements.txt.

However, it has some non-Python dependencies related to USB. Please see this page to install the specific apt packages required by ChipWhisperer.


  • We recommend to use Python 3.10. Later versions might also work.
  • CW-Husky requires ChipWhisperer 5.6.1 or later. The default python_requirements.txt will install a version supporting CW-Husky.
Git Large File Storage (LFS)

This project uses Git LFS for storing binaries like example target FPGA bitstreams on a remote server. The repository itself just contains diff-able text pointers to the binaries. It is recommended to install the git-lfs tool for transparently accessing the binaries. Alternatively, they can be downloaded manually from GitHub.

You can run

$ sudo apt install git-lfs

to install the git-lfs tool on your Ubuntu machine.

If you've cloned the ot-sca repo before installing Git LFS, run

$ git-lfs pull

to get the binaries.

Alternatively, you can rebuild those binaries yourself from the OpenTitan repository.

Using the Docker Image


  • While the provided container image can be run using the Docker Engine, this getting started guide relies on Podman instead to avoid requiring root permissions on the host.
  • This is a WIP and currently supports Linux hosts only.

The Dockerfile in this repository can be used to build a ready-to-use image with all the dependencies installed. To build the image:

  1. If not already installed, install Podman and containers-storage following the instructions here, and
  2. Build the container image using
$ util/docker/

Once the image is built, you can run it using

$ util/docker/ -h

Run OpenTitan SCA/FI image.

Usage: util/docker/ -d DEVICE [-d DEVICE] -m SHM_SIZE -w HOST_WORK_DIR [-h]

  -d: Host device to be added to the container. This option can be used multiple times.
  -m: Shared memory size (/dev/shm) of the container. Should be at least 1/3 of total memory.
  -w: Host directory that will be mounted into the container as /repo
  -h: Print usage information and exit.

For example, if the host has 32+ GB RAM, the ot-sca repository is at ~/repos/ot-sca, and ChipWhisperer devices are at /dev/opentitan/cw_310 and /dev/opentitan/cw_husky, you can use:

$ util/docker/ -d /dev/opentitan/cw_310 -d /dev/opentitan/cw_husky -m 12g -w ~/repos/ot-sca

If ChipWhisperer devices are the only USB devices that are connected to the host, you can use the following to add all USB devices to the container:

$ util/docker/ $(find /dev/opentitan -type l -exec readlink -f {} \; | sed 's/^/-d /g' | xargs echo) -m 12g -w ~/repos/ot-sca

Once the container is running, try capturing some traces to verify that everything is working correctly:

Creating user 'ot' with UID=1000, GID=1000.
ot@ot-sca:/repo$ cd cw/
ot@ot-sca:/repo/cw$ ./ --cfg-file capture_aes_cw310.yaml capture aes-random
Connecting and loading FPGA... Done!
Initializing PLL1
Programming OpenTitan with "objs/aes_serial_fpga_cw310.bin"...
Transferring frame 0x00000000 @             0x00000000.
Transferring frame 0x00000001 @             0x000007D8.
Transferring frame 0x00000002 @             0x00000FB0.
Transferring frame 0x00000003 @             0x00001788.
Transferring frame 0x00000004 @             0x00001F60.
Transferring frame 0x00000005 @             0x00002738.
Transferring frame 0x80000006 @             0x00002F10.
Scope setup with sampling rate 200009376.0 S/s
Reading from FPGA using simpleserial protocol.
Target simpleserial version: z01 (attempts: 1).
Using key: b'2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c'
Capturing: 100%|████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:55<00:00, 90.34it/s]
Created plot with 10 traces: ~/ot-sca/cw/projects/sample_traces_aes.html

Generating OpenTitan Binaries

Instead of using the example binaries provided by this repository via Git LFS, you can regenerate them from the OpenTitan repository.

Below, we quickly outline the necessary steps for building the binaries for the CW310 and CW305 boards from the sources. For more information on the build steps, refer to the OpenTitan FPGA documentation.

Note that below we use $REPO_TOP to refer to the main OpenTitan repository top, not this ot-sca repo.

Earl Grey for CW310

To build the binaries for performing SCA on the full Earl Grey top level of OpenTitan using the CW310, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the root directory of the OpenTitan repository.

