- Added filter settings, you now may filter messages with your own rules
- Fixed the Danmaku not showing up together with Extension FrankerFaceZ.
- Improve the i18n for Japanese @siloneco
- The danmaku should be more compact now.
- Adjusted the settings for scroll mode.
- Added a new mode for Danmaku: scroll
- Fixed a performance issue.
- Added a button for full webside mode.
- Bunch of bug fixes.
- Completely rebuilt the app, visually upgraded(or downgrade) the UI, upgraded to manifest v3.
- Fixed a problem that danmaku is not showing.
- Fixed a problem causes danmaku is not showing on VODs
- Fixed a glitch that danmaku is not showing.
- Fix an issue that causes the BTTV Emoji is too big.
- Added maximum height customization, now you can avoid danmaku covering the whole screen.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes danmaku got blocked by the video. (issue)
- Fixed a bug that danmaku will not appear while the tag is opened at background. (issue)
- Fixed a bug that danmaku might not show up for some users. (issue)
- Fixed a problem that collapsing the chat might not work in theatre mode.
- Added compatibilities with new Twitch layout.
- Minor bug fix.
- Kinda fixed the overlapping danmaku issue(Unless the danmaku is too long or too many).
- Added a checkbox that enable/disables the bold font.
- Compatibility fix.
- Fix a glitch that the settings panel won't showing up on latest chrome.
- Major glitch fixed.
- Max font size increased to 100px!
- When you collapse the chat manually, you won't get logged out from chat server!
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Rewrote most of the shitty codes.
- Added font selection.
- Fixed a gitch that may cause problems on retina screens.
- Fixed a bug that the danmaku stays shorter than expected.
- Fixed a bug that some of the danmaku is not affected by global style settings.
- Adjust the danmaku easing function.
- Tweek some settings.
- Drastically increased the performance.
- Fixed a bug that may cause some danmaku stay on the screen forever.
- New avaliable language: 日本語.
- Slightly improves performance.
- Disable danmaku will now hide danmaku immediately.
- Now maximum count of danmaku rows will be depend on the height of the video area.
- Fixed some locale translation errors.
- Temporarily removed Srpski support due to an encoding error.
- Add text style option.
- Remove apply button, now all settings will apply instantly.
- More supported languages: Srpski, Deutsch.
- Use page action instead of browser action.
- Add more locale texts.
- Add locale feature, now supports English, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體).
- Fixed a bug that single emoticon chat might not show up properly.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally some part of the chat is missing.
- Fixed a bug that the config won't load up properly when first installed.
- Add fullscreen compatibility.
- Now you can reset the settings by clicking Reset to Default button.
- First commit.
- 增加了聊天过滤,现在你可以通过过滤器来过滤聊天消息!
- 修复在用户安装扩展FrankerFaceZ后弹幕不显示的问题。
- 改善了日语的翻译质量 @siloneco
- 弹幕现在会在尽可能不重叠的情况下尽量紧凑。
- 调整了滚动模式的一些设置。
- 增加新的弹幕模式:滚动
- 修复性能问题。
- 增加了一个可以网页全屏的按钮。
- 很多BUG修复。
- 完全重构了代码,升级至manifest v3,UI升级(降级?)。
- 折叠聊天区域现在不会导致弹幕无法加载了(可能会有BUG)。
- 修复了弹幕无法显示的问题。
- 修复了在直播录像中无法显示弹幕的问题。
- 修复了弹幕无法显示的问题。
- 修复了一个导致BTTV Emoji尺寸过大的问题。
- 增加了弹幕高度的选项,现在你可以防止弹幕占据整个屏幕。
- 修复了某些情况下弹幕可能被视频盖住导致不可见的bug。 (issue)
- 修复了在后台页面打开标签页时没有弹幕出现的bug。(issue)
- 修复了对于某些用户没有弹幕出现的bug。(issue)
- 修复了在影院模式下收起聊天室可能不起作用。
- 兼容最新版twitch界面。
- 修复一个小bug。
- 略微修复了弹幕重叠的问题(除非弹幕太长或者太多)。
- 增加了可以选择是否以粗体显示弹幕。
- 兼容性更新。
- 修复在新版本chrome无法打开设置面板的bug。
- BUG修复。
- 最大字号提升至100像素!
- 当手动隐藏聊天区时,你将不会从聊天服务器登出!
- 修复了一些小BUG。
- 重写了大部分代码。
- 增加了字体选择。
- 修复了一个可能导致视网膜屏显示异常的问题。
- 修复了弹幕的显示时间短于预期的BUG。
- 修复了某些文字不受全局弹幕样式影响的BUG。
- 调整了弹幕的缓动动画方法。
- 修改某些设置。
- 大幅提高性能。
- 修复了一个可能导致弹幕不会消失的bug。
- 新增语言: 日本語.
- 稍微提高了性能。
- 点击禁用弹幕可以立即隐藏所有弹幕。
- 现在弹幕的最大行数取决于屏幕大小了。
- 修复一些翻译错误。
- 由于某些兼容性问题,暂时移除了塞尔维亚语的支持。
- 增加文字样式选项。
- 移除了应用按钮,现在所有改动都会立即生效。
- 更多支持语言:塞尔维亚语,德语。
- 使用页面驱动替换浏览器驱动。
- 增加更多多语言文本。
- 增加多语言支持,现在支持英语, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體).
- 修复某些弹幕显示不正常的bug。
- 修复某些弹幕的某些内容缺失的问题。
- 修复配置文件加载出错的问题。
- 增加全屏支持。
- 增加重设设置的功能。
- 初次提交。