diff --git a/Internal/ag.m b/Internal/ag.m
index 3432d2e..a4ea095 100755
--- a/Internal/ag.m
+++ b/Internal/ag.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [im,im_min,imax] = ag (im,imin,imax)
+function [im,imin,imax] = ag (im,imin,imax)
% ag : autogain, it increases the contrast of image im, using imin and imax.
% It subtracts the the minimum from of the image, divides by the max and
% then normalizes to 255.
@@ -31,25 +31,33 @@
im = double(im);
im(isinf(im(:))) = nan;
-if exist( 'imin', 'var') && ~isempty( imin )
- im_min = imin;
+if ~exist( 'imin', 'var') || isempty( imin )
+ imin = min( im(:) );
- im_min = min(im(:));
+ imin = double( imin );
-if ~exist( 'imax', 'var') || isempty(imax)
- imax = max(im(:));
+if ~exist( 'imax', 'var') || isempty( imax )
+ imax = max( im(:) );
+ imax = double( imax );
+if imin == imax
+ if imin > 0
+ im = im/imax;
+ end
+ im = (im-imin)/(imax-imin);
+% autogain and normalization to uint8
+im = uint8(255*im);
-im_max = imax-im_min;
-% subtract min
-im = im - double(im_min);
- % autogain and normalization to uint8
-im = uint8(255*im/double(im_max));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intFixFields.m b/Internal/intFixFields.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb41c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intFixFields.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+function CONST = intFixFields( CONST, CONST0 )
+% This function adds fields that exist in CONST0 but do not exist in CONST
+% to CONST
+if isstruct( CONST0 )
+ C0n = fieldnames( CONST0 );
+ for ii = 1:numel( C0n )
+ if isfield( CONST, C0n{ii} )
+ CONST = setfield( CONST, C0n{ii}, ...
+ intFixFields( getfield( CONST, C0n{ii} ),...
+ getfield( CONST0, C0n{ii}) ) );
+ else
+ CONST = setfield( CONST, C0n{ii}, getfield( CONST0, C0n{ii}));
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intFixFileName.m b/Internal/intFixFileName.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03adcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intFixFileName.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+function name_mod = intFixFileName( name, str_end)
+% Fixes a file name by adding the suffix str_end if it doesn't already
+% exist
+if str_end(1) ~= '.'
+ str_end = ['.',str_end];
+ns = numel( str_end );
+nn = numel( name );
+% check file name length
+if ns > nn
+ name_mod = [ name, str_end];
+elseif ~strcmp( name( [end-ns+1:end] ), str_end )
+ name_mod = [ name, str_end];
+ name_mod = [ name ];
diff --git a/Internal/intGetChannelNum.m b/Internal/intGetChannelNum.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0992de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intGetChannelNum.m
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+function nnc = intGetChannelNum( data )
+%% comp number of fluor channels
+nc = numel(find(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(fieldnames(data),'fluor'))));
+nnc = 0;
+for jj = 1:nc
+ fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(jj)];
+ if isfield( data, fluorName )
+ nnc = nnc + 1;
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intImRead.m b/Internal/intImRead.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6433d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intImRead.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+function im = intImRead(out_name)
+% More flexible method for loading images... if the file is a mat file, it
+% will load the image in that... else it uses imread
+im = [];
+if numel(out_name) > 4
+ if strcmp(out_name([end-3:end]), '.mat' )
+ tmp = load( out_name );
+ if isfield( tmp, 'im' );
+ im = tmp.im;
+ end
+ elseif strcmp(out_name([end-3:end]), '.tif' )
+ im = imread( out_name );
+ end
+if numel(size(im)) > 2
+ disp('Images are in color - attempting to convert to monochromatic.');
+ im = convertToMonochromatic(im);
diff --git a/Internal/intImWrite.m b/Internal/intImWrite.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3b27b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intImWrite.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function intImWrite(im,out_name)
+% More flexible metho of writing images. Can use save if the image name is
+% .mat.
+if numel( out_name ) > 4
+if strcmp( out_name(end-3:end), '.mat' )
+ out_name = intFixFileName( out_name, '.mat' );
+ save( out_name, 'im' );
+ out_name = intFixFileName( out_name, '.tif' );
+ imwrite(uint16(im), out_name ,'tif','Compression', 'none');
diff --git a/Internal/intMakeMinMax.m b/Internal/intMakeMinMax.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d4498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intMakeMinMax.m
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ function minmax = intMakeMinMax( im )
+ minner = medfilt2( im, [2,2], 'symmetric' );
+ maxxer = max( minner(:));
+ minner = min( minner(:));
+ minmax = [minner,maxxer];
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intRange.m b/Internal/intRange.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af49ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intRange.m
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+function ranger = intRange( im, CDFr )
+% put max and min in range
+ranger = [min( im ),max( im )];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intShiftIm.m b/Internal/intShiftIm.m
index 491bbba..c1f99cf 100644
--- a/Internal/intShiftIm.m
+++ b/Internal/intShiftIm.m
@@ -44,4 +44,6 @@
imOut = (real(ifft2(fftB).*exp(-1i*phase)));
+%imOut2 = imtranslate( imIn, -out([4,3]),'FillValues', mean(imIn(:)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/intShiftImMod.m b/Internal/intShiftImMod.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272a136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Internal/intShiftImMod.m
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+function imOut = intShiftIm( imIn, out )
+%% intShiftIm: shifts image 'imIn' by the parameters in 'out'
+% out is produced by intAlignIm( imA, imB, precision ).
+% INPUT :
+% imIn : input image
+% out : output of intAlignIm,
+% where the 3rd element is the row_shift and 4th and col_shift
+% imOut : shifted image
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Paul Wiggins.
+% University of Washington, 2016
+% This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+% fftB = fft2(imIn); % fourier transform
+% deltar = out(3); % net_row_shift in subpixel
+% deltac = out(4); % net_col_shift in subpixel
+% phase = 0;
+% [nr,nc] = size(imIn); % nr : num of rows, nc : num of columns
+% Nr = ifftshift(-fix(nr/2):ceil(nr/2)-1); % swaps the left and right halves
+% Nc = ifftshift(-fix(nc/2):ceil(nc/2)-1);
+% [Nc,Nr] = meshgrid(Nc,Nr);
+% fftB = fftB.*exp(1i*2*pi*(deltar*Nr/nr+deltac*Nc/nc));
+% imOut = (real(ifft2(fftB).*exp(-1i*phase)));
+% This re-implementation uses the matlab built in imtranslate.
+imOut = imtranslate( imIn, -out([4,3]),'FillValues', mean(imIn(:)));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Internal/isRightNameFormat.m b/Internal/isRightNameFormat.m
index 57306cd..4b866fa 100644
--- a/Internal/isRightNameFormat.m
+++ b/Internal/isRightNameFormat.m
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
-contents = dir([dirname,filesep,'*.tif']);
+contents = dir([dirname,filesep,'*.tif*']);
filenames = {contents.name}';
numWithXy = sum(~cellfun('isempty',nameWithXy));
numWithoutXY = sum(~cellfun('isempty',nameWithoutXy));
diff --git a/batch/BatchSuperSeggerOpti.m b/batch/BatchSuperSeggerOpti.m
index 2e4a225..027cb7c 100644
--- a/batch/BatchSuperSeggerOpti.m
+++ b/batch/BatchSuperSeggerOpti.m
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function BatchSuperSeggerOpti(dirname_,skip,clean_flag,res,startEnd,showWarnings
% align frames
if exist( dirname_, 'dir' )
if exist( [dirname_,filesep,'raw_im'] ,'dir') && ...
- (numel(dir ([dirname_,filesep,'raw_im',filesep,'*.tif'])) || ...
+ (numel(dir ([dirname_,filesep,'raw_im',filesep,'*.tif*'])) || ...
disp('BatchSuperSeggerOpti : images already aligned');
if exist([dirname_,filesep,'raw_im',filesep,'cropbox.mat'],'file')
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ function BatchSuperSeggerOpti(dirname_,skip,clean_flag,res,startEnd,showWarnings
crop_box_array = cell(1,10000);
- elseif numel(dir ([dirname_,filesep,'*.tif']))
+ elseif numel(dir ([dirname_,filesep,'*.tif*']))
% check naming convention
if ~isRightNameFormat(dirname_)
disp('Images in incorrect naming format. Using convertImageNames to convert names.')
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ function BatchSuperSeggerOpti(dirname_,skip,clean_flag,res,startEnd,showWarnings
crop_box_array = trackOptiAlignPad( dirname_,...
CONST.parallel.parallel_pool_num, CONST);
- movefile( [dirname_,filesep,'*.tif'], [dirname_,filesep,'raw_im'] ) % moves images to raw_im
- movefile( [dirname_,'align',filesep,'*.tif'], [dirname_,filesep]); % moves aligned back to main folder
+ movefile( [dirname_,filesep,'*.tif*'], [dirname_,filesep,'raw_im'] ) % moves images to raw_im
+ movefile( [dirname_,'align',filesep,'*.tif*'], [dirname_,filesep]); % moves aligned back to main folder
rmdir( [dirname_,'align'] ); % removes _align directory
copyfile( [dirname_,filesep,'*.tif'], [dirname_,filesep,'raw_im'] ) % moves images to raw_im
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ function intProcessXY( dirname_xy, skip, nc, num_c, clean_flag, ...
% processor all the information it needs to process the images.
% Initialization
-file_filter = '*.tif';
+file_filter = '*.tif*';
verbose = CONST.parallel.verbose;
% get header to show xy position
diff --git a/batch/convertImageNames.m b/batch/convertImageNames.m
index 2fc2d29..e0d8a47 100644
--- a/batch/convertImageNames.m
+++ b/batch/convertImageNames.m
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ function convertImageNames(dirname, basename, timeFilterBefore, ...
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
-images = dir([dirname,filesep,'*.tif']);
+images = dir([dirname,filesep,'*.tif*']);
% directory to move original images
dirOriginal = [dirname,filesep,'original',filesep] ;
-imagesInOrig = dir([dirOriginal,filesep,'*.tif']);
+imagesInOrig = dir([dirOriginal,filesep,'*.tif*']);
elementsXY ='xy';
@@ -87,10 +87,13 @@ function convertImageNames(dirname, basename, timeFilterBefore, ...
if isempty(imagesInOrig) % move original images
- movefile([dirname,filesep,'*.tif'],dirOriginal); % move all images to dir original
+ movefile([dirname,filesep,'*.tif*'],dirOriginal); % move all images to dir original
-images = dir([dirOriginal,filesep,'*.tif']);
+images = dir([dirOriginal,filesep,'*.tif*']);
% go through every image
for j = 1: numel (images)
@@ -186,4 +189,4 @@ function convertImageNames(dirname, basename, timeFilterBefore, ...
numbers = str2double(pattern);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/batch/processExp.m b/batch/processExp.m
index ad44132..d7c35fc 100644
--- a/batch/processExp.m
+++ b/batch/processExp.m
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ function processExp( dirname )
CONST.trackOpti.NEIGHBOR_FLAG = false; % calculate number of neighbors (default = false)
CONST.imAlign.AlignChannel = 1; % change this if you want the images to be aligned to fluorescence channel
+CONST.view.fluorColor = {'y','r','b'};
%% Skip Frames for Segmentation
% For fast time-lapse or slow growth you can skip phase image frames
diff --git a/batch/superSeggerGui.m b/batch/superSeggerGui.m
index 5a41ed0..72a1701 100644
--- a/batch/superSeggerGui.m
+++ b/batch/superSeggerGui.m
@@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ function end_step_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
diff --git a/batch/trackOptiAlignPad.m b/batch/trackOptiAlignPad.m
index aee39d6..7084278 100644
--- a/batch/trackOptiAlignPad.m
+++ b/batch/trackOptiAlignPad.m
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
dirname_ = fixDir(dirname_);
verbose = CONST.parallel.verbose;
-file_filter = '*.tif';
+file_filter = '*.tif*';
contents=dir([dirname_ file_filter]);
num_im = numel( contents );
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
crop_box = cell(1, num_xy);
% parallelized alignment for each xy
+%for jj=1:num_xy
parfor(jj=1:num_xy, workers)
crop_box{jj} = intFrameAlignXY( SHOW_FLAG, nt, nz, nc, nxy(jj), ...
dirname_, targetd, nameInfo, precision, CONST);
@@ -179,12 +180,7 @@
if verbose
disp(['trackOptiAlignPad : Image name: ',in_name]);
- im = imread(in_name);
- if numel(size(im)) > 2
- disp('Images are in color - attempting to convert to monochromatic.');
- im = convertToMonochromatic(im);
- end
+ im = intImRead(in_name);
if (ic == nc(1)) && (iz == nnz2 | iz == -1)
% align phase image at half the z axis
@@ -214,8 +210,9 @@
- im = intShiftIm(im, out);
+ %im = intShiftIm(im, out);
+ im = intShiftImMod(im, out );
if ic == nc(1) % phase image
if ic>0
@@ -234,11 +231,11 @@
- if mod(ic,2) == 0
- imshow( cat( 3, backer, backer0+fluor, backer0));
- else
- imshow( cat( 3, backer+fluor, backer0, backer0));
+ if ~isfield (CONST.view,'fluorColor')
+ CONST.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b'};
+ comp( {backer}, {fluor,CONST.view.fluorColor{ic-1}} );
@@ -288,16 +285,18 @@
if verbose
disp(['Image name: ',in_name]);
- im_ = imread( in_name );
+ im_ = intImRead( in_name );
if numel(size(im_)) > 2
disp('Images are in color - attempting to convert to monochromatic.');
im_ = convertToMonochromatic(im_);
im = zeros(sspad, class(im_) ) + mean( im_(:));
im((1-miny):(ss(1)-miny),(1-minx):(ss(2)-minx)) = im_;
out = [0,0,OutArray(countt,:)];
- im = intShiftIm(im, out + CONST.imAlign.out{ic} - ...
+ im = intShiftImMod(im, out + CONST.imAlign.out{ic} - ...
if ~initFlag % first time through, set previous image
@@ -318,11 +317,11 @@
- if mod(ic,2) == 0
- imshow( cat( 3, backer, backer0+fluor, backer0));
- else
- imshow( cat( 3, backer+fluor, backer0, backer0));
+ if ~isfield (CONST.view,'fluorColor')
+ CONST.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b'};
+ comp( {backer}, {fluor,CONST.view.fluorColor{ic-1}} );
hold on;
@@ -338,7 +337,7 @@
if FocusArray(countt) % image focused, with low error
% save shifted image to target directory
out_name = [targetd, MakeFileName(nameInfo)];
- imwrite(uint16(im), out_name ,'tif','Compression', 'none');
+ intImWrite(im, out_name );
initFlag = true;
if ic == nc(1)
diff --git a/batch/trackOptiCropMulti.m b/batch/trackOptiCropMulti.m
index d362c9c..c92ea78 100644
--- a/batch/trackOptiCropMulti.m
+++ b/batch/trackOptiCropMulti.m
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
if ~isempty(dirname)
- file_filter = '*.tif';
+ file_filter = '*.tif*';
dirname = fixDir(dirname);
@@ -70,10 +70,14 @@
for nnxy = nxy
% displays the first and last image on top of each other
- nameInfo.npos(:,1) = [nt(1); nc(1); nnxy; nz(1)];
- im1 = imread( [dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo) ]);
+ nameInfo.npos(:,1) = [nt(1); nc(1); nnxy; nz(1)];
+ im1 = intImRead( [dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo) ]);
nameInfo.npos(:,1) = [nt(end); nc(1); nnxy; nz(1)];
- imEnd = imread( [dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo) ]);
+ imEnd = intImRead( [dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo) ]);
@@ -115,10 +119,14 @@
nameInfo.npos(:,1) = [it; ic; nnxy; iz];
in_name = [dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo)];
disp( in_name );
- im = imread( in_name );
+ im = intImRead( in_name );
out_name = [targetd, MakeFileName(nameInfo)];
- imwrite( im(yy,xx), out_name, 'TIFF' );
- end
+ intImWrite( im(yy,xx), out_name );
+ end
diff --git a/batch/trackOptiPD.m b/batch/trackOptiPD.m
index d615396..6c02330 100644
--- a/batch/trackOptiPD.m
+++ b/batch/trackOptiPD.m
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function trackOptiPD(dirname, CONST)
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
-file_filter = '*.tif';
+file_filter = '*.tif*';
if(nargin<1 || isempty(dirname))
dirname = uigetdir();
diff --git a/batch/trackOptiSkipMerge.m b/batch/trackOptiSkipMerge.m
index de06af4..3938d81 100644
--- a/batch/trackOptiSkipMerge.m
+++ b/batch/trackOptiSkipMerge.m
@@ -136,8 +136,9 @@ function intSkipPar(i,dirname_xy,nameInfo,nt,nc,nz,skip,num_c,num_z)
nameInfo_tmp.npos(4,1) = 1;
name = MakeFileName(nameInfo_tmp);
% do the min merge of z phase
-phase = imread( [dirname_xy,'phase',filesep,name] );
+phase = intImRead( [dirname_xy,'phase',filesep,name] );
for k = 2:num_z
nameInfo_tmp.npos(4,1) = nz(k);
name = MakeFileName(nameInfo_tmp);
@@ -155,9 +156,15 @@ function intSkipPar(i,dirname_xy,nameInfo,nt,nc,nz,skip,num_c,num_z)
dataname_ref = [dirname_xy,'seg', filesep,name_ref,'_err.mat'];
data = load(dataname_ref);
% loads the data reference for the min merge of z phase, sets tha name and
% nameInfo, and the fluorescence field from the image to be merged.
if mod(i-1,skip)
+ imRange = nan( [2, num_c ] );
+ imRange(:,1) = intRange( phase(:) );
data.phase = phase;
data.basename = name;
nameInfo_tmp = nameInfo;
@@ -169,9 +176,15 @@ function intSkipPar(i,dirname_xy,nameInfo,nt,nc,nz,skip,num_c,num_z)
name = MakeFileName( nameInfo_tmp );
fluorImage = imread( [dirname_xy,'fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1),filesep,name]);
data.(['fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1)]) = fluorImage;
- end
+ imRange(:,k) = intRange( fluorImage(:) );
+ end
+ data.imRange = imRange;
diff --git a/cell/trackOptiClist.m b/cell/trackOptiClist.m
index 362b561..878abb0 100644
--- a/cell/trackOptiClist.m
+++ b/cell/trackOptiClist.m
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@
% Get the track file names...
contents=dir([dirname '*_err.mat']);
+imRangeGlobal = [];
if isempty( contents )
clist.data = [];
@@ -86,6 +92,20 @@
% loop through all the images (*err.mat files)
for i = 1:num_im
data_c = loaderInternal([dirname,contents(i).name]);
+ % get info on max and min values of each channel over all timesteps
+ if isfield( data_c, 'imRange' )
+ if isempty( imRangeGlobal )
+ imRangeGlobal = data_c.imRange;
+ else
+ for kk = 1:size( imRangeGlobal, 2 )
+ imRangeGlobal(1,kk) = min( [data_c.imRange(1,kk),imRangeGlobal(1,kk)] );
+ imRangeGlobal(2,kk) = max( [data_c.imRange(2,kk),imRangeGlobal(2,kk)] );
+ end
+ end
+ end
if ~isempty( data_c.CellA)
% record the number of cell neighbors
if CONST.trackOpti.NEIGHBOR_FLAG && ...