  2. Build the regular binaries with

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./ build //sw/...
  3. Then, the bitstream generation can be started by running

    $ . /tools/xilinx/Vivado/2020.2/
    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ fusesoc --cores-root . run --flag=fileset_top --target=synth lowrisc:systems:chip_earlgrey_cw310

    The generated bitstream can be found in


    and will be loaded to the FPGA using the ChipWhisperer Python API.

  4. To generate the OpenTitan application binary (simpleserial interface), e.g., for recording AES power traces on the CW310, run

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./ build //sw/device/sca:aes_serial

    The path to the generated binary is:


    To generate the OpenTitan application binary for uJSON that includes all SCA targets, run

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./ build //sw/device/tests/crypto/cryptotest/firmware:firmware

English Breakfast for CW305

To build the binaries for performing SCA of e.g. AES on the reduced English Breakfast top level of OpenTitan using the CW305, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the root directory of the OpenTitan repository.

  2. Before generating the OpenTitan FPGA bitstream for the CW305 target board, you first have to run:

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./util/ --files-root=. --topname=top_englishbreakfast

    to generate top-level specific versions of some IP cores such as RV_PLIC, TL-UL crossbars etc.

  3. Then run

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./hw/top_englishbreakfast/util/ --build --top=englishbreakfast

    in order to prepare the OpenTitan software build flow for English Breakfast and build the required binaries. More precisely, this script runs some code generators, patches some auto-generated source files and finally generates the boot ROM needed for bitstream generation.

  4. Finally, the bitstream generation can be started by running

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ fusesoc --cores-root . run --flag=fileset_topgen --target=synth lowrisc:systems:chip_englishbreakfast_cw305

    The generated bitstream can be found in


    and will be loaded to the FPGA using the ChipWhisperer Python API.

  5. To generate the OpenTitan application binary for recording AES power traces, make sure the script has been run before executing

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ./ build //sw/device/sca:aes_serial --copt=-DOT_IS_ENGLISH_BREAKFAST_REDUCED_SUPPORT_FOR_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_
  6. The path to the generated binary will be printed to the terminal after running

    $ cd $REPO_TOP
    $ ci/scripts/ //sw/device/sca:aes_serial

If you need to generate binaries for CW310 after you generate binaries for CW305, use the following command:

$ ./hw/top_englishbreakfast/util/ --delete

and clean the auto-generated files with a checkout.


The main configuration of the OpenTitan SCA setup is stored in the files


for AES.

For example, these files allow to specify the FPGA bitstream to be loaded, the OpenTitan application binary to execute, the default number of traces to capture and the ADC gain. By default, the prebuilt binaries delivered with this repository are used. If you want to use custom binaries, open the file and edit the specified file paths.


  • When working with custom binaries, it is recommended to always re-generate both bitstream and application binaries from the OpenTitan repository. Otherwise you might risk to end up with an incompatible combination of bitstream and application binary.
  • The default configurations target the CW310 board. When using the CW305 FPGA board, the config file capture/configs/aes_sca_cw305.yaml must be used to select a different bitstream and application binary, and adjust the ADC gain.

Capturing Power Traces

Our setup supports capturing AES, KMAC, SHA3 and OTBN power traces using a CW-Husky capture board. The setup also supports capturing power traces in batches to achieve substantially higher capture rates.

Before starting a long running capture, it is recommended to always perform a capture with fewer traces to make sure the setup is configured as expected (e.g. ADC gain).

AES Capture

To perform a capture capture/ is used with default configurations set in the *.yaml files. When using this script configuration file and project path need to be given as parameters.

There are 4 capture modes for AES:

  1. AES Random
  2. AES Random Batch
  3. AES Fixed vs Random Key
  4. AES Fixed vs Random Key Batch

Modes aes_fvsr_key_batch and aes_fvsr_key capture data for fixed-vs-random key analysis. This analysis is described in DTR TVLA Section 5.3. "General Test: Fixed-vs.-Random Key Datasets". In this data set two types of traces are collected, namely fixed (using a constant key) and random (using a randomly selected key). Each measurement uses a randomly generated plaintext. Measurements alternate between fixed and random, in a random manner (depending on a randomly generated bit).

Modes aes_random_batch and aes_random capture data for random data analysis. In this analysis, the key is constant for all measurements, and all plaintexts are randomly generated.

The capture type can be configured by setting the which test: parameter in the configuration file. This can be done by uncommenting the corresponding line.

  # which_test: aes_random_batch
  # which_test: aes_random
  which_test: aes_fvsr_key_batch
  # which_test: aes_fvsr_key

To perform AES capture using any mode, you can use the following command:

$ cd capture
$ ./ -c configs/aes_sca_cw310.yaml -p projects/aes_sca_cw310

This script will load the OpenTitan FPGA bitstream to the target board, load and start the application binary to the target via SPI, and then feed data in and out of the target while capturing power traces on the capture board. It should produce console output similar to the following output:

Initializing target cw310 ...
Connecting and loading FPGA... Done!
Initializing PLL1
Programming 256 bytes at address 0x00000000.
Programming 256 bytes at address 0x00000100.
Programming 256 bytes at address 0x00000200.
Programming 112 bytes at address 0x00009000.
Target simpleserial version: z01 (attempts: 1).
INFO:root:Initializing scope husky with a sampling rate of 200000000...
Initializing scope husky with a sampling rate of 200000000...
(ChipWhisperer Scope WARNING|File ADC frequency must be between 1MHz and 300000000.0MHz - ADC mul has been adjusted to 2
(ChipWhisperer Scope WARNING|File PLL unlocked after updating frequencies
(ChipWhisperer Scope WARNING|File Target clock has dropped for a moment. You may need to reset your target
Connected to ChipWhisperer (num_samples: 501, num_samples_actual: 501, num_segments_actual: 1)
INFO:root:Setting up capture aes_random batch=True...
Setting up capture aes_random batch=True...
INFO:root:Initializing OT AES with key b'811e3731b0120a7842781e22b25cddf9' ...
Initializing OT AES with key b'811e3731b0120a7842781e22b25cddf9' ...
Capturing: 100%|██████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:01<00:00, 807.02 traces/s]

In case you see console output like

WARNING:root:Your firmware is outdated - latest is 0.20. Suggested to update firmware, as you may experience errors

you should update the firmware of one or both of the ChipWhisperer boards. This process is straightforward and well documented online. Simply follow the link printed on the console.

Once the power traces have been collected, a picture similar to the following should be shown in your browser.

Note the input data can range from 0 to 4095 (this is because ADC resolution on CW-Husky is 12 bits). If the output value is exceeding those limits you are clipping and losing data. But if the range is too small you are not using the full dynamic range of the ADC. You can tune the scope_gain setting in the .yaml configuration file. Note that boards have some natural variation, and changes such as the clock frequency, core voltage, and device utilization (FPGA build) will all affect the safe maximum gain setting.

KMAC-128 Capture

There are 3 capture modes for KMAC:

  1. KMAC Random
  2. KMAC Fixed vs Random Key
  3. KMAC Fixed vs Random Key Batch

The capture type can be configured by setting the which test: parameter in the configuration file. This can be done by uncommenting the corresponding line.

  # which_test: kmac_random
  # which_test: kmac_fvsr_key
  which_test: kmac_fvsr_key_batch

To perform a KMAC-128 capture, use this command:

$ cd capture
$ ./ -c configs/kmac_sca_cw310.yaml -p projects/kmac_sca_cw310

You should see similar output as in the AES example. Once the power traces have been collected, a picture similar to the following should be shown in your browser.

SHA3 Capture

There are 3 capture modes for SHA3:

  1. SHA3 Random
  2. SHA3 Fixed vs Random Data
  3. SHA3 Fixed vs Random Data Batch

To perform a SHA3 capture, use this command:

$ cd capture
$ ./ -c configs/sha3_sca_cw310.yaml -p projects/sha3_sca_cw310

You should see similar output as in the KMAC example. Once the power traces have been collected, a picture similar to the following should be shown in your browser.

You can also use the batch mode with

$ cd cw
$ ./ --cfg-file capture_sha3_cw310.yaml capture sha3-fvsr-data-batch --num-traces 100 --plot-traces 10

Errors might occur due to synchronization issues. In this case try to reset the board and try again.

To disable masking use the sha3_sca_cw310_masks_off_cw310.yaml file. The capture commands stay the same.