@@ -254,6 +274,24 @@
% removes cells with 0 cell id
clist.data = clist_tmp(logical(clist_tmp(:,1)),:);
clist.data3D = clist_3D(clist.data(:,1),:,:);
+ clist = gateTool( clist, 'add3Dt' );
+ % add channel max and min
+ clist.imRangeGlobal = imRangeGlobal;
+ %add3dtime stuff
+ len_time_ind = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Long axis (L)', 1);
+ ss = size( clist.data3D );
+ if numel(ss) == 2
+ ss(3) = 1;
+ end
+ len = reshape( ~isnan(squeeze(clist.data3D(:,len_time_ind(1),:))),[ss(1),ss(3)]);
+ age = cumsum( len, 2 );
+ age(~len) = nan;
% Add time, age and relative age to 3D clist.
clist = gateTool( clist, 'add3Dt' );
diff --git a/dev-lab/trackOptiZMerge.m b/dev-lab/trackOptiZMerge.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e677a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lab/trackOptiZMerge.m
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+function trackOptiZMerge( dirname, targetname, CONST, dz )
+data.mag = 5;
+if ~isfield( CONST, 'maxMerge' ) || isempty(CONST.maxMerge)
+ CONST.maxMerge = false;
+if ~exist( 'dz', 'var' ) || isempty(dz)
+ dz = 0;
+data.CONST = CONST;
+data.dz = dz;
+%% get the dir contents first and set up the file names
+dirname = fixDir( dirname );
+targetname = fixDir( targetname );
+data.dirname = dirname;
+data.targetname = targetname;
+file_filter = '*.tif';
+contents=dir([data.dirname file_filter]);
+num_im = numel( contents );
+if num_im < 1
+ disp( 'No images have been found.' );
+ return
+nt = [];
+nc = [];
+nxy = [];
+nz = [];
+% extract name information for each image
+for i = 1:num_im
+ nameInfo0 = ReadFileName(contents(i).name);
+ nt = [nt, nameInfo0.npos(1,1)];
+ nc = [nc, nameInfo0.npos(2,1)];
+ nxy = [nxy,nameInfo0.npos(3,1)];
+ nz = [nz, nameInfo0.npos(4,1)];
+data.nameInfo0 = nameInfo0;
+nt = sort(unique(nt))';
+nc = sort(unique(nc));
+nxy = sort(unique(nxy));
+nz = sort(unique(nz));
+data.nt = nt';
+data.nc = nc;
+data.nxy = nxy;
+data.nz = nz;
+numz = numel(nz);
+data.numz = numz;
+if numel(nz) < 2
+ disp( 'There are not at least two z positions' );
+ return
+%% make target d
+if ~exist( 'targetname', 'dir' )
+ mkdir( data.targetname );
+%% Load up first images and get the size
+im = imread( [dirname,contents(1).name] );
+if numel(size(im)) > 2
+ im = im(:,:,2);
+% figure out the full image size
+ss0 = size( im )
+data.ss0 = ss0;
+% fix up full image size mesh grids
+[X2f,Y2f] = meshgrid( (1:ss0(2)), (1:ss0(1)) );
+[X3f,Y3f,Z3f] = meshgrid( (1:ss0(2)), (1:ss0(1)), 1:numz );
+data.X2f = X2f;
+data.Y2f = Y2f;
+data.X3f = X3f;
+data.Y3f = Y3f;
+data.Z3f = Z3f;
+% mask smaller gides
+imr = imresize( im, 1/data.mag );
+ss = size( imr );
+data.ss = ss;
+[X3,Y3,Z3] = meshgrid( data.mag*(1:ss(2)), data.mag*(1:ss(1)), 1:numz );
+[X2,Y2] = meshgrid( data.mag*(1:ss(2)), data.mag*(1:ss(1)) );
+[X2i,Y2i] = meshgrid( data.mag*(0:ss(2)), data.mag*(0:ss(1)) );
+data.X2 = X2;
+data.Y2 = Y2;
+data.X2i = X2i;
+data.Y2i = Y2i;
+data.X3 = X3;
+data.Y3 = Y3;
+data.Z3 = Z3;
+% Make the filters
+data.disk_fs = fspecial('disk',1);
+data.g_fs = fspecial('gaussian',14,2);
+%% Do the main loop
+numt = numel(nt);
+data.numt = numt;
+% Loop through xy's
+for nnxy = nxy
+ disp( ['XY: ',num2str( nnxy ),' / ',num2str(numel(nxy))] );
+ %loop through times
+ % parfor jj = 1:numt
+ for jj = 1:numt
+ intDoTimeStep( nt(jj), data, nnxy )
+ end
+function intDoTimeStep( it, data, nnxy )
+nameInfo_in = data.nameInfo0;
+nameInfo_out = data.nameInfo0;
+ims = zeros( [data.ss0, data.numz] );
+disp( ['t: ',num2str( it ),' / ',num2str(data.numt)] );
+for ic = data.nc
+ %% Load the z stack
+ for iz = 1:data.numz
+ nameInfo_in.npos(:,1) = [it; ic; nnxy; iz];
+ in_name = [data.dirname, MakeFileName(nameInfo_in)];
+ tmp = imread( in_name );
+ if numel(size(tmp)) > 2
+ tmp = tmp(:,:,2);
+ end
+ ims(:,:,iz) = tmp;
+ end
+ if (ic == 1)||(ic == -1 )
+ Z2f = makeMergeMap( ims, data );
+ end
+ if data.CONST.maxMerge && (ic ~= 1)
+ im_merge = intMaxMerge( ims, datad );
+ else
+ im_merge = intDoMerge( ims, Z2f, data );
+ end
+ nameInfo_out.npos(4,:) = 0;
+ nameInfo_out.npos(:,1) = [it; ic; nnxy; -1];
+ out_name = [data.targetname, MakeFileName(nameInfo_out)];
+ imwrite( uint16(im_merge), out_name );
+function Z2f = makeMergeMap( ims, data )
+tmp_max = 0;
+curver = zeros( [data.ss,data.numz] );
+% this removes bright glass chunks from the field
+mask = false( data.ss0 );
+for ii = 1:data.numz
+ rad = 1;
+ tmp = medfilt2( ims(:,:,ii), [3,3], 'symmetric' );
+ tmp_mean = mean(tmp(:));
+ tmp = ims(:,:,ii);
+ flagger = tmp<.3*tmp_mean;
+ %mask = or( flagger,mask);
+ tmp(flagger) = 0.3*tmp_mean;
+ flagger = tmp>2.5*tmp_mean;
+ mask = or( flagger,mask);
+ tmp( flagger) = 2.5*tmp_mean;
+ tmp_max = tmp_max+tmp_mean;
+ [~,~,~,~,~,~,~,tmp ] = curveFilter( tmp, rad );
+ tmp = imresize( tmp, 1/data.mag );
+ tmp = imfilter( tmp, data.disk_fs, 'replicate' );
+ curver(:,:,ii) = tmp;
+mask_r = logical(imresize( double(mask), 1/data.mag ));
+mask_rbw = bwmorph( bwmorph( mask_r, 'erode',2),'dilate',4);
+int_min = imresize(min( ims, [], 3), 1/data.mag );
+tmp_max = tmp_max/data.numz;
+curver = curver/tmp_max;
+%% Do max merge
+[tmp,ord] = max( curver,[],3 );
+ord3 = data.Z3;
+for ii = 1:data.numz
+ ord3(:,:,ii) = ord;
+curver_mod = curver;
+curver_mod(abs(ord3(:)-data.Z3(:))>2) = nan;
+minner = min(curver_mod,[],3);
+for ii = 1:data.numz
+ curver_mod(:,:,ii) = curver_mod(:,:,ii) - minner;
+Z_ = nansum(curver_mod.*data.Z3,3)./nansum(curver_mod,3);
+%% Model background Z position based on length gradient
+mask_min = int_min<0.9*mean(int_min(:));
+mask = and( (tmp>0.02), mask_min );
+mask = bwmorph( mask, 'dilate', 1 );
+mask = bwmorph( mask, 'erode', 1 );
+mask_e = bwmorph( mask, 'erode', 2 );
+mask_o = (mask-mask_e)>0;
+mask_o(mask_rbw) = false;
+N = sum(mask_o(:));
+Z0 = mean( Z_(mask_o));
+X0 = mean( data.X2(mask_o) );
+Y0 = mean( data.Y2(mask_o) );
+XZ0 = mean( data.X2(mask_o).*Z_(mask_o) );
+YZ0 = mean( data.Y2(mask_o).*Z_(mask_o) );
+X20 = mean( data.X2(mask_o).*data.X2(mask_o) );
+Y20 = mean( data.Y2(mask_o).*data.Y2(mask_o) );
+mX = (XZ0-X0*Z0)/(X20-X0^2);
+mY = (YZ0-Y0*Z0)/(Y20-Y0^2);
+b = Z0 - mX*X0-mY*Y0;
+ZZ = b + mX*data.X2 + mY*data.Y2;
+Z__ = Z_;
+Z__(~mask) = ZZ(~mask);
+Z__ = medfilt2( Z__, [3,3] );
+Z2 = imfilter( Z__, data.g_fs, 'replicate' );
+Z2 = Z2 + data.dz;
+Z2(Z2>data.numz) = data.numz;
+Z2(Z2<1) = 1;
+% Show the position for debugging
+%imshow( Z2, [] );
+Z2 = Z2([1,1:end],[1,1:end]);
+Z2f = interp2( data.X2i,data.Y2i,Z2,data.X2f,data.Y2f);
+function im_merge = intDoMerge( ims, Z2f, data )
+im_merge = interp3( data.X3f,data.Y3f,data.Z3f,ims,data.X2f,data.Y2f,Z2f );
+imshow( im_merge, [] );
+function im_merge = intMaxMerge( ims )
+im_merge = max( ims,[], 3);
+imshow( im_merge, [] );
diff --git a/fluorescence/curveFilter.m b/fluorescence/curveFilter.m
index 270ae8b..53293fd 100755
--- a/fluorescence/curveFilter.m
+++ b/fluorescence/curveFilter.m
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+oldflag = true;
im = double(im);
% filter width
@@ -52,10 +55,16 @@
v = filterWidth^2;
gau = 1/(2*pi*v) * exp( -R2/(2*v) );
-f_xx = (2*pi*v^2)*((X/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
-f_yy = (2*pi*v^2)*((Y/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
-f_xy = (2*pi*v^2)*X.*Y.*gau/v^2;
+if oldflag
+ f_xx = (2*pi*v^2)*((X/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
+ f_yy = (2*pi*v^2)*((Y/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
+ f_xy = (2*pi*v^2)*X.*Y.*gau/v^2;
+ f_xx = ((X/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
+ f_yy = ((Y/v).^2-1/v).*gau;
+ f_xy = X.*Y.*gau/v^2;
% Do filtering
im_xx = imfilter( im, f_xx, 'replicate' );
im_yy = imfilter( im, f_yy, 'replicate' );
diff --git a/fluorescence/intFindFociCurve.m b/fluorescence/intFindFociCurve.m
index 992037a..959ca8d 100644
--- a/fluorescence/intFindFociCurve.m
+++ b/fluorescence/intFindFociCurve.m
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
cytoplasmicFlourescenceSTD = 1;
disp ('Possibly empty mask for image - foci may not be found');
-normalizedImage = originalImage/cytoplasmicFlourescenceSTD;
+normalizedImage = originalImage/cytoplasmicFlourescenceSTD; % normalization so that intensities;
%Take only pixels above 1 std (noise reduction)
normalizedImage = normalizedImage - 1;
@@ -219,9 +220,10 @@
focus = focusInit;
if numel(sortedFoci) > 0
- flagFoci = (([sortedFoci.intensity] > 0.33 * ...
- sortedFoci(1).intensity) | [sortedFoci.intensity] > 5);
- maxIndex = find(flagFoci);
+ %maxIndex = find([sortedFoci.intensity] > 0.333 * sortedFoci(1).intensity);
+ maxIndex = 1:numel(sortedFoci);
if numel(maxIndex) > CONST.trackLoci.numSpots(channelID)
maxIndex = maxIndex(1:CONST.trackLoci.numSpots(channelID));
diff --git a/gate/gateTool.m b/gate/gateTool.m
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2f89aaf..72411cb
--- a/gate/gateTool.m
+++ b/gate/gateTool.m
@@ -397,6 +397,7 @@
if isnumeric( next_arg )
data.multi = next_arg;
@@ -678,6 +679,7 @@
data.multi = next_arg;
else % if there is no numeric ind's turn all to log
error( 'Resolution must be a double.' );
diff --git a/gate/makePed.m b/gate/makePed.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ef882e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gate/makePed.m
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function data = makePed( data )
+ID0 = data.ID;
+ID = sort( ID0 );
+nc = numel( ID );
+ped_vec = cell([1,nc]);
+for jj = 1:nc
+ id = ID(jj);
+ ii = find( id==ID0, 1, 'first' );
+ m = data.mother(ii);
+ ped = '';
+ if m == 0 || isnan(m)
+ ped = '0';
+ else
+ ind = find( m==ID0 );
+ if ~isempty(ind);
+ ped = ped_vec{ind};
+ if data.pole(ii) == 2
+ ped = [ped,'1'];
+ else
+ ped = [ped,'0'];
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ped_vec{ii} = ped;
+ gen(ii) = numel(ped);
+data.ped = ped_vec;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/segmentation/defineGoodSegs.m b/segmentation/defineGoodSegs.m
index 88e387a..2380a17 100644
--- a/segmentation/defineGoodSegs.m
+++ b/segmentation/defineGoodSegs.m
@@ -159,7 +159,17 @@
if calcScores
% Calculate the score to determine if the seg will be included.
% if score is less than 0 set the segment off
- [scoreRaw(ii)] = CONST.seg.segmentScoreFun( seg_info(ii,:), A );
+ if isfield( CONST.seg, 'forceOff' ) && CONST.seg.forceOff
+ % this allows all segments to be turned off
+ scoreRaw(ii) = -infty;
+ elseif isfield( CONST.seg, 'forceOn' ) && CONST.seg.forceOn
+ % this allows all sgments to be turned on
+ scoreRaw(ii) = infty;
+ else
+ [scoreRaw(ii)] = CONST.seg.segmentScoreFun( seg_info(ii,:), A );
+ end
score(ii) = double( 0 < scoreRaw (ii));
% update the good and bad segs images.
diff --git a/segmentation/doSeg.m b/segmentation/doSeg.m
index 1a27761..abf86fd 100644
--- a/segmentation/doSeg.m
+++ b/segmentation/doSeg.m
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
nameInfo_tmp.npos(4,1) = 1; % z value
name = MakeFileName(nameInfo_tmp);
namePhase = [dirname_xy,'phase',filesep,name];
- phase = imread( namePhase );
+ phase = intImRead( namePhase );
if num_z > 1 % if there are z frames
phaseCat = zeros( [size(phase), num_z], 'uint16' );
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@
for iz = 2:num_z
nameInfo_tmp.npos(4,1) = iz;
name = MakeFileName(nameInfo_tmp);
- phaseCat(:,:,iz) = imread( [dirname_xy,'phase',filesep,name] );
+ phaseCat(:,:,iz) = intImRead( [dirname_xy,'phase',filesep,name] );
phase = mean( phaseCat, 3);
+ imRange = nan( [2, num_c ] );
if ~mod(i-1,skip)
if CONST.superSeggerOpti.segmenting_fluorescence
@@ -93,6 +95,8 @@
phase = max(phase(:)) - phase;
+ imRange(:,1) = intRange( phase(:) );
% do the segmentation here
[data, ~] = CONST.seg.segFun( phase, CONST, header, dataname, crop_box);
if ~isempty( crop_box )
@@ -106,9 +110,13 @@
nameInfo_tmp.npos(2,1) = nc(k);
nameInfo_tmp.npos(4,1) = 1;
name = MakeFileName( nameInfo_tmp );
- fluor_tmp = imread( [dirname_xy,'fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1),filesep,name] );
- data.(['fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1)])=fluor_tmp;
+ fluor_tmp = intImRead( [dirname_xy,'fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1),filesep,name] );
+ data.(['fluor',num2str(nc(k)-1)])=fluor_tmp;
+ imRange(:,k) = intRange( fluor_tmp(:) );
+ data.imRange = imRange;
save(dataname,'-STRUCT','data'); % Save data structure into the seg file.
diff --git a/segmentation/removeDebris.m b/segmentation/removeDebris.m
index 3692843..4aeeba4 100644
--- a/segmentation/removeDebris.m
+++ b/segmentation/removeDebris.m
@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@
debugFlag = false;
pad = 6;
ss = size( phase );
@@ -93,9 +95,14 @@
- halo_keep = find( DI>INTENSITY_DIF );
- pebble_keep = find( I_K>PEBBLE_CONST );
- imshow( comp( phase, mask_bg, ismember( label_bg,halo_keep ), ismember( label_bg,pebble_keep) ) );
+ halo_keep = find( DI> INTENSITY_DIF);
+ pebble_keep = find( I_K> PEBBLE_CONST );
+ comp( phase, ...
+ {mask_bg,.3}, ...
+ {ismember( label_bg,halo_keep ),.3},...
+ {ismember( label_bg,pebble_keep),.3} );
for ii = 1:num_reg
text( props(ii).Centroid(1),props(ii).Centroid(2), [num2str( -I_m(ii)+I_p(ii), '%2.2g' ),',',num2str( I_K(ii), '%2.2g' )] );
@@ -103,7 +110,7 @@
- imshow( comp( phase, ~ismember( label_bg, keeper)));
+ comp( phase, {~ismember( label_bg, keeper),.3} );
diff --git a/segmentation/superSeggerOpti.m b/segmentation/superSeggerOpti.m
index 14839c7..4f82fac 100755
--- a/segmentation/superSeggerOpti.m
+++ b/segmentation/superSeggerOpti.m
@@ -183,10 +183,12 @@
[~,~,~,~,~,K,~,~] = curveFilter(phaseNormUnfilt, 3 );
aK = abs(K);
if CONST.superSeggerOpti.remove_debris
mask_colonies = removeDebris(mask_colonies, phaseNormUnfilt, aK, CONST);
% remove bright halos from the mask
mask_halos = (magicPhase>CUT_INT);
@@ -270,6 +272,13 @@
+ tmp_3s = compConn( logical(wsl_segs_good), 4 );
+ tmp_3s([1,end],:) = 0;
+ tmp_3s(:,[1,end]) = 0;
+ wsl_segs_good(tmp_3s==0)=0;
ws(yy,xx) = double(0<(ws(yy,xx) + wsl_segs_good));
diff --git a/settings/loadConstants.m b/settings/loadConstants.m
index d0693a3..f1e39bc 100644
--- a/settings/loadConstants.m
+++ b/settings/loadConstants.m
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
% gets the list of all possible constants in the settings folder
[possibleConstants, list, filepath] = getConstantsList();
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@
CONST.view.LogView = false;
CONST.view.filtered = 1;
CONST.view.maxNumCell = []; % maximum number of cells used for analysis tools
+CONST.view.background = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7];
% super resolution constants - not used in released version
% Const for findFocusSR
diff --git a/settings/loadConstantsFile.m b/settings/loadConstantsFile.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..303ec42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/settings/loadConstantsFile.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+function CONST = loadConstantsFile( filename )
+% Needed for back compatibility.
+% fixes old loadConstants files...
+CONST0 = [];
+% view constants
+CONST0.view.showFullCellCycleOnly = false; % only uses full cell cycle for analysis tools
+CONST0.view.orientFlag = true; % to orient the cells along the horizontal axis for the analysis tools
+CONST0.view.falseColorFlag = false;
+CONST0.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b','c','o','y'}; % order of channel colors to be used for display
+CONST0.view.LogView = false;
+CONST0.view.filtered = 1;
+CONST0.view.maxNumCell = []; % maximum number of cells used for analysis tools
+CONST0.view.background = [0.7, 0.7, 0.7];
+if exist( filename, 'file' )
+ CONST = load( filename );
+ CONST = intFixFields( CONST, CONST0 );
+ disp( ['File ',filename, ' does not exist.'] );
+ CONST = [];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trainingConstants/trainingGui.m b/trainingConstants/trainingGui.m
index 135171b..897c3eb 100644
--- a/trainingConstants/trainingGui.m
+++ b/trainingConstants/trainingGui.m
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ function cut_and_seg_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
CONSTtemp.parallel.verbose = 1;
CONSTtemp.align.ALIGN_FLAG = 0;
CONSTtemp.seg.OPTI_FLAG = 1;
BatchSuperSeggerOpti(settings_train.imageDirectory, skip, clean_flag, CONSTtemp, start_end_steps, 1);
% make a backup of the seg files
@@ -146,6 +147,8 @@ function cut_and_seg_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
settings_train.frameNumber = 1;
% --- Executes on button press in try_const.
diff --git a/viz/comp.m b/viz/comp.m
index 4ea9515..a801e76 100644
--- a/viz/comp.m
+++ b/viz/comp.m
@@ -1,62 +1,179 @@
function [ varargout ] = comp( varargin )
-% comp : creates composite image
+% comp : Makes composite image for the superSegger/trackOpti package.
+% INPUT :
+% comp( im_RGB, ... ): Compose im_RGB with other arguments
+% comp( im_grey, ... ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the grey channel
+% with other arguments
+% comp( {im_grey,cc} ... ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the cc channel
+% with other arguments. cc can be 'rygcbm....' or
+% a double triplet
+% comp( {im_grey,del,cc} ... ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the cc channel
+% with other arguments. cc can be 'rygcbm....' or
+% a double triplet. del is a double which modulates the
+% intensity
+% comp( {im_grey,cc} ... ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the cc channel
+% with other arguments. cc also be false
+% color
+% comp( {im_grey,cc,'log'} ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the cc channel
+% with other arguments. cc can be 'rygcbm....' or
+% a double triplet. Log scale.
+% comp( {im_grey,cc,'log',floor} ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the cc channel
+% with other arguments. cc can be 'rygcbm....' or
+% a double triplet. Log scale with floor floor.
+% comp( {im_grey,'pow',.5} ): Compose im_grey (greyscale) in the grey channel
+% Powlaw scale with power .5.
+% comp( {mask,'r'},... ): Shows logical mask in red
+% comp( im_grey, {mask,'r'},... ): Shows logical mask in red on top of
+% im_grey in the grey channel
+% comp( im_grey, {regs_label,'label',birth} ):
+% Show regs_label regions with label
+% birth
+% comp( {fluor1,'mask', mask,'back',[.3,.3,.3] } )
+% Show fluor1 masked by mask with
+% backgournd color [.3,.3,.3]
+% comp( {fluor1,'mask', mask} )
+% Show fluor1 masked by mask
+% comp( {fluor1,[min,max]} )
+% Show fluor1 autoscaled with min and max
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Paul Wiggins
+% University of Washington, 2016
+% This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
label_flag = false;
im_comp = [];
+% read the commands
+% loop through all input arguments
for ii = 1:nargin
data = varargin{ii};
im = [];
del = [];
cc = [];
com = [];
- com2 = [];
+ com2 = [];
+ min_ = [];
+ max_ = [];
+ % if the argument is a cell, then read the commands contained to format
+ % the image
if iscell( data )
numin = numel( data );
if numin == 0
- im = data{1};
- jj = 2;
+ % The first argument is always an image
+ im = data{1};
+ % set the cell argument counter to zer and get the next
+ jj = 2;
+ com = {};
+ com2 = {};
+ ncom = 0;
+ min_ = [];
+ max_ = [];
+ % loop through the arguments
while jj<=numin
+ % if the argument is a single char, it is a color
if ischar(data{jj})
if numel( data{jj} ) == 1
cc = data{jj};
- com = data{jj};
+ % if the argument is multiple characters, then it
+ % is a command not a color
+ ncom = ncom + 1;
+ com{ncom} = data{jj};
+ % if there are no more entries, then put ID in com2
if jj+1 > numin
- com2 = 'ID';
+ com2{ncom} = 'ID';
- com2 = data{jj+1};
+ % if there are more entries, each the next
+ % entry as the argument.
+ com2{ncom} = data{jj+1};
+ % advance the counter to compensate for eating the
+ % argument.
jj = jj + 1;
elseif all(isnumeric( data{jj} ))
+ % if the argument is numeric, it specifies the
+ % relative intensity
if numel(data{jj}) == 1
del = data{jj};
+ % if the argument is numeric, with two entries it is a
+ % min and a max
+ elseif numel(data{jj}) == 2
+ min_ = data{jj}(1);
+ max_ = data{jj}(2);
+ % else it is a color or colormap
cc = data{jj};
+ % augment the counter
jj = jj + 1;
+ % if the argeument isn't a cell, then it must be an image.
im = data;
del = [];
cc = [];
+ % if the color isn't specified, make it white for argument 1 and
+ % alternate the color automatically for later arguments.
if isempty( cc )
if ii == 1
cc = [1,1,1];
@@ -67,99 +184,193 @@
cc( ind ) = 1;
+ % is the color is a char, make it a triplet
elseif ischar( cc)
cc = convert_color( cc );
if isempty( del )
- if ~isempty( im ) && islogical( im )
- del = 0.2;
- else
- del = 1;
- end
+ % make default intensity 1
+ %if ~isempty( im ) && islogical( im )
+ % del = 0.2;
+ %else
+ del = 1;
+ %end
+ % if the image isn't empty, go on
if ~isempty( im )
+ mask = [];
+ back = [0,0,0];
+ modx = 0;
+ log_flag = false;
+ pow_flag = false;
+ % process commands
if ~isempty( com )
- if strcmp( com, 'label' )
- label_flag = true;
+ for ii = 1:ncom
- if ischar( com2 )
- com2_ = com2;
- else
- com2_ = '';
- end
+ com_ = com{ii};
+ com2_ = com2{ii};
- ID_flag = false;
- if strcmp( com2_, 'ID' )
- com2_ = '';
- ID_flag = true;
+ if strcmp( com_, 'label' )
+ label_flag = true;
+ if ischar( com2 )
+ com2__ = com2;
+ else
+ com2__ = '';
+ end
+ ID_flag = false;
+ if strcmp( com2__, 'ID' )
+ com2__ = '';
+ ID_flag = true;
+ end
+ if isempty( com2__ )
+ str = {'Centroid'};
+ else
+ str = {'Centroid',com2__};
+ end
+ props = regionprops( im, str );
+ if ID_flag
+ vec = 1:numel(props);
+ elseif ischar( com2_ )
+ vec = drill( props, ['.',com2__] );
+ else
+ vec = com2_;
+ end
- if isempty( com2_ )
- str = {'Centroid'};
- else
- str = {'Centroid',com2_};
+ if isnan( min_ )
+ min_ = [];
+ end
+ if isnan( max_ )
+ max_ = [];
- props = regionprops( im, str );
+ if strcmp( com_,'log' )
+ log_flag = true;
+ if isempty( com2_ ) || strcmp( com2_, 'ID' )
+ modx = 0;
+ else
+ modx = com2_;
+ end
+ end
- if ID_flag
- vec = 1:numel(props);
+ if strcmp( com_,'pow' )
+ pow_flag = true;
- elseif ischar( com2 )
- vec = drill( props, ['.',com2_] );
- else
- vec = com2;
+ modx = com2_;
+ end
+ % if the image in masked, load a mask
+ if strcmp( com_,'mask' )
+ mask = double(com2_);
+ end
+ if strcmp( com_,'back' )
+ back = double(com2_);
- if strcmp( com,'log' )
- if isempty( com2 ) || strcmp( com2, 'ID' )
- com2 = 0;
+ % Make the image here:
+ if log_flag
+ backer = double(ag( log(double(im+modx)) ));
+ elseif pow_flag
+ backer = double(ag( (double(im).^modx) ));
+ elseif ndims( im ) == 2
+ backer = double(ag( im, min_, max_ ));
+ %[min_,max_]
+ end
+ if ndims( im ) == 3
+ % if the image is rgb already, keep it this way
+ if strcmp( class(im), 'double' )
+ if isempty(im_comp)
+ im_comp = im*255;
+ else
+ im_comp = im_comp + im*255;
+ end
+ else
+ if isempty(im_comp)
+ im_comp = uint8(im);
+ else
+ im_comp = im_comp + uint8(im);
+ end
+ % if the number of entries in the vector is great than 3, cc is
+ % a colormap
+ elseif numel(cc)>3
+ im_tmp = uint8(255*(doColorMap( backer, cc )));
- backer = double(ag( log(double(im+com2)) ));
+ if isempty( im_comp )
+ im_comp = im_tmp;
+ else
+ im_comp = im_comp + im_tmp;
+ end
- elseif strcmp( com,'pow' )
- backer = double(ag( (double(im).^com2) ));
- else
- backer = double(ag( im ));
- end
- if numel(cc)>3
- im_tmp = (255*(doColorMap( backer, cc )));
- im_tmp = cat(3, backer*del*cc(1), backer*del*cc(2), backer*del*cc(3) );
+ if isempty( im_comp )
+ im_comp = uint8(cat(3, backer*del*cc(1), backer*del*cc(2), backer*del*cc(3) ));
+ else
+ %disp('new');
+ for ii = 1:3
+ im_comp(:,:,ii) = im_comp(:,:,ii) + uint8(backer*del*cc(ii));%, backer*del*cc(2), backer*del*cc(3) );
+ end
+ end
- if isempty( im_comp )
- im_comp = im_tmp;
- else
- im_comp = im_comp + im_tmp;
+ end
+ if exist( 'mask', 'var' ) && ~isempty( mask )
+ for ii = 1:3;
+ im_comp(:,:,ii) = uint8(double(im_comp(:,:,ii)).*mask)+uint8(255*(1-mask)*back(ii));
+% if isempty( im_comp )
+% im_comp = im_tmp;
+% else
+% im_comp = im_comp + im_tmp;
+% end
im_comp = uint8(im_comp);
if nargout == 0
imshow( im_comp );
varargout = {};
- if label_flag
+ if label_flag
hold on;
x = drill( props, '.Centroid(1)' );
y = drill( props, '.Centroid(2)' );
@@ -182,36 +393,36 @@
function outColor = convert_color(inColor)
- charValues = 'rgbcmywk'.'; %#'
- rgbValues = [eye(3); 1-eye(3); 1 1 1; 0 0 0];
- assert(~isempty(inColor),'convert_color:badInputSize',...
- 'Input argument must not be empty.');
- if ischar(inColor) %# Input is a character string
+charValues = 'rgbcmywk'.'; %#'
+rgbValues = [eye(3); 1-eye(3); 1 1 1; 0 0 0];
+ 'Input argument must not be empty.');
+if ischar(inColor) %# Input is a character string
[isColor,colorIndex] = ismember(inColor(:),charValues);
- 'String input can only contain the characters ''rgbcmywk''.');
+ 'String input can only contain the characters ''rgbcmywk''.');
outColor = rgbValues(colorIndex,:);
- elseif isnumeric(inColor) || islogical(inColor) %# Input is a numeric or
- %# logical array
+elseif isnumeric(inColor) || islogical(inColor) %# Input is a numeric or
+ %# logical array
assert(size(inColor,2) == 3,'convert_color:badInputSize',...
- 'Numeric input must be an N-by-3 matrix');
+ 'Numeric input must be an N-by-3 matrix');
inColor = double(inColor); %# Convert input to type double
scaleIndex = max(inColor,[],2) > 1; %# Find rows with values > 1
inColor(scaleIndex,:) = inColor(scaleIndex,:)./255; %# Scale by 255
[isColor,colorIndex] = ismember(inColor,rgbValues,'rows');
- 'RGB input must define one of the colors ''rgbcmywk''.');
+ 'RGB input must define one of the colors ''rgbcmywk''.');
outColor = charValues(colorIndex(:));
- else %# Input is an invalid type
+else %# Input is an invalid type
- 'Input must be a character or numeric array.');
+ 'Input must be a character or numeric array.');
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/doDrawCellOutline.m b/viz/doDrawCellOutline.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e332db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viz/doDrawCellOutline.m
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+function doDrawCellOutline( data, ids1, ids2)
+% Description :
+% Opens fig with outlines of cells drawn. The script currently allows
+% you to input two sets of cell IDs to be colored in blue (ids1) and red
+% (ids2). Currently any cells with IDs not listed in ids1 or ids2 will be
+% outlined in yellow. This is all customizable. If you wish to
+% change the colors, replace 'b' etc with the color of your choice. If you
+% do not want cells whose IDs are missing from the ID lists to be outlined,
+% remove code in 'else' block. If you wish to send in additional id lists,
+% add ids3, etc to the line above, and ammend the if/else block.
+% List of inputs:
+% data: A loaded err.mat file for the image you want outlines drawn on
+% ids1: IDs of cells you want outlined in one color (default: blue)
+% ids2: IDs of cells you want outlined in a second color (default: red)
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Silas Boye Nissen, Connor Brennan, Stella Stylianidou.
+% University of Washington, 2016. Modified in 2018 by S Mangiameli and
+% P. Wiggins. This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+% To draw outlines on the fluorescence image, replace phase with fluor
+im = cat(3, ag(data.phase), ag(data.phase), ag(data.phase));
+imshow( im, [] );
+hold on;
+rl = data.regs.regs_label;
+ids = data.regs.ID;
+nc = max( rl(:) );
+props = regionprops( rl, 'PixelList' );
+% Sets color depending on cell ID
+for ii = 1:nc
+id = ids(ii);
+if ismember(id,ids1)
+ cc = 'b';
+elseif ismember(id, ids2)
+ cc = 'r';
+ cc = 'y';
+x = props(ii).PixelList(:,1);
+y = props(ii).PixelList(:,2);
+k = boundary( x,y );
+k = boundary( x,y );
+hold on;
+skip = 3;
+kk = k([1:skip:end-1]);
+kk = kk([end-3:end,1:end,1:4]);
+n = 1:numel(kk);
+nn = 5:.1:(numel(kk)-3);
+% Interprets from pixel outline to smooth drawn outline
+xx = interp1( n, x(kk), nn,'pchip' );
+yy = interp1( n, y(kk), nn,'pchip' );
+% Plots outline on phase image
+plot( xx, yy, 'LineStyle','-','Color',cc,'LineWidth', 2 );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/doDrawCellOutlinePAW.m b/viz/doDrawCellOutlinePAW.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21aa869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viz/doDrawCellOutlinePAW.m
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+function doDrawCellOutlinePAW( data, ids1, ids2)
+% Description :
+% Opens fig with outlines of cells drawn. The script currently allows
+% you to input two sets of cell IDs to be colored in blue (ids1) and red
+% (ids2). Currently any cells with IDs not listed in ids1 or ids2 will be
+% outlined in yellow. This is all customizable. If you wish to
+% change the colors, replace 'b' etc with the color of your choice. If you
+% do not want cells whose IDs are missing from the ID lists to be outlined,
+% remove code in 'else' block. If you wish to send in additional id lists,
+% add ids3, etc to the line above, and ammend the if/else block.
+% List of inputs:
+% data: A loaded err.mat file for the image you want outlines drawn on
+% channel: The channel to draw outline on (1-phase, 2-fluor1)
+% ids1: IDs of cells you want outlined in one color (default: blue)
+% ids2: IDs of cells you want outlined in a second color (default: red)
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Silas Boye Nissen, Connor Brennan, Stella Stylianidou.
+% University of Washington, 2016. Modified in 2018 by S Mangiameli and
+% P. Wiggins.
+% This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+% Fill unset inputs
+if ~exist('ids1','var') || isempty( ids1 )
+ ids1 = [];
+if ~exist('ids2','var') || isempty( ids2 )
+ ids2 = [];
+% Draw outlines
+rl = data.regs.regs_label;
+ids = data.regs.ID;
+nc = max( rl(:) );
+props = regionprops( rl, 'PixelList' );
+% Sets color depending on cell ID
+for ii = 1:nc
+ id = ids(ii);
+ draw_flag = true;
+ if ismember(id,ids1)
+ cc = 'w';
+ elseif ismember(id, ids2)
+ cc = 'y';
+ else
+ cc = 'r';
+ draw_flag = false;
+ end
+ if draw_flag
+ % Mask for current region
+ tmp = rl;
+ tmp(tmp ~= ii) = 0;
+ % Increase size of mask by 1 px and find boundary
+ se = strel('disk',1);
+ tmp2 = logical(imdilate(tmp,se));
+ [y,x] = find(tmp2 == 1);
+ k = boundary(x,y,1);
+ hold on;
+ skip = 1;
+ kk = k([1:skip:end]);
+ kk = kk([end-3:end,1:end,1:4]);
+ n = 1:numel(kk);
+ nn = 5:1:(numel(kk)-1);
+ % Interprets from pixel outline to smooth drawn outline
+ % xx = interp1( n, x(kk), nn,'spline' );
+ % yy = interp1( n, y(kk), nn,'spline' );
+ p = 0.1; %smaller value of p gives more smoothing
+ xx = fnval(csaps( n, x(kk),p), nn);
+ yy = fnval(csaps( n, y(kk),p), nn);
+ % Plots outline on phase image
+ plot( xx, yy, 'LineStyle','-','Color',cc,'LineWidth', .5 );
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/doDrawCellOutlineSMM.m b/viz/doDrawCellOutlineSMM.m
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04c2f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viz/doDrawCellOutlineSMM.m
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+function doDrawCellOutlineSMM( data, channel, ids1, ids2)
+% Description :
+% Opens fig with outlines of cells drawn. The script currently allows
+% you to input two sets of cell IDs to be colored in blue (ids1) and red
+% (ids2). Currently any cells with IDs not listed in ids1 or ids2 will be
+% outlined in yellow. This is all customizable. If you wish to
+% change the colors, replace 'b' etc with the color of your choice. If you
+% do not want cells whose IDs are missing from the ID lists to be outlined,
+% remove code in 'else' block. If you wish to send in additional id lists,
+% add ids3, etc to the line above, and ammend the if/else block.
+% List of inputs:
+% data: A loaded err.mat file for the image you want outlines drawn on
+% channel: The channel to draw outline on (1-phase, 2-fluor1)
+% ids1: IDs of cells you want outlined in one color (default: blue)
+% ids2: IDs of cells you want outlined in a second color (default: red)
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Silas Boye Nissen, Connor Brennan, Stella Stylianidou.
+% University of Washington, 2016. Modified in 2018 by S Mangiameli and
+% P. Wiggins.
+% This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+% Fill unset inputs
+if ~exist('ids1','var') || isempty( ids1 )
+ ids1 = [];
+if ~exist('ids2','var') || isempty( ids2 )
+ ids2 = [];
+if ~exist('channel','var') || isempty( channel )
+ channel = 1;
+% To draw outlines on the fluorescence image, replace phase with fluor
+if channel == 1
+ im = cat(3, ag(data.phase), ag(data.phase), ag(data.phase));
+elseif channel == 2
+ im = cat(3, ag(data.fluor1)*0, ag(data.fluor1), ag(data.fluor1)*0);
+elseif channel ==3
+ im = cat(3, ag(data.fluor2), ag(data.fluor2)*0, ag(data.fluor2)*0);
+imshow( im, [] );
+hold on;
+rl = data.regs.regs_label;
+ids = data.regs.ID;
+nc = max( rl(:) );
+props = regionprops( rl, 'PixelList' );
+% Sets color depending on cell ID
+for ii = 1:nc
+ id = ids(ii);
+ if ismember(id,ids1)
+ cc = 'b';
+ elseif ismember(id, ids2)
+ cc = 'r';
+ else
+ cc = 'y';
+ end
+ % Mask for current region
+ tmp = rl;
+ tmp(tmp ~= ii) = 0;
+ % Increase size of mask by 1 px and find boundary
+ se = strel('disk',1);
+ tmp2 = logical(imdilate(tmp,se));
+ [y,x] = find(tmp2 == 1);
+ k = boundary(x,y,1);
+ hold on;
+ skip = 1;
+ kk = k([1:skip:end]);
+ kk = kk([end-3:end,1:end,1:4]);
+ n = 1:numel(kk);
+ nn = 5:1:(numel(kk)-1);
+ % Interprets from pixel outline to smooth drawn outline
+ % xx = interp1( n, x(kk), nn,'spline' );
+ % yy = interp1( n, y(kk), nn,'spline' );
+ p = 0.1; %smaller value of p gives more smoothing
+ xx = fnval(csaps( n, x(kk),p), nn);
+ yy = fnval(csaps( n, y(kk),p), nn);
+ % Plots outline on phase image
+ plot( xx, yy, 'LineStyle','-','Color',cc,'LineWidth', .5 );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/fixFlags.m b/viz/fixFlags.m
index b41f4be..bd5507c 100644
--- a/viz/fixFlags.m
+++ b/viz/fixFlags.m
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
FLAGS.edit_links = 0;
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'autoscale');
+ disp('there is no flag field legend');
+ FLAGS.autoscale = 0;
% displays legend for regions/ poles
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'legend')
FLAGS.legend = 1;
@@ -59,6 +64,11 @@
FLAGS.P_flag = 1;
+% shows region outlines
+if ~isfield(FLAGS,'log_view')
+ FLAGS.log_view = zeros( [1,10] );;
% shows region outlines
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'Outline_flag')
FLAGS.Outline_flag = 0;
@@ -76,7 +86,7 @@
% shows composite image of all fluor channels found
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'composite')
- FLAGS.composite = 0;
+ FLAGS.composite = 1;
% shows poles
@@ -84,12 +94,18 @@
FLAGS.p_flag = 0;
+% shows foci
+if ~isfield(FLAGS,'s_flag') || numel( FLAGS.s_flag )==1
+ FLAGS.s_flag = zeros( [1,10] );
% shows foci scores
-if ~isfield(FLAGS,'s_flag')
- FLAGS.s_flag = 1;
+if ~isfield(FLAGS,'scores_flag') || numel( FLAGS.scores_flag )==1
+ FLAGS.scores_flag = zeros( [1,10] );
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'c_flag')
FLAGS.c_flag = 1;
@@ -97,12 +113,16 @@
% shows filtered fluorescence
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'filt')
- FLAGS.filt = 1;
+ FLAGS.filt = zeros( [1,10] );
+elseif numel(FLAGS.filt) < 10;
+ FLAGS.filt = zeros( [1,10] );
% shows phase image or mask if it is 0
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'phase_flag');
- FLAGS.phase_flag = 1;
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'phase_flag') || numel( FLAGS.phase_flag ) == 1;
+ FLAGS.phase_flag = ones([1,10]);
% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
@@ -110,6 +130,39 @@
FLAGS.phase_level = 1;
+% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'level');
+ FLAGS.level = 0.8*ones([1,10]);
+% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'lut_min');
+ FLAGS.lut_min = nan([1,10]);
+% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'lut_max');
+ FLAGS.lut_max = nan([1,10]);
+% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'include');
+ FLAGS.include = ones([1,10]);
+% modifies the transparency of the phase/mask - use as double from 0 - 1
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'manual_lut');
+ FLAGS.manual_lut = zeros([1,10]);
+if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'gbl_auto');
+ FLAGS.gbl_auto = zeros([1,10]);
% not used
if ~isfield(FLAGS,'lyse_flag')
FLAGS.lyse_flag = 0;
diff --git a/viz/getRGBColor.m b/viz/getRGBColor.m
index 03053fc..544c368 100644
--- a/viz/getRGBColor.m
+++ b/viz/getRGBColor.m
@@ -6,48 +6,55 @@
% colorRBG : color rgb value
-% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
% Written by Stella Stylianidou.
% University of Washington, 2016
% This file is part of SuperSegger.
% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
-cyan_col = [0,255,255]/255;
-orange_col = [255,165,0]/255;
-red_col = [255,0,0]/255;
-green_col = [0,255,0]/255;
-blue_col = [0,0,255]/255;
-yellow_col = [255,255,0]/255;
-if color_name == 'r'
- colorRBG = red_col;
-elseif color_name == 'c'
- colorRBG = cyan_col;
-elseif color_name == 'y'
- colorRBG = yellow_col;
-elseif color_name == 'b'
- colorRBG = blue_col;
-elseif color_name == 'o'
- colorRBG = orange_col;
-elseif color_name == 'g'
- colorRBG = green_col;
+if ischar( color_name )
+ cyan_col = [0,255,255]/255;
+ orange_col = [255,165,0]/255;
+ red_col = [255,0,0]/255;
+ green_col = [0,255,0]/255;
+ blue_col = [0,0,255]/255;
+ yellow_col = [255,255,0]/255;
+ if color_name == 'r'
+ colorRBG = red_col;
+ elseif color_name == 'c'
+ colorRBG = cyan_col;
+ elseif color_name == 'y'
+ colorRBG = yellow_col;
+ elseif color_name == 'b'
+ colorRBG = blue_col;
+ elseif color_name == 'o'
+ colorRBG = orange_col;
+ elseif color_name == 'g'
+ colorRBG = green_col;
+ else
+ disp ('color not found');
+ end
- disp ('color not found');
+ colorRBG = color_name;
diff --git a/viz/intLoadDataViewer.m b/viz/intLoadDataViewer.m
index 9bd8185..a78cbeb 100644
--- a/viz/intLoadDataViewer.m
+++ b/viz/intLoadDataViewer.m
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
data_r = [];
data_f = [];
if shouldLoadNeighborFrames(FLAGS)
+ 'boom'
if nn > 1
data_r = loaderInternal([dirname,contents(nn-1).name], clist);
diff --git a/viz/intMakeMultiChannel.m b/viz/intMakeMultiChannel.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db1720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/viz/intMakeMultiChannel.m
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+function im = intMakeMultiChannel( data, FLAGS, CONST, clist, nc )
+% intMakeMultiChannel: Code for making a multichannel compsite fluorescent
+% image.
+% Notes: The long term goal is to implement this code for all the
+% visualization modules... so updates will update all at once. This
+% implementation isn't done yet... but will happen eventually.
+% INPUT :
+% data : cell/frame data file
+% FLAGS: the flags struct from superSeggerViewerGui
+% CONST : segmentation parameters
+% clist : cell list
+% nc: Number of fluorescent channels
+% composite 8 bit color image.
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Written by Paul Wiggins
+% University of Washington, 2018
+% This file is part of SuperSegger.
+% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+im = [];
+if (FLAGS.f_flag == 0 && ~FLAGS.composite ) || ...
+ (FLAGS.phase_flag( FLAGS.f_flag +1 ) && ~FLAGS.composite) ...
+ || (FLAGS.composite && FLAGS.include(1) );
+ if FLAGS.manual_lut(1) && ~isnan( FLAGS.lut_min(1) ) && ~isnan( FLAGS.lut_max(1))
+ minmax = [FLAGS.lut_min(1), FLAGS.lut_max(1)];
+ elseif FLAGS.gbl_auto(1) && isfield( clist, 'imRangeGlobal')
+ minmax = clist.imRangeGlobal(:,1);
+ else
+ minmax = intMakeMinMax( data.phase );
+ end
+ im = comp( {data.phase, minmax, FLAGS.level(1)} );
+% if you are in fluorescence mode (f_flag) draw the fluor channels
+if FLAGS.f_flag && CONST.view.falseColorFlag
+ ranger = FLAGS.f_flag;
+elseif FLAGS.composite
+ ranger = find(FLAGS.include(2:(nc+1)));
+elseif ~FLAGS.f_flag
+ ranger = [];
+ ranger = FLAGS.f_flag;
+for ii = ranger;
+ flName = ['fl',num2str(ii),'bg'];
+ filtName = ['fluor',num2str(ii),'_filtered'];
+ if FLAGS.filt(ii) && isfield( data, filtName);
+ flourName = filtName;
+ else
+ flourName = ['fluor',num2str(ii)];
+ end
+ im_tmp = data.(flourName);
+ if FLAGS.filt(ii)
+ minmax = intMakeMinMax( im_tmp );
+ elseif FLAGS.manual_lut(ii+1) && ~isnan( FLAGS.lut_min(ii+1) ) && ~isnan( FLAGS.lut_max(ii+1))
+ minmax = [FLAGS.lut_min(ii+1), FLAGS.lut_max(ii+1)];
+ elseif FLAGS.gbl_auto(ii+1) && isfield( clist, 'imRangeGlobal')
+ minmax = clist.imRangeGlobal(:,ii+1);
+ else
+ minmax = intMakeMinMax( im_tmp );
+ if isfield( data, flName )
+ minmax(1) = data.(flName);
+ end
+ end
+ if CONST.view.falseColorFlag && FLAGS.f_flag
+ cc = jet(256);
+ else
+ cc = CONST.view.fluorColor{ii};
+ end
+ command = {im_tmp, cc, FLAGS.level(ii+1)};
+ if FLAGS.log_view(ii)
+ command = {command{:}, 'log'};
+ else
+ command = {command{:}, minmax };
+ end
+ im = comp( {im}, command );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/makeCellMovie.m b/viz/makeCellMovie.m
index 86f26d4..857ae21 100644
--- a/viz/makeCellMovie.m
+++ b/viz/makeCellMovie.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function mov = makeCellMovie(data)
+function mov = makeCellMovie(data, CONST, FLAGS, clist)
% makeCellMovie : creates a movie for a single cell file
% data : a Cell data structure
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+if ~isfield (CONST.view,'fluorColor')
+ CONST.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b'};
num_im = numel(data.CellA);
@@ -39,75 +44,130 @@
dataA = data.CellA{ii};
- back = ag(dataA.phase);
+% back = ag(dataA.phase);
+% if isfield( dataA, 'fluor1' )
+% fluo = ag(dataA.fluor1);
+% else
+% fluo = back*0;
+% end;
+% if isfield( dataA, 'fluor2' )
+% fluo2 = ag(dataA.fluor2);
+% else
+% fluo2 = fluo*0;
+% end;
+% mask_ = imdilate(dataA.mask,strel('square',3));
+% mask = dataA.mask;
+% outline= mask_-mask;
+% maski = ag(outline);
+% if exist( 'fluo2', 'var' );
+% fluo2_thresh = fluo2(logical(mask));
+% fluo2_thresh = mean(fluo2_thresh);
+% end
+% fluo_thresh = fluo(logical(mask));
+% fluo_thresh = mean(fluo_thresh);
+% gChan = fixIm(0.6*ag(double(uint8(fluo-0*fluo_thresh)).*(0.3+double(mask)*0.6))+0.3*back,ss);
+% [bChan,roffset] = fixIm(0.3*maski+0.3*back,ss);
+% if exist( 'fluo2', 'var' );
+% rChan = fixIm(0.6*ag(double(uint8(fluo2-0*fluo2_thresh)).*(0.3+double(mask)*0.6))+0.3*back,ss);
+% else
+% rChan = fixIm(0.3*back,ss);
+% end
- if isfield( dataA, 'fluor1' )
- fluo = ag(dataA.fluor1);
- else
- fluo = back*0;
- end
- if isfield( dataA, 'fluor2' )
- fluo2 = ag(dataA.fluor2);
+ [~,roffset] = fixIm( dataA.phase, ss);
+ if FLAGS.autoscale
+ imm = comp( dataA.phase );
- fluo2 = fluo*0;
+ imm = comp( {dataA.phase, clist.imRangeGlobal(:,1) } );
- mask_ = imdilate(dataA.mask,strel('square',3));
- mask = dataA.mask;
- outline= mask_-mask;
- maski = ag(outline);
- if exist( 'fluo2', 'var' )
- fluo2_thresh = fluo2(logical(mask));
- fluo2_thresh = mean(fluo2_thresh);
+ if ~FLAGS.phase_flag
+ imm = 0*imm;
- fluo_thresh = fluo(logical(mask));
- fluo_thresh = mean(fluo_thresh);
- gChan = fixIm(0.6*ag(double(uint8(fluo-0*fluo_thresh)).*(0.3+double(mask)*0.6))+0.3*back,ss);
- [bChan,roffset] = fixIm(0.3*maski+0.3*back,ss);
+ nc = numel(find(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(fieldnames(dataA),'fluor'))));
- if exist('fluo2', 'var')
- rChan = fixIm(0.6*ag(double(uint8(fluo2-0*fluo2_thresh)).*(0.3+double(mask)*0.6))+0.3*back,ss);
- else
- rChan = fixIm(0.3*back,ss);
- end
+ for jj = 1:nc
+ fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(jj)];
- imshow( cat(3, rChan, gChan, bChan), [],'InitialMagnification','fit');
- hold on;
- ro = dataA.r_offset;
- r = dataA.r;
- plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2), 'w.' );
+ if FLAGS.f_flag == jj || FLAGS.composite
+ if isfield(dataA, fluorName )
+ cc = CONST.view.fluorColor{jj};
+ if FLAGS.filt(jj) && isfield( dataA, [fluorName,'_filtered'] )
+ fluor_tmp = dataA.([fluorName,'_filtered']);
+ else
+ fluor_tmp = dataA.(fluorName);
+ end
+ if FLAGS.autoscale || FLAGS.filt(jj)
+ imm = comp( {imm}, {fluor_tmp, cc } );
+ else
+ imm = comp( {imm}, ...
+ {fluor_tmp, clist.imRangeGlobal(:,jj+1), cc} );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- ll = dataA.length;
- llmaj = [ll(1),-ll(1)];
- llmin = [ll(2),-ll(2)];
+ mask = dataA.mask;
+ mask = double(mask)+ 0.33*(1-double(mask));
- xx = llmaj*dataA.coord.e1(1)/2;
- yy = llmaj*dataA.coord.e1(2)/2;
- plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+xx+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+yy+roffset(2), 'b:' );
+ imm = comp( {imm, 'mask', mask } );
- xx = llmin*dataA.coord.e2(1)/2;
- yy = llmin*dataA.coord.e2(2)/2;
- plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+xx+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+yy+roffset(2), 'b:' );
+ imshow( imm, [],'InitialMagnification','fit');
- if isfield(dataA, 'locus1' )
- num_spot = numel( dataA.locus1 );
- for jj = 1:num_spot
- r = dataA.locus1(jj).r;
- plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2), 'go' );
+ if FLAGS.s_flag
+ hold on;
+ ro = dataA.r_offset;
+ r = dataA.r;
+ % ro = dataA.r_offset;
+ % r = dataA.r;
+ % plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2), 'w.' );
+ %
+ % ll = dataA.length;
+ % llmaj = [ll(1),-ll(1)];
+ % llmin = [ll(2),-ll(2)];
+ %
+ % xx = llmaj*dataA.coord.e1(1)/2;
+ % yy = llmaj*dataA.coord.e1(2)/2;
+ % plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+xx+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+yy+roffset(2), 'b:' );
+ %
+ % xx = llmin*dataA.coord.e2(1)/2;
+ % yy = llmin*dataA.coord.e2(2)/2;
+ % plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+xx+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+yy+roffset(2), 'b:' );
+ for jj = 1:nc
+ fluorName = ['locus',num2str(jj)];
+ if FLAGS.f_flag == jj || FLAGS.composite
+ if isfield(dataA, fluorName )
+ cc = CONST.view.fluorColor{jj};
+ num_spot = numel( dataA.(fluorName) );
+ for jj = 1:num_spot;
+ r = dataA.(fluorName)(jj).r;
+ plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2),...
+ '.', 'Color', cc);
+ end
+ end
+ end
- if isfield(dataA, 'locus2' )
- num_spot = numel(dataA.locus2 );
- for jj = 1:num_spot
- r = dataA.locus2(jj).r;
- plot( r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1), r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2), 'ro' );
- end
- end
mov(ii) = getframe;
diff --git a/viz/makeFrameMosaic.m b/viz/makeFrameMosaic.m
index 40d2588..e0aade4 100644
--- a/viz/makeFrameMosaic.m
+++ b/viz/makeFrameMosaic.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [im] = makeFrameMosaic( data, CONST, xdim, disp_flag, skip )
+function [im] = makeFrameMosaic( data, CONST, xdim, disp_flag, skip, FLAGS )
% makeFrameMosaic: Creates a tower for a single cell.
% The cell is shown masked. If CONST.view.orientFlag is true the cell
% is oriented horizontally, it can be shown with FalseColor and
@@ -18,7 +18,22 @@
% University of Washington, 2016
% This file is part of SuperSeggerOpti.
-with_outline = 1;
+if ~exist( 'FLAGS', 'var' ) || isempty( FLAGS )
+ FLAGS.composite = 1;
+ FLAGS.f_flag = 1;
+ FLAGS.Outline_flag = 0;
+%which_channel = [1,1,1];
+% if ~exist( 'which_channel', 'var' ) || isempty(which_channel)
+% which_channel = [1,1,1];
+% end
+nc = intGetChannelNum( data.CellA{1} );
persistent strel1;
if isempty( strel1 )
@@ -131,13 +146,21 @@
mask_mosaic = zeros(imdim(1), imdim(2));
im_list = [];
+imm = cell([1,nc]);
for ii = 1:skip:numframe
yy = floor((ii-1)/nx/skip);
xx = (ii-1)/skip-yy*nx;
ss = ssCell{ii};
dx = floor((max_x-ss(2))/2);
dy = floor((max_y-ss(1))/2);
if orientFlag
mask = imCell{ii};
mask = (imdilate( mask, strel1 ));
@@ -148,103 +171,99 @@
mask_mosaic(1+yy*max_y+(1:ss(1))+dy, 1+xx*max_x+(1:ss(2))+dx) = mask;
+ FLAG_ = zeros([1,nc]);
% fluor1
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor1' )
- if isfield( CONST.view, 'filtered' ) && ...
- CONST.view.filtered && ...
- isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor1_filtered' )
- fluor1 =data.CellA{ii}.fluor1_filtered;
- else
- fluor1 = data.CellA{ii}.fluor1;
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fl1' ) && ...
- isfield( data.CellA{ii}.fl1, 'bg' )
- fluor1 = fluor1 - data.CellA{ii}.fl1.bg;
- end
- end
- fluor1 = imrotate(fluor1,alpha(ii),'bilinear');
- fluor1 = fluor1(yyCell{ii}, xxCell{ii});
- im1_(1+yy*max_y+(1:ss(1))+dy, 1+xx*max_x+(1:ss(2))+dx) = fluor1;
- FLAG1 = true;
- else
- im1_ = 0*mask_mosaic;
- FLAG1 = false;
- f1mm = [0,1];
- end
+ % loop over channels
- % fluor2
- flag2 = isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor2' );
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor2' ) && 1
+ for jj = 1:nc
- if isfield( CONST.view, 'filtered' ) && ...
- CONST.view.filtered && ...
- isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor2_filtered' )
- fluor2 =data.CellA{ii}.fluor2_filtered;
- else
- fluor2 = data.CellA{ii}.fluor2;
+ if ii==1
+ imm{jj} = mask_mosaic;
- fluor2 = imrotate(fluor2,alpha(ii),'bilinear');
- fluor2 = fluor2(yyCell{ii}, xxCell{ii});
+ fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(jj)];
+ ffiltName = ['fluor',num2str(jj),'_filtered'];
+ flName = ['fl',num2str(jj)];
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fl2' ) && ...
- isfield( data.CellA{ii}.fl2, 'bg' )
- fluor2 = fluor2 - data.CellA{ii}.fl2.bg;
- fluor2(fluor2<0) = 0;
+ if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, fluorName )
+ if FLAGS.filt(jj) && ...
+ isfield( data.CellA{ii}, ffiltName )
+ fluor_tmp =data.CellA{ii}.(ffiltName);
+ else
+ fluor_tmp = data.CellA{ii}.(fluorName);
+ if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, flName ) && ...
+ isfield( data.CellA{ii}.(flName), 'bg' )
+ fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp - data.CellA{ii}.(flName).bg;
+ end
+ end
+ fluor_tmp = imrotate(fluor_tmp, alpha(ii), 'bilinear');
+ fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp(yyCell{ii}, xxCell{ii});
+ imm{jj}(1+yy*max_y+(1:ss(1))+dy, 1+xx*max_x+(1:ss(2))+dx) = fluor_tmp;
+ FLAG_(jj) = true;
+ else
+ %im1_ = 0*mask_mosaic;
+ FLAG_(jj) = false;
+ f1mm = [0,1];
+% if FLAG2
+% im_list = [im_list, data.CellA{ii}.fluor1(:)', data.CellA{ii}.fluor2(:)'];
+% elseif FLAG1
+% im_list = [im_list, data.CellA{ii}.fluor1(:)'];
+% else
+% im_list = [im_list];
+% end
- im2_(1+yy*max_y+(1:ss(1))+dy, 1+xx*max_x+(1:ss(2))+dx) = fluor2;
- FLAG2 = true;
- else
- im2_ = uint8(0*mask_mosaic);
- FLAG2 = false;
- f2mm = [0,1];
- end
- if FLAG2
- im_list = [im_list, data.CellA{ii}.fluor1(:)', data.CellA{ii}.fluor2(:)'];
- elseif FLAG1
- im_list = [im_list, data.CellA{ii}.fluor1(:)'];
- else
- im_list = [im_list];
% autogain the images
-im1_ = ag(im1_);
-im2_ = ag(im2_);
+%im1_ = ag(im1_);
+%im2_ = ag(im2_);
+disk1 = strel('disk',1);
% different display methods
if isfield(CONST.view, 'falseColorFlag') && ...
- CONST.view.falseColorFlag && ~flag2
+ CONST.view.falseColorFlag
% false color image - only works if there is only one channel
- im = ag(doColorMap( im1_, colormap_ ));
- back3 = uint8( cat( 3, double(CONST.view.background(1))*double(1-mask_mosaic),...
- double(CONST.view.background(2))*double(1-mask_mosaic),...
- double(CONST.view.background(3))*double(1-mask_mosaic)));
- mask3 = cat( 3, mask_mosaic, mask_mosaic, mask_mosaic );
- im = uint8(uint8( double(im).*mask3)+back3);
-elseif with_outline
- % plots normal mosaic with region outline
- del = 1;
- disk1 = strel('disk',1);
- outer = imdilate(mask_mosaic, disk1).*double(~mask_mosaic);
- im = cat( 3, ...
- uint8(double(im2_).*mask_mosaic)+del*ag(1-mask_mosaic), ...
- uint8(double(im1_).*mask_mosaic)+del*ag(1-mask_mosaic), ...
- del*ag(1-mask_mosaic)+ag(outer));
+ im = comp( {imm{jj},colormap_,'mask', mask_mosaic, 'back' ,CONST.view.background} );
- del = 1;
- disk1 = strel('disk',1);
- im = cat( 3, ...
- uint8(double(im2_).*mask_mosaic)+del*ag(1-mask_mosaic), ...
- uint8(double(im1_).*mask_mosaic)+del*ag(1-mask_mosaic), ...
- del*ag(1-mask_mosaic) );
+ if FLAGS.Outline_flag
+ disk1 = strel('disk',2);
+ outer = imdilate(mask_mosaic, disk1).*double(~mask_mosaic);
+ else
+ outer = zeros( size( im1_ ) );
+ end
+ % plots normal mosaic with region outline
+ im = [];
+ for jj = 1:nc
+ if FLAGS.composite || FLAGS.f_flag == jj
+ if FLAGS.include(jj+1)
+ im = comp( {im}, {imm{jj}, CONST.view.fluorColor{jj}, FLAGS.level(jj+1)} );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ im = comp( {im,'mask',mask_mosaic,'back',CONST.view.background},...
+ {ag(outer),'b'} );
inv_flag = 0;
frameNumbers = 1:skip:numframe;
if disp_flag
diff --git a/viz/makeFrameStripeMosaic.m b/viz/makeFrameStripeMosaic.m
index 00b4846..264628f 100644
--- a/viz/makeFrameStripeMosaic.m
+++ b/viz/makeFrameStripeMosaic.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [imTot] = makeFrameStripeMosaic( dirName, CONST, skip, disp_flag, clist )
+function [imTot] = makeFrameStripeMosaic( dirName, CONST, skip, disp_flag, clist, FLAGS )
% makeFrameStripeMosaic : Creates a long stripe with all the cell towers.
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
cellArrayNum{ii} = floor(str2num(contents(ii).name(lpos+1:ppos-1)));
- tmp_im = makeFrameMosaic(data,CONST,1,false, skip );
+ tmp_im = makeFrameMosaic(data,CONST,1,false, skip, FLAGS );
if isfield( CONST.view, 'saveFiles' ) && CONST.view.saveFiles
@@ -87,21 +87,22 @@
if ~CONST.view.saveFiles
+ tmptmp = ones( [ssTot(1), ssTot(2)] );
if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
if ~isfield( CONST.view, 'background' );
CONST.view.background = [0,0,0];
- tmptmp = zeros( [ssTot(1), ssTot(2)] );
- imTot = uint8( cat( 3, tmptmp + CONST.view.background(1),...
- tmptmp + CONST.view.background(2),...
- tmptmp + CONST.view.background(3)));
+ imTot = comp( {tmptmp, CONST.view.background} );
del = 0.0;
- limTot = uint8(zeros( [ssTot(1), ssTot(2), 3] ));
+ imTot = comp( {tmptmp, CONST.view.background} );
colPos = 1;
diff --git a/viz/makeKymoMosaic.m b/viz/makeKymoMosaic.m
index 3131536..007543a 100644
--- a/viz/makeKymoMosaic.m
+++ b/viz/makeKymoMosaic.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [im]= makeKymoMosaic (dirname, CONST)
+function [im]= makeKymoMosaic (dirname, CONST, FLAGS)
% makeKymoMosaic creates a mosaic kymograph of multiple cells.
% make kymo mosaic is only for fl1 in makeKymograph, which is currently
% set to gfp. A kymograph shows the fluorescence of the cell along the
@@ -7,25 +7,25 @@
% dirname : directory with cell data files
% CONST : segmentation parameters
% im : output image of kymo mosaic
-% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
+% Copyright (C) 2016 Wiggins Lab
% Written by Paul Wiggins, Stella Stylianidou.
% University of Washington, 2016
% This file is part of SuperSegger.
% SuperSegger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% SuperSegger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
@@ -57,141 +57,152 @@
CONST.view.maxNumCell = 100;
- num_list_ = min( [num_list_, CONST.view.maxNumCell] );
- num_list = 0;
- for ii = 1:num_list_
- if (~isempty(dir_list(ii).name))
- num_list = num_list + 1;
- end
+num_list_ = min( [num_list_, CONST.view.maxNumCell] );
+num_list = 0;
+for ii = 1:num_list_
+ if (~isempty(dir_list(ii).name))
+ num_list = num_list + 1;
+numa = ceil(sqrt(num_list));
+numb = ceil( num_list/numa);
+max_x = 0;
+max_t = 0;
+data_A = cell(1,num_list);
+del = .1;
+ii = 0;
+h = waitbar(0, 'Computation' );
+cleanup = onCleanup( @()( delete( h ) ) );
+for jj = 1:num_list_
- numa = ceil(sqrt(num_list));
- numb = ceil( num_list/numa);
- clf;
- max_x = 0;
- max_t = 0;
- data_A = cell(1,num_list);
- del = .1;
- ii = 0;
- h = waitbar(0, 'Computation' );
- cleanup = onCleanup( @()( delete( h ) ) );
- for jj = 1:num_list_
+ if ~isempty(dir_list(jj).name)
- if ~isempty(dir_list(jj).name)
- ii = ii + 1;
- filename = [dirname,filesep,dir_list(jj).name];
- data = load(filename);
- [kymo,~,f1mm,~] = makeKymographC(data,0,CONST);
- name(jj) = data.ID;
- pole(jj) = getPoleSign( data );
- if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
- backer3 = double(cat(3, kymo.b, kymo.b, kymo.b)>1);
- im = doColorMap( ag(kymo.g,f1mm(1), f1mm(2)), colormap_ );
- data_A{ii} =( im.*backer3+.6*(1-backer3) );
- else
- data_A{ii} = cat(3,del*ag(1-kymo.b)+ag(kymo.r),...
- del*ag(1-kymo.b)+ag(kymo.g),del*ag(1-kymo.b));
- end
- ss = size(data_A{ii});
- max_x = max([max_x,ss(1)]);
- max_t = max([max_t,ss(2)]);
- end
- waitbar(jj/num_list_,h);
- end
- close(h);
- max_x = max_x+1;
- max_t = max_t+1;
- imdim = [ max_x*numa + 1, max_t*numb + 1 ];
- for ii = 1:2
- if isnan(imdim(ii))
- imdim (ii)= 0;
- end
- end
- if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
- cc = 'w';
- im = (zeros(imdim(1), imdim(2), 3 ));
- im(:,:,:) = del*0;
+ ii = ii + 1;
+ filename = [dirname,filesep,dir_list(jj).name];
+ data = load(filename);
+ data_A{ii} = makeKymographC(data, 0, CONST, FLAGS);
+ name(jj) = data.ID;
+ pole(jj) = getPoleSign( data );
- for ii = 1:num_list
- yy = floor((ii-1)/numb);
- xx = ii-yy*numb-1;
- ss = size(data_A{ii});
- dx = floor((max_x-ss(1))/2);
- im(1+yy*max_x+(1:ss(1))+dx, 1+xx*max_t+(1:ss(2)),:) = data_A{ii};
- end
- else
- cc = 'w';
- im = uint8(zeros(imdim(1), imdim(2), 3 ));
- im(:,:,:) = del*255;
+% if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
+% backer3 = double(cat(3, kymo.b, kymo.b, kymo.b)>1);
+% im = doColorMap( ag(kymo.c1,f1mm(1), f1mm(2)), colormap_ );
+% data_A{ii} =( im.*backer3+.6*(1-backer3) );
+% else
+% data_A{ii} = comp( {ag(1-kymo.b),[del,del,del]}, ...
+% {ag(kymo.c2),CONST.view.fluorColor{2} },...
+% {ag(kymo.c1),CONST.view.fluorColor{1} });
+% end
- for ii = 1:num_list
- yy = floor((ii-1)/numb);
- xx = ii-yy*numb-1;
- ss = size(data_A{ii});
- dx = floor((max_x-ss(1))/2);
- im(1+yy*max_x+(1:ss(1))+dx, 1+xx*max_t+(1:ss(2)),:) = data_A{ii};
- end
+ ss = size(data_A{ii});
+ max_x = max([max_x,ss(1)]);
+ max_t = max([max_t,ss(2)]);
- ss = size(im);
- T_ = (1:ss(2))*TimeStep;
- X_ = (1:ss(1))*PixelSize;
- inv_flag = 0;
- figure;
- clf;
- if inv_flag
- imagesc(T_,X_,255-im);
- else
- imagesc(T_,X_,im);
+ waitbar(jj/num_list_,h);
+ close(h);
+max_x = max_x+1;
+max_t = max_t+1;
+imdim = [ max_x*numa + 1, max_t*numb + 1 ];
+for ii = 1:2
+ if isnan(imdim(ii))
+ imdim (ii)= 0;
+ end
+if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
+ cc = 'w';
+ im = (zeros(imdim(1), imdim(2), 3 ));
+ for ii = 1:3
+ im(:,:,ii) = uint8(CONST.view.background(ii)*255);
- hold on;
- nx = ceil(sqrt( num_list*max_x/max_t));
- ny = ceil(num_list/nx);
- max_T = max(T_);
- max_X = max(X_);
for ii = 1:num_list
yy = floor((ii-1)/numb);
xx = ii-yy*numb-1;
- y = yy*(max_X/numa);
- x = xx*(max_T/numb);
- text( x+max_T/20/numb, y+max_X/20/numa, [num2str(name(ii))],'Color',cc,'FontSize',12,'VerticalAlignment','Top','HorizontalAlignment','Left');
+ ss = size(data_A{ii});
+ dx = floor((max_x-ss(1))/2);
+ im(1+yy*max_x+(1:ss(1))+dx, 1+xx*max_t+(1:ss(2)),:) = data_A{ii};
- dd = [1,numa*max_x+1];
- for xx = 1:(numb-1)
- plot( (0*dd + 1+xx*max_t)*TimeStep, dd*PixelSize,[':',cc]);
+ cc = 'w';
+ im = uint8(zeros(imdim(1), imdim(2), 3 ));
+ for ii = 1:3
+ im(:,:,ii) = uint8(CONST.view.background(ii)*255);
- dd = [1,numb*max_t+1];
- for yy = 1:(numa-1)
- plot( (dd)*TimeStep, (0*dd + 1+yy*max_x)*PixelSize, [':',cc]);
+ for ii = 1:num_list
+ yy = floor((ii-1)/numb);
+ xx = ii-yy*numb-1;
+ ss = size(data_A{ii});
+ dx = floor((max_x-ss(1))/2);
+ im(1+yy*max_x+(1:ss(1))+dx, 1+xx*max_t+(1:ss(2)),:) = data_A{ii};
- xlabel('Time (h)');
- ylabel('Long Axis Position (um)');
+im = uint8( im );
+ss = size(im);
+T_ = (1:ss(2))*TimeStep;
+X_ = (1:ss(1))*PixelSize;
+inv_flag = 0;
+if inv_flag
+ imagesc(T_,X_,255-im);
+ imagesc(T_,X_,im);
+hold on;
+nx = ceil(sqrt( num_list*max_x/max_t));
+ny = ceil(num_list/nx);
+max_T = max(T_);
+max_X = max(X_);
+for ii = 1:num_list
+ yy = floor((ii-1)/numb);
+ xx = ii-yy*numb-1;
+ y = yy*(max_X/numa);
+ x = xx*(max_T/numb);
+ text( x+max_T/20/numb, y+max_X/20/numa, [num2str(name(ii))],'Color',cc,'FontSize',12,'VerticalAlignment','Top','HorizontalAlignment','Left');
+dd = [1,numa*max_x+1];
+for xx = 1:(numb-1)
+ plot( (0*dd + 1+xx*max_t)*TimeStep, dd*PixelSize,[':',cc]);
+dd = [1,numb*max_t+1];
+for yy = 1:(numa-1)
+ plot( (dd)*TimeStep, (0*dd + 1+yy*max_x)*PixelSize, [':',cc]);
+xlabel('Time (h)');
+ylabel('Long Axis Position (um)');
diff --git a/viz/makeKymographC.m b/viz/makeKymographC.m
index a7372e4..4c9bd68 100644
--- a/viz/makeKymographC.m
+++ b/viz/makeKymographC.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [Kymo,ll1,f1mm,f2mm] = makeKymographC( data, disp_flag, CONST, which_channel )
+function [imm] = makeKymographC( data, disp_flag, CONST, FLAGS )
% makeKymographC : creates a kymograph for given cell data file..
% A kymograph shows the fluorescence of the cell along the long axis
% of the cell, with time.
@@ -34,6 +34,18 @@
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+% compute number of channels
+nc = intGetChannelNum( data.CellA{1} );
+if ~exist( 'FLAGS', 'var' ) || isempty( FLAGS )
+ FLAGS.composite = 1;
+ FLAGS.f_flag = 1;
+ FLAGS.Outline_flag = 0;
+ FLAGS.filt = zeros( [1,10] );;
white_bg = 0; % set to 1 for white background, outlined kymo
Kymo = [];
@@ -50,17 +62,15 @@
CONST.view.falseColorFlag = false;
-if ~exist( 'which_channel', 'var' ) || isempty(which_channel)
- which_channel = [1,1,1];
+% if ~exist( 'which_channel', 'var' ) || isempty(which_channel)
+% which_channel = [1,1,1];
+% end
if ~isfield(CONST.view, 'filtered' )
CONST.view.filtered = true;
-filt_channel = CONST.view.filtered ;
+filt_channel = FLAGS.filt;%CONST.view.filtered ;
persistent colormap_;
if isempty( colormap_ )
@@ -104,56 +114,19 @@
nn = numel( ll1 );
-kymoR = zeros(nn,num_im);
-kymoG = zeros(nn,num_im);
-kymoB = zeros(nn,num_im);
+kymo_cell = cell([1,nc]);
+if ~isfield(data.CellA{1}, 'pole');
+ data.CellA{1}.pole.op_ori = 1;
for ii = 1:num_im
- mask = data.CellA{ii}.mask;
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor1') && which_channel(1)
- if filt_channel && isfield( data.CellA{ii},'fluor1_filtered')
- fluor1 =data.CellA{ii}.fluor1_filtered;
- else
- fluor1 = data.CellA{ii}.fluor1;
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fl1' ) && isfield( data.CellA{ii}.fl1, 'bg' )
- fluor1 = fluor1 - data.CellA{ii}.fl1.bg;
- fluor1(fluor1<0) = 0;
- else
- fluor1 = fluor1 - mean( fluor1(mask));
- fluor1(fluor1<0) = 0;
- end
- end
- else
- fluor1 = 0*mask;
- end
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor2') && which_channel(2)
- if filt_channel && isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fluor2_filtered' )
- fluor2 = data.CellA{ii}.fluor2_filtered;
- else
- fluor2 = data.CellA{ii}.fluor2;
- if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, 'fl12' ) && ...
- isfield( data.CellA{ii}.fl2, 'bg' )
- fluor2 = fluor2 - data.CellA{ii}.fl2.bg;
- fluor2(fluor1<0) = 0;
- else
- fluor2 = fluor2 - mean( fluor2(mask));
- fluor2(fluor2<0) = 0;
- end
- end
- else
- fluor2 = 0*data.CellA{ii}.mask;
- end
mask = data.CellA{ii}.mask;
- % Make all the images the same sizes
- [rChan,~] = (fixIm(double((fluor2)).*double(mask),ss));
- [gChan,~] = (fixIm(double((fluor1)).*double(mask),ss));
- [bChan,roffset] = fixIm(mask,ss);
+ % take care of background image first
+ [Chan_tmp,roffset] = fixIm(mask,ss);
ro = data.CellA{ii}.r_offset;
r = data.CellA{ii}.r;
@@ -164,64 +137,94 @@
LL1x = LL1*e1(1)+LL2*e2(1)+r(1)-ro(1)+1+roffset(1);
LL2y = LL1*e1(2)+LL2*e2(2)+r(2)-ro(2)+1+roffset(2);
- rChanp = (interp2(XX,YY,double(rChan),LL1x,LL2y));
- gChanp = (interp2(XX,YY,double(gChan),LL1x,LL2y));
- bChanp = (interp2(XX,YY,double(bChan),LL1x,LL2y));
+ Chan_tmp = (interp2(XX,YY,double(Chan_tmp),LL1x,LL2y));
+ Chan_tmp = sum( double(Chan_tmp) );
+ kymo_back(:,ii) = Chan_tmp';
+ if data.CellA{1}.pole.op_ori < 0 % flip the kymograph
+ kymo_back(:,ii) = kymo_back(end:-1:1,ii);
+ end
+ % compute fluor channels
- rChanps = sum( double(rChanp) );
- gChanps = sum( double(gChanp) );
- bChanps = sum( double(bChanp) );
- kymoR(:,ii) = rChanps';
- kymoG(:,ii) = gChanps';
- kymoB(:,ii) = bChanps';
+ for jj = 1:nc
+ fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(jj)];
+ ffiltName = ['fluor',num2str(jj),'_filtered'];
+ flName = ['fl',num2str(jj)];
+ if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, fluorName ) && ...
+ ( FLAGS.f_flag == jj || FLAGS.composite )
+ if ii == 1
+ kymo_cell{jj} = zeros(nn,num_im);
+ end
+ if filt_channel(jj) && isfield( data.CellA{ii},ffiltName)
+ fluor_tmp =data.CellA{ii}.(ffiltName);
+ else
+ fluor_tmp = data.CellA{ii}.(fluorName);
+ if isfield( data.CellA{ii}, flName ) && isfield( data.CellA{ii}.(flName), 'bg' )
+ fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp - data.CellA{ii}.(flName).bg;
+ fluor_tmp(fluor_tmp<0) = 0;
+ else
+ fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp - mean( fluor_tmp(mask));
+ fluor_tmp(fluor_tmp<0) = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ fluor_tmp = [];
+ end
+ if ~isempty( fluor_tmp )
+ [Chan_tmp,~] = (fixIm(double((fluor_tmp)).*double(mask),ss));
+ Chan_tmp = (interp2(XX,YY,double(Chan_tmp),LL1x,LL2y));
+ Chan_tmp = sum( double(Chan_tmp) );
+ kymo_cell{jj}(:,ii) = Chan_tmp';
+ if data.CellA{1}.pole.op_ori < 0 % flip the kymograph
+ kymo_cell{jj}(:,ii) = kymo_cell{jj}(end:-1:1,ii);
+ end
+ end
+ end
-Kymo = [];
+kymo_back(isnan(kymo_back)) = 0;
-if ~isfield(data.CellA{1}, 'pole');
- data.CellA{1}.pole.op_ori = 1;
+kymo_back(kymo_back>1) = 1;
+% get min and mask values in masked region for each channel
+imRange = nan( [2,nc] );
+for jj = 1:nc
+ if ~isempty(kymo_cell{jj})
+ imRange(:,jj) = intRange(kymo_cell{jj}(logical(kymo_back)));
+ end
-if data.CellA{1}.pole.op_ori < 0 % flip the kymograph
- Kymo.g = kymoG(end:-1:1,:);
- Kymo.b = kymoB(end:-1:1,:);
- Kymo.b(isnan(Kymo.b)) = 0;
- Kymo.r = kymoR(end:-1:1,:);
+if CONST.view.falseColorFlag && FLAGS.f_flag > 0
+ imm = comp( {kymo_cell{FLAGS.f_flag},imRange(:,FLAGS.f_flag),...
+ colormap_,'mask',kymo_back,'back', CONST.view.background} );
- Kymo.g = kymoG;
- Kymo.b = kymoB;
- Kymo.b(isnan(Kymo.b)) = 0;
- Kymo.r = kymoR;
-f1mm(1) = min(Kymo.g(logical(Kymo.b)));
-f1mm(2) = max(Kymo.g(logical(Kymo.b)));
-f2mm(1) = min(Kymo.r(logical(Kymo.b)));
-f2mm(2) = max(Kymo.r(logical(Kymo.b)));
-if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
- % false color figure
- backer3 = double(cat(3, Kymo.b, Kymo.b, Kymo.b)>1);
- im = doColorMap( ag(Kymo.g,f1mm(1), f1mm(2)), colormap_ );
- imm = im.*backer3+.6*(1-backer3);
-elseif white_bg
- % figure with outline and white background
- sq = [1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1];
- backer = (ag(~Kymo.b));
- outline = imdilate(backer,sq) - backer;
- imm = cat(3, (ag(Kymo.r))+backer+0.2*outline, ...
- (ag(Kymo.g))+backer+0.2*outline,...
- backer+0.6*outline);
- % figure without outline and gray background
- backer = (ag(Kymo.b));
- backer = 0.3*(max(backer(:))-backer);
- imm = cat(3, (ag(Kymo.r))+backer, ...
- (ag(Kymo.g))+backer,...
- backer);
+ imm = [];
+ for jj = 1:nc
+ if ~isempty( kymo_cell{jj} ) && (FLAGS.composite || FLAGS.f_flag==jj )
+ if FLAGS.include( jj+1)
+ imm = comp( {imm}, {kymo_cell{jj}, imRange(:,jj),...
+ CONST.view.fluorColor{jj}, FLAGS.level(jj+1)} );
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ imm = comp( {imm, 'mask', kymo_back , 'back', CONST.view.background} );
if disp_flag
@@ -251,4 +254,4 @@
roffset = offset(2:-1:1);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/makeLineage.m b/viz/makeLineage.m
index ec52456..e865b04 100755
--- a/viz/makeLineage.m
+++ b/viz/makeLineage.m
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with SuperSegger. If not, see .
+global mother_index;
global daughter1_index;
global daughter2_index;
global cell_birth_index;
@@ -82,15 +83,21 @@
legend_text = {};
count = 0;
-mother_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'mother id');
-daughter1_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'daughter1 id');
-daughter2_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'daughter2 id');
-cell_div_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Cell Death Time');
-stat_0_index = grabClistIndex(clist,'stat0');
-cell_birth_index = grabClistIndex(clist,'Cell Birth Time');
-cell_error_index = grabClistIndex(clist,'Error Frame');
-cell_age_index = grabClistIndex(clist,'Cell Age' );
-pole_age_index = grabClistIndex(clist,'Old Pole Age' );
+mother_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'mother id');
+daughter1_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'daughter1 id');
+daughter2_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'daughter2 id');
+cell_div_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Cell Division Time');
+if isempty( cell_div_index )
+ cell_div_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Cell death time');
+stat_0_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'stat0');
+cell_birth_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Cell Birth Time');
+cell_error_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Error Frame');
+cell_age_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Cell Age' );
+pole_age_index = grabClistIndex(clist, 'Old Pole Age' );
if isempty(cell_error_index)
disp ('no error frame found in clist')
@@ -104,7 +111,8 @@
% Make new lineage
ID = clist.data(ii,1);
- [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole] ...
+ [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole,...
+ mother,daughter1,daughter2] ...
= intGetWidth(ID, clist, starter,1);
if (width >= min_width) || time(1) == 1
@@ -112,15 +120,18 @@
stat0, starter, hh, hh2, error, gated, data );
count = count + 1;
- data.width = width;
- data.ID = list;
- data.birth = time;
- data.death = death;
- data.stat0 = stat0;
- data.error = error;
- data.age = age;
- data.gen = gen;
- data.pole = pole;
+ data.width = width;
+ data.ID = list;
+ data.birth = time;
+ data.death = death;
+ data.stat0 = stat0;
+ data.error = error;
+ data.age = age;
+ data.gen = gen;
+ data.pole = pole;
+ data.mother = mother;
+ data.daughter1 = daughter1;
+ data.daughter2 = daughter2;
legend_text{count} = ['Cell ',num2str( ID )];
@@ -132,7 +143,8 @@
for ii = 1:numel(ID_)
ID = ID_(ii);
- [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole] = ...
+ [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole,...
+ mother,daughter1,daughter2] = ...
intGetWidth(ID, clist, starter, 1);
[hh,hh2,data] = intDoDraw( clist, list, time, death, stat0, starter, ...
@@ -147,6 +159,9 @@
data.age = age;
data.gen = gen;
data.pole = pole;
+ data.mother = mother;
+ data.daughter1 = daughter1;
+ data.daughter2 = daughter2;
legend_text{ii} = ['Cell ',num2str( ID )];
@@ -197,9 +212,33 @@
set( gca, 'YGrid', 'on')
+ylabel( 'Length' );
+xlabel( 'Time (frames)' );
+legend( hh, legend_text, 'Location' , 'NorthWest' );
+set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' );
+ylabel( 'Length' );
+xlabel( 'Time (frames)' );
+legend( hh, legend_text, 'Location' , 'NorthWest' );
+set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' );
+ylabel( 'Length' );
+xlabel( 'Time (frames)' );
+legend( hh, legend_text, 'Location' , 'NorthWest' );
+set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' );
+data = makePed( data );
-function [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole] = ...
+function [width,list,time,death,stat0,starter,error,age,gen,pole,...
+ mother,daughter1,daughter2] = ...
intGetWidth(ID, clist, starter, gen__)
global cell_birth_index;
global cell_div_index;
@@ -221,14 +260,18 @@
age = [];
gen = [];
pole = [];
+ daughter1 = [];
+ daughter2 = [];
+ mother = [];
- [ID1,ID2] = intGetDaughter( ID, clist );
+ [ID1,ID2,m] = intGetDaughter( ID, clist );
error_ = clist.data(ind,cell_error_index);
death_ = clist.data(ind,cell_div_index);
age_ = clist.data(ind,cell_age_index);
gen_ = gen__;
if isempty(error_)
error_ = nan;
@@ -236,29 +279,37 @@
if isnan(ID1) || isnan(ID2) || (ID1==0) || (ID2==0) || ~isnan(error_)
starter = [starter,ID];
- if death_ ~= end_time && isnan(error_);
+ if death_ ~= end_time && isnan(error_)
error_ = death_;
- [w1,l1,t1,d1,s1,starter,e1,a1,g1,p1] = intGetWidth( ID1, clist, starter,gen__ + 1 );
- [w2,l2,t2,d2,s2,starter,e2,a2,g2,p2] = intGetWidth( ID2, clist, starter,gen__ + 1 );
+ [w1,l1,t1,d1,s1,starter,e1,a1,g1,p1,m1,d11,d12] = intGetWidth( ID1, clist, starter,gen__ + 1 );
+ [w2,l2,t2,d2,s2,starter,e2,a2,g2,p2,m2,d21,d22] = intGetWidth( ID2, clist, starter,gen__ + 1 );
stat0_ = clist.data(ind,stat_0_index);
time_ = clist.data(ind,cell_birth_index);
pole_ = clist.data(ind,pole_age_index);
%death_ = death_ + time_;
- width = 1 + w1 + w2;
- list = [ID,l1,l2];
- time = [time_,t1,t2];
- death = [death_,d1,d2];
- stat0 = [stat0_,s1,s2];
- error = [error_,e1,e2];
- age = [age_,a1,a2];
- gen = [gen_,g1,g2];
- pole = [pole_,p1,p2];
+ width = 1 + w1 + w2;
+ list = [ID,l1,l2];
+ time = [time_,t1,t2];
+ death = [death_,d1,d2];
+ stat0 = [stat0_,s1,s2];
+ error = [error_,e1,e2];
+ age = [age_,a1,a2];
+ gen = [gen_,g1,g2];
+ pole = [pole_,p1,p2];
+ mother = [m,m1,m2];
+ daughter1 = [ID1,d11,d21];
+ daughter2 = [ID2,d12,d22];
+ if numel(daughter1) ~= numel(mother)
+ 'hi';
+ end
@@ -406,17 +457,65 @@
-function [ID1,ID2] = intGetDaughter( ID, clist )
+function [ID1,ID2,m] = intGetDaughter( ID, clist )
global daughter1_index
global daughter2_index
+global mother_index
ind = find( clist.data(:,1)==ID );
if isempty(ind)
ID1 = nan;
ID2 = nan;
+ m = nan;
ID1 = clist.data(ind,daughter1_index);
ID2 = clist.data(ind,daughter2_index);
+ m = clist.data(ind,mother_index);
+function intDoLengthAn( clist, list )
+flagger = ismember( clist.data(:,1), list );
+list = clist.data(flagger,1);
+lengths = squeeze( clist.data3D(flagger,2,:) );
+n_ii = numel(list);
+for ii = 1:n_ii
+ ll = lengths(ii,:);
+ h = semilogy( ll );
+ hold on;
+ cc = h.Color;
+ indf = find(~isnan(ll),1,'first');
+ indl = find(~isnan(ll),1,'last');
+ plot( indf, ll(indf), '.', 'Color', cc );
+ plot( indl, ll(indl), 'x', 'Color', cc );
\ No newline at end of file
+lsum = nansum(lengths,1);
+semilogy( lsum );
+hold on;
+ind = find(lsum>0,1,'first');
+semilogy( lsum/lsum(ind),':' );
+hold on;
diff --git a/viz/showSeggerImage.m b/viz/showSeggerImage.m
index 5a158ab..7a22b3a 100644
--- a/viz/showSeggerImage.m
+++ b/viz/showSeggerImage.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function im = showSeggerImage( data, data_r, data_f, FLAGS, clist, CONST, gui_fig)
+function [im, im_ptr] = showSeggerImage( data, data_r, data_f, FLAGS, clist, CONST, gui_fig)
% showSeggerImage : produces the superSeggerViewer image according to clist and
% flags. If the clist has a gate it outlines cells passing the gate.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
% fix are any missing flags
-FLAGS = intFixFlags( FLAGS );
+FLAGS = fixFlags( FLAGS );
% if there is a clist enables look only cells included in the clist
if exist('clist','var') && ~isempty(clist)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
[xx,yy] = intGetImSize( data, FLAGS );
mask_full = data.mask_cell;
-im = makeIm( data, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST );
+im = makeIm( data, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST, clist );
if FLAGS.m_flag % mask flag : shows reverse, forward, current, and masked image view
if isempty(data_r)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
im_r = cat(3,mask_full_r,mask_full_r,mask_full_r);
mask_full_r = data_r.mask_cell;
- im_r = makeIm( data_r, FLAGS );
+ im_r = makeIm( data_r, FLAGS, [], [], clist );
if isempty(data_f)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
im_f = cat(3,mask_full_f,mask_full_f,mask_full_f);
mask_full_f = data_f.mask_cell;
- im_f = makeIm( data_f, FLAGS );
+ im_f = makeIm( data_f, FLAGS, [], [], clist );
im = [im_r(yy,xx,:),im(yy,xx,:); im_f(yy,xx,:), ...
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
if isempty(gui_fig)
- imshow(im)
+ im_ptr = imshow(im)
- imshow(im);
+ im_ptr = imshow(im);
FLAGS.axis = axis;
hold on;
@@ -172,9 +172,8 @@ function doAnnotation( data_, x_, y_ )
% plots spots, only if we are at fluorescence view
- if FLAGS.f_flag && FLAGS.s_flag && isfield(data_,'CellA')
- intPlotSpot( data_, x_, y_, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST );
- end
+ intPlotSpot( data_, x_, y_, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST );
% plots poles
if FLAGS.p_flag
@@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
-function im = makeIm( data, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST )
+function im = makeIm( data, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST, clist )
% makeIm puts together the image if data is segmented
% but not the text/pole/other labels.
@@ -231,10 +230,9 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
% ID_LIST : are the ids of cells selected through a clist
% CONST : are the segmentation constants
-persistent colormap_;
-if isempty( colormap_ )
- colormap_ = colormap( 'jet' );
+nc = intGetChannelNum( data );
% get the image size
ss = size(data.phase);
@@ -242,25 +240,8 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
% if the phase image exists use this as the background, else use the cell
% masks
-phase_level = FLAGS.phase_level;
-if isfield(data,'phase') && FLAGS.phase_flag
- back = phase_level * ag(data.phase);
- im = cat(3,back,back,back);
- mask = phase_level * ag(~data.mask_cell);
- im = cat(3, mask,mask,mask);
+im = intMakeMultiChannel( data, FLAGS, CONST, clist, nc );
-% this code highlights the lysed cells
-if isfield( data, 'regs' ) && isfield( data.regs, 'lyse' ) && FLAGS.lyse_flag
- is_lyse = and( or( data.regs.lyse.errorColor1bCum, ...
- data.regs.lyse.errorColor2bCum), data.regs.lyse.errorShapeCum);
- lyse_im = intDoOutline2(ismember( ...
- data.regs.regs_label,find(is_lyse)));
- lyse_im = zeros( ss );
@@ -268,23 +249,27 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
if FLAGS.composite
nc = numel(find(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(fieldnames(data),'fluor'))));
for i = 1 : nc
- im = updateFluorImage(data, im, i, FLAGS, CONST);
+ im = updateFluorImage(data, im, i, FLAGS, CONST, clist);
elseif FLAGS.f_flag > 0
im = updateFluorImage(data, im, FLAGS.f_flag, FLAGS, CONST);
if FLAGS.colored_regions
im = label2rgb (data.regs.regs_label, 'lines', 'k');
elseif FLAGS.Outline_flag % it just outlines the cells
if FLAGS.cell_flag && isfield(data,'cell_outline')
- im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.4*ag(data.cell_outline),0.4*ag(data.cell_outline),0.5*ag(data.cell_outline));
+ %im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.4*ag(data.cell_outline),0.4*ag(data.cell_outline),0.5*ag(data.cell_outline));
+ im = comp( im, {double(data.cell_outline), [0,0,.6]} );
elseif isfield(data,'outline')
- im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.3*ag(data.outline),0.3*ag(data.outline),0.5*ag(data.outline));
+ %im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.3*ag(data.outline),0.3*ag(data.outline),0.5*ag(data.outline));
+ im = comp( im, {double(data.outline), [0,0,.6]} );
elseif isfield(data,'mask_cell')% no outline field (not loaded through super segger viewer)
data.outline = xor(bwmorph( data.mask_cell,'dilate'), data.mask_cell);
- im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.3*ag(data.outline),0.3*ag(data.outline),0.5*ag(data.outline));
+ %im(:,:,:) = im(:,:,:) + cat(3,0.3*ag(data.outline),0.3*ag(data.outline),0.5*ag(data.outline));
+ im = comp( im, {double(data.outline), [0,0,.6]} );
elseif FLAGS.P_flag % if P_flag is true, it shows the regions with color.
%% colors :
@@ -295,9 +280,10 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
% purple : has error in forward frame
% red outlines : dividing or has just divided
if ~isfield( data,'regs') || ~isfield( data.regs, 'ID') % no cell ids - seg files
- blueChannel = 0.3*(data.mask_cell);
- reg_color = uint8( 255*cat(3, 0*blueChannel,blueChannel,blueChannel));
- im = reg_color + im;
+ im = comp( im, {data.mask_cell, [0,.3,.3]} );
if isfield( data.regs, 'ignoreError' )
ignoreErrorV = data.regs.ignoreError;
@@ -305,81 +291,211 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
ignoreErrorV = 0*data.reg.divide;
% cells in the ID list and in this region
% if v_flag is off, all cells are in is_in_cell_V
cells_In_Frame = ismember( data.regs.ID, ID_LIST);
cellBorn = or(and(data.regs.birthF,data.regs.stat0),data.regs.divide);
- if ~isempty(cells_In_Frame)
+ if 0
% cells with ehist & error current->reverse or ignoreError
map_error_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(and(data.regs.ehist,...
map_err_rev = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_error_ind ));
+ cc1 = [0.35,0,0];
% cells with ehist in this frame, but no error current->reverse or ignoreError
map_ehist_in_frame_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(and(data.regs.ehist,...
map_ehist_in_frame = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_ehist_in_frame_ind ));
+ cc2 = [0.55,0,0];
% cells without error history
map_no_err_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(~data.regs.ehist,ignoreErrorV)));
map_no_err = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_no_err_ind));
+ cc3 = [0,0.3,0];
% in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
% but stat0==2 : succesfful division was observed
map_stat0_2_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==2));
map_stat0_2 = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label,map_stat0_2_ind ));
+ cc4 = [0,0,0.7];
% outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 2
map_stat0_2O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==2)));
map_stat0_2_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_2O_ind));
+ cc5 = [0.35,0,0];
% in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
% stat0==1 : cell was result of succesfful division
map_stat0_1_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==1));
map_stat0_1 = double( ismember( data.regs.regs_label,map_stat0_1_ind ));
+ cc6 = [0,0.2,0.6];
% outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 1
map_stat0_1O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==1)));
map_stat0_1_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_1O_ind));
+ cc7 = [0.35,0,0];
% in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
% stat0 == 0 : cell has errors, or division not observed
map_stat0_0_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==0));
map_stat0_0 = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_0_ind ));
+ cc8 = [0,0.2,0.3];
% outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 1
map_stat0_0O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==0)));
map_stat0_0_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_0O_ind));
+ cc9 = [0.35,0,0];
- redChannel = double(lyse_im)+0.5*(0.7*(map_err_rev)+1.1*(map_ehist_in_frame)+.7*(map_stat0_2_Outline+map_stat0_1_Outline +map_stat0_0_Outline));
- greenChannel = 0.3*(map_no_err) - 0.2*(map_stat0_1)+0.2*(map_stat0_0);
- blueChannel = 0.7*(map_stat0_2)+ 0.6*(map_stat0_1)+0.3*(map_stat0_0);
+ tic
+ im = comp( im, {map_err_rev, cc1},...
+ {map_ehist_in_frame, cc2},...
+ {map_no_err, cc3},...
+ {map_stat0_2, cc4},...
+ {map_stat0_2_Outline, cc5},...
+ {map_stat0_1, cc6},...
+ {map_stat0_1_Outline, cc7},...
+ {map_stat0_0, cc8},...
+ {map_stat0_0_Outline, cc9});
+ toc
- reg_color = uint8( 255*cat(3, redChannel,greenChannel,blueChannel));
- im = reg_color + im;
+ else
+ %tic
+ if ~isempty(cells_In_Frame)
+ % cells with ehist & error current->reverse or ignoreError
+ map_error_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(and(data.regs.ehist,...
+ data.regs.error.r),ignoreErrorV)));
+ map_err_rev = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_error_ind ));
+ % cells with ehist in this frame, but no error current->reverse or ignoreError
+ map_ehist_in_frame_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(and(data.regs.ehist,...
+ ~data.regs.error.r),ignoreErrorV)));
+ map_ehist_in_frame = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_ehist_in_frame_ind ));
+ % cells without error history
+ map_no_err_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,or(~data.regs.ehist,ignoreErrorV)));
+ map_no_err = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_no_err_ind));
+ % in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
+ % but stat0==2 : succesfful division was observed
+ map_stat0_2_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==2));
+ map_stat0_2 = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label,map_stat0_2_ind ));
+ % outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 2
+ map_stat0_2O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==2)));
+ map_stat0_2_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_2O_ind));
+ % in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
+ % stat0==1 : cell was result of succesfful division
+ map_stat0_1_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==1));
+ map_stat0_1 = double( ismember( data.regs.regs_label,map_stat0_1_ind ));
+ % outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 1
+ map_stat0_1O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==1)));
+ map_stat0_1_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_1O_ind));
+ % in list, cell was not born in this frame with good division or divided
+ % stat0 == 0 : cell has errors, or division not observed
+ map_stat0_0_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,data.regs.stat0==0));
+ map_stat0_0 = double(ismember( data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_0_ind ));
+ % outline the ones that were just born with stat0 == 1
+ map_stat0_0O_ind = find(and(cells_In_Frame,and(cellBorn,data.regs.stat0==0)));
+ map_stat0_0_Outline = intDoOutline2(ismember(data.regs.regs_label, map_stat0_0O_ind));
+ redChannel = 0.5*(0.7*(map_err_rev)+1.1*(map_ehist_in_frame)+.7*(map_stat0_2_Outline+map_stat0_1_Outline +map_stat0_0_Outline));
+ greenChannel = 0.3*(map_no_err) - 0.2*(map_stat0_1)+0.2*(map_stat0_0);
+ blueChannel = 0.7*(map_stat0_2)+ 0.6*(map_stat0_1)+0.3*(map_stat0_0);
+ reg_color = uint8( 255*cat(3, redChannel,greenChannel,blueChannel));
+ im = reg_color + im;
+ end
+ %toc
-function im = updateFluorImage(data, im, channel, FLAGS, CONST)
+% function im = updateFluorImage(data, im, channel, FLAGS, CONST)
+% fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(channel)];
+% fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(channel)];
+% flbgName = ['fl',num2str(channel),'bg'];
+% if isfield(data, fluorName )
+% if ~isfield (CONST.view,'fluorColor')
+% CONST.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b'};
+% end
+% curColor = getRGBColor( CONST.view.fluorColor{channel});
+% if FLAGS.filt && isfield( data, [fluorName,'_filtered'] )
+% fluor_tmp = data.([fluorName,'_filtered']);
+% else
+% fluor_tmp = data.(fluorName);
+% if isfield( data, 'fl1bg' )
+% fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp - data.(flbgName);
+% fluor_tmp( fluor_tmp< 0 ) = 0;
+% else
+% fluor_tmp = fluor_tmp-mean(fluor_tmp(:));
+% fluor_tmp( fluor_tmp< 0 ) = 0;
+% end
+% end
+% if isfield( CONST.view, 'LogView' ) && CONST.view.LogView && ~FLAGS.composite
+% fluor_tmp = ag( double(fluor_tmp).^.6 );
+% end
+% minner = medfilt2( fluor_tmp, [2,2], 'symmetric' );
+% maxxer = max( minner(:));
+% minner = min( minner(:));
+% if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
+% im = im + doColorMap( ag(fluor_tmp,minner,maxxer), uint8(255*jet(256)) );
+% else
+% imFluor = 0.8*ag(fluor_tmp,minner,maxxer);
+% im(:,:,1) = im(:,:,1) + curColor(1) * imFluor;
+% im(:,:,2) = im(:,:,2) + curColor(2) * imFluor;
+% im(:,:,3) = im(:,:,3) + curColor(3) * imFluor;
+% end
+% end
+% end
+function im = updateFluorImage(data, im, channel, FLAGS, CONST, clist)
fluorName = ['fluor',num2str(channel)];
flbgName = ['fl',num2str(channel),'bg'];
if isfield(data, fluorName )
if ~isfield (CONST.view,'fluorColor')
CONST.view.fluorColor = {'g','r','b'};
- curColor = getRGBColor( CONST.view.fluorColor{channel});
+ cc = CONST.view.fluorColor{channel};
- if FLAGS.filt && isfield( data, [fluorName,'_filtered'] )
+ if FLAGS.filt(channel) && isfield( data, [fluorName,'_filtered'] )
fluor_tmp = data.([fluorName,'_filtered']);
fluor_tmp = data.(fluorName);
@@ -392,21 +508,26 @@ function doFrameMerge( x_, y_ )
- if isfield( CONST.view, 'LogView' ) && CONST.view.LogView && ~FLAGS.composite
- fluor_tmp = ag( double(fluor_tmp).^.6 );
- end
+ if ~FLAGS.filt(channel) && ...
+ isfield( clist, 'imRangeGlobal' ) && ...
+ isempty( clist.imRangeGlobal ) && ...
+ FLAGS.gbl_auto(channel+1)
+ minner = clist.imRangeGlobal( 1, channel+1 );
+ maxxer = clist.imRangeGlobal( 2, channel+1 );
- minner = medfilt2( fluor_tmp, [2,2], 'symmetric' );
- maxxer = max( minner(:));
- minner = min( minner(:));
- if CONST.view.falseColorFlag
- im = im + doColorMap( ag(fluor_tmp,minner,maxxer), uint8(255*jet(256)) );
+ else
+ minner = medfilt2( fluor_tmp, [2,2], 'symmetric' );
+ maxxer = max( minner(:));
+ minner = min( minner(:));
+ end
+ if CONST.view.falseColorFlag && ~FLAGS.composite
+ im = comp( im, {fluor_tmp,[minner,maxxer],jet(256)} );
- imFluor = 0.8*ag(fluor_tmp,minner,maxxer);
- im(:,:,1) = im(:,:,1) + curColor(1) * imFluor;
- im(:,:,2) = im(:,:,2) + curColor(2) * imFluor;
- im(:,:,3) = im(:,:,3) + curColor(3) * imFluor;
+ im = comp( im, {fluor_tmp,[minner,maxxer],FLAGS.level(channel+1),cc} );
@@ -527,59 +648,73 @@ function intPlotSpot( data, x_, y_, FLAGS, ID_LIST, CONST )
channel_num = FLAGS.f_flag;
locus_name = ['locus',num2str(channel_num)];
-min_score_name = (['FLUOR',num2str(channel_num),'_MIN_SCORE']);
-if ~isfield(CONST.getLocusTracks,min_score_name)
- CONST.getLocusTracks.(min_score_name) = 3;
-min_score = CONST.getLocusTracks.(min_score_name);
+nc = intGetChannelNum( data );
-if isfield( data, 'CellA' ) && ~isempty( data.CellA ) && isfield(data.CellA{1},locus_name)
- counter = 0;
- maxCounter = 500;
- locus_txt = {};
- locus_x = [];
- locus_y = [];
- for kk = 1:data.regs.num_regs
- % only plot spots in the cell that are gated.
- if (~FLAGS.cell_flag || ismember(data.regs.ID(kk), ID_LIST))
- if isfield( data.CellA{kk},(locus_name))
- locus_field = data.CellA{kk}.(locus_name);
- num_spot = numel(locus_field);
- mm = 0;
- while mm < num_spot && counter < maxCounter
- mm = mm + 1;
- r = locus_field(mm).r;
- text_ = [num2str(locus_field(mm).score, '%0.1f')];
+if isfield( data, 'CellA' ) && ~isempty( data.CellA )
+ ind = find( FLAGS.s_flag );
+ for jj = ind;
+ counter1 = 0;
+ maxCounter1 = 500;
+ locus_1_txt = {};
+ locus1_x = [];
+ locus1_y = [];
+ for kk = 1:data.regs.num_regs
+ % only plot spots in the cell that are gated.
+ if (~FLAGS.cell_flag || ismember(data.regs.ID(kk), ID_LIST))
+ % locus
+ locusName = [ 'locus',num2str(jj)'];
+ if isfield( data.CellA{kk},locusName )
+ num_spot = numel( data.CellA{kk}.(locusName));
+ mm = 0;
- if isfield (locus_field(mm),'score') && locus_field(mm).score > 1 %min_score
- xpos = r(1)+x_;
- ypos = r(2)+y_;
- if (FLAGS.axis(1)xpos) && ...
- (FLAGS.axis(3)ypos)
- counter = counter + 1;
- txt = ['-s:',num2str(locus_field(mm).score, '%0.1f')];
- if isfield (locus_field(mm),'score')
- txt = ['-in:',num2str(locus_field(mm).normIntensity, '%0.1f'),txt];
- end
- if isfield (locus_field(mm),'normIntensityScore')
- txt = ['-is:',num2str(locus_field(mm).normIntensityScore, '%0.1f'),txt];
- end
- if isfield (locus_field(mm),'intensity')
- txt = ['-i:',num2str(locus_field(mm).intensity, '%0.1f'),txt];
+ while mm < num_spot && counter1 < maxCounter1
+ mm = mm + 1;
+ r = data.CellA{kk}.(locusName)(mm).r;
+ text_ = [num2str(data.CellA{kk}.(locusName)(mm).score, '%0.1f')];
+ scoreName = [ 'FLUOR',num2str(jj),'_MIN_SCORE'];
+ if ~isfield( CONST.getLocusTracks, scoreName )
+ CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName) = 0;
+ end
+ if data.CellA{kk}.(locusName)(mm).score > CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName)
+ xpos = r(1)+x_;
+ ypos = r(2)+y_;
+ if (FLAGS.axis(1)xpos) && ...
+ (FLAGS.axis(3)ypos)
+ counter1 = counter1 + 1;
+ locus_1_txt{end+1} = [num2str(data.CellA{kk}.(locusName)(mm).score, ...
+ '%0.1f')];
+ locus1_x = [locus1_x;xpos];
+ locus1_y = [locus1_y;ypos];
- locus_txt{end+1} = txt;
- locus_x = [locus_x;xpos];
- locus_y = [locus_y;ypos];
+ if FLAGS.scores_flag(jj)
+ text( locus1_x+1, locus1_y, locus_1_txt, 'Color',CONST.view.fluorColor{jj} );
+ end
+ plot( locus1_x, locus1_y, '.', 'Color',CONST.view.fluorColor{jj} );
- text( locus_x+1, locus_y, locus_txt, 'Color', [1,1,1]);
- plot( locus_x, locus_y, '.', 'Color', [1,1,1]);
@@ -815,108 +950,7 @@ function intPlotPole( data, x_, y_,FLAGS )
-function FLAGS = intFixFlags( FLAGS )
-% intFixFlags : sets default flag values if the value is missing.
-% Outline_flag
-% ID_flag
-% lyse_flag
-% m_flag
-% c_flag
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'legend')
- disp('there is no flag legend');
- FLAGS.legend = 1;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'Outline_flag')
- disp('there is no flag Outline_flag');
- FLAGS.Outline_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'ID_flag')
- disp('there is no flag ID_flag');
- FLAGS.ID_flag = 1;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'lyse_flag')
- disp('there is no flag lyse_flag')
- FLAGS.lyse_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS,'m_flag')
- disp('there is no flag m_flag')
- FLAGS.m_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'c_flag')
- disp('there is no flag c_flag')
- FLAGS.c_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'P_flag')
- disp('there is no flag P_flag')
- FLAGS.P_flag = 1;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'phase_flag')
- disp('there is no flag phase_flag')
- FLAGS.phase_flag = 1;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'phase_level')
- disp('there is no flag phase_level')
- FLAGS.phase_level = 1;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'cell_flag' )
- disp('there is no flag cell_flag')
- FLAGS.cell_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'f_flag')
- disp('there is no flag f_flag')
- FLAGS.f_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 's_flag')
- disp('there is no flag s_flag')
- FLAGS.s_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'T_flag')
- disp('there is no flag T_flag')
- FLAGS.T_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'filt')
- disp('there is no flag filt')
- FLAGS.filt = [0,0,0];
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'p_flag')
- disp('there is no field p_flag')
- FLAGS.p_flag = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS,'composite')
- disp('there is no flag composite')
- FLAGS.composite = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'showLinks')
- disp('there is no flag showLinks')
- FLAGS.showLinks = 0;
-if ~isfield(FLAGS, 'colored_regions')
- disp('there is no flag colored_regions')
- FLAGS.colored_regions = 0;
-FLAGS.link_flag = FLAGS.s_flag || FLAGS.ID_flag;
function outline = intDoOutline(map)
persistent sqrStrel;
@@ -933,4 +967,9 @@ function intPlotPole( data, x_, y_,FLAGS )
sqrStrel = strel('square',3);
outline = double(imdilate( map, sqrStrel ))-double(map);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/viz/superSeggerViewer.m b/viz/superSeggerViewer.m
index 9f473c0..509b1d7 100644
--- a/viz/superSeggerViewer.m
+++ b/viz/superSeggerViewer.m
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ function superSeggerViewer(dirname)
if exist([dirname0,'CONST.mat'],'file')
- CONST = load([dirname0,'CONST.mat']);
+ %CONST = load([dirname0,'CONST.mat']);
+ CONST = loadConstantsFile( [dirname0,'CONST.mat'] );
if isfield( CONST, 'CONST' )
@@ -594,7 +595,7 @@ function superSeggerViewer(dirname)
if ~isempty( data_cell )
- im_tmp = makeFrameMosaic(data_cell, CONST, xdim__);
+ im_tmp = makeFrameMosaic(data_cell, CONST, xdim__,[],[],FLAGS.filt));
@@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ function superSeggerViewer(dirname)
if ~isempty( data_cell )
- makeKymographC(data_cell, 1, CONST,[],FLAGS.filt);
+ makeKymographC(data_cell, 1, CONST,[],FLAGS);
ylabel('Long Axis (pixels)');
xlabel('Time (frames)' );
disp('Press enter to continue');
diff --git a/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.fig b/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.fig
index 6e67aec..1284cb3 100644
Binary files a/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.fig and b/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.fig differ
diff --git a/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.m b/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.m
index 76ac705..43d65d7 100644
--- a/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.m
+++ b/viz/superSeggerViewerGui.m
@@ -238,8 +238,14 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
handles.cell_poles.Value = FLAGS.p_flag;
handles.legend_box.Value = FLAGS.legend;
handles.outline_cells.Value = FLAGS.Outline_flag;
-handles.fluor_foci_scores.Value = FLAGS.s_flag;
-handles.filtered_fluorescence.Value = FLAGS.filt;
+handles.foci_box.Value = FLAGS.s_flag;
+handles.scores_foci.Value = FLAGS.scores_flag;
+if FLAGS.f_flag
+ handles.filt.Value = FLAGS.filt(FLAGS.f_flag);
+ handles.filt.Value = 0;
handles.region_outlines.Value = FLAGS.P_flag;
handles.region_scores.Value = FLAGS.regionScores;
handles.use_seg_files.Value = FLAGS.useSegs;
@@ -254,13 +260,16 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
handles.go_to_frame_no.String = '1';
+handles.autoscale.Value = FLAGS.autoscale;
handles.kymograph_cell_no.String = '';
handles.movie_cell_no.String = '';
handles.cell_no.String = '';
handles.max_cell_no.String = '';
handles.find_cell_no.String = '';
+handles.channel_color.String = {'r','m','y','g','c','b','w'};
handles.contents = dir([handles.dirname_seg, file_filter]);
handles.contents_seg = dir([handles.dirname_seg, '*seg.mat']);
handles.num_seg = length(handles.contents_seg);
@@ -275,7 +284,8 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
handles.use_seg_files.Value = FLAGS.useSegs;
if exist([dirname0, 'CONST.mat'], 'file')
- CONST = load([dirname0, 'CONST.mat']);
+ %CONST = load([dirname0, 'CONST.mat']);
+ CONST = loadConstantsFile( [dirname0,'CONST.mat'] );
if isfield(CONST, 'CONST')
@@ -296,12 +306,29 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
handles.filename_flags = filename_flags;
handles.FLAGS.f_flag = 0;
handles.channel.String = 0;
-handles.go_to_frame_no_text.String = ['Go to frame # (max ' num2str(handles.num_im) ')'];
+handles.go_to_frame_no_text.String = ['Time (frames) max: ', num2str(handles.num_im)];
update_clist_panel(hObject, handles)
handles = updateOutputPanel (handles);
handles = updateImage(hObject, handles);
guidata(hObject, handles);
+c = FLAGS.f_flag;
+if c == 0
+ handles.color.String = '';
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ handles.color.String = CONST.view.fluorColor{c};
+ scoreName = [ 'FLUOR',num2str(c),'_MIN_SCORE'];
+ if isfield( CONST.getLocusTracks, scoreName )
+ handles.min_score.String = num2str(CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName) );
+ else
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ end
function handles = updateImage(hObject, handles)
delete(get(handles.axes1, 'Children'))
handles.previous.Enable = 'off';
@@ -349,7 +376,13 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
delete(findall(findall(gcf, 'Type', 'axe'), 'Type', 'text'))
[handles.data_r, handles.data_c, handles.data_f] = intLoadDataViewer(handles.dirname_seg, handles.contents, ...
nn, handles.num_im, handles.clist, forcedFlags);
- showSeggerImage(handles.data_c, handles.data_r, handles.data_f, forcedFlags, handles.clist, handles.CONST, handles.axes1);
+ [~,im_ptr] = showSeggerImage(handles.data_c, handles.data_r, handles.data_f, forcedFlags, handles.clist, handles.CONST, handles.axes1);
+ set(im_ptr,'ButtonDownFcn',{@clickOnImageInfo,handles} );
+ intShowLUT( handles );
save(handles.filename_flags, 'FLAGS', 'nn', 'dirnum' );
@@ -364,11 +397,22 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
+ makeActive(handles.autoscale)
if handles.num_seg == 0
handles.use_seg_files.Enable = 'off';
- handles.switch_xy_directory_text.String = ['Switch xy (', num2str(handles.num_xy), ')'];
+ %handles.switch_xy_