Currently, we only support the general (non-specific) TVLA, which should only be used on a Fixed-vs.-Random Dataset. To perform the analysis for the masked version, run:

$ cd cw
$ ./ --cfg-file tvla_cfg_sha3.yaml run-tvla

For disabled masking run:

$ cd cw
$ ./ --cfg-file tvla_cfg_sha3_masks_off.yaml run-tvla

Performing Example SCA Attack on AES with Masking Disabled

The OpenTitan AES module uses boolean masking to aggravate SCA attacks. For evaluating the SCA setup as well as specific attacks, the OpenTitan AES module supports an FPGA-only compile-time Verilog parameter allowing software to disable the masking. In the following example, we are going to disable the masking in order to demonstrate an example attack. Note that On the ASIC, the masking cannot be disabled.

Disabling Masking

  1. In the OpenTitan repository, edit the file sw/device/sca/aes_serial.c to and change .masking = kDifAesMaskingInternalPrng to .masking = kDifAesMaskingForceZero.
  2. From the root directory of the OpenTitan repository, run
$ ./ build //sw/...

To re-generate the application binary.


Open the config file cw/capture_aes_cw310.yaml and make sure to:

  1. Change the path to application binary to use the one from the previous step.
  2. If necessary, change the path to the bitstream to use a bitstream matching The application binary.

Capturing Power Traces

Run the following commands

$ cd cw
$ ./ --cfg-file capture_aes_cw310.yaml capture aes-random-batch --num-traces 2000000

to start the capture.

Performing the Attack

Run the following commands:

$ cd cw
$ ./ -f projects/opentitan_simple_aes.cwp -a 505 520 -d output -s 3 -w 16 -n 2000000

This should give you an output like this:

2021-10-23 13:19:19,846 INFO -- Will use 1962961 traces (98.1% of all traces)
2021-10-23 13:19:21,115 INFO -- compute_pairwise_diffs_and_scores took 0.4s
2021-10-23 13:19:21,116 INFO -- Difference values (delta_0_i): [  0 196  41 120  25  62 245  89  49 239 220  24 102 179 220 118]
2021-10-23 13:19:21,158 INFO -- Recovered AES key: 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c
2021-10-23 13:19:21,159 INFO -- Recovered 82/120 differences between key bytes
2021-10-23 13:19:21,159 INFO -- perform_attack took 13.6s
2021-10-23 13:19:21,159 INFO -- main took 14.7s

The setting of -n 2000000 is how many traces to use, if you receive a memory error reduce the number of traces.

The setting of -a 505 520 specifies a location in the power traces, you may need to change these settings with new FPGA builds as the leakage location will shift.


Run the following command to see serial outputs of the target program:

$ screen /dev/ttyACM1 115200,cs8,-ixon,-ixoff

Note that you may need to change "ttyACM1" to something else.

Trace Preprocessing

The analysis/ script allows the user to preprocess traces that were captured with the OpenTitan trace library. This script provides two functionalities:

  • Trace filtering: Remove traces that contain samples over the tolerable deviation from average.
  • Trace aligning: Uses a trace window to align all traces according to a reference trace.

The filtering can be enabled with the -f command line argument and the tolerable deviation from average with -s. To turn on the trace aligning mechanism, use the -a flag. The reference trace is calculated from the mean of -n traces and the window can be specified with -lw and -hw. When operating with larger databases, the -c parameter can be used to specifiy the number of processes used for aligning the traces and the -m parameter can be used to specify the maximum amount of traces that are kept in memory per process. An example is shown below:

$ ./ -i db_in.db -o db_out.db -f -s 7.5 -a -p 5 -n 1000 -lw 21000 -hw 23000 -ms 20 -m 1000 -c 4


Unreachable Husky Scope

If a connection with CW-Husky cannot be established, e.g., due to a failed firmware update, first try to erase its firmware by shorting SJ1 on the board. If the scope is still unreachable but the USB connection is detected by Linux, load the firmware manually:

import chipwhisperer as cw
programmer = cw.SAMFWLoader(scope=None)
programmer.program('/dev/ttyACM0', hardware_type='cwhusky')

Replace /dev/ttyACM0 with the corresponding device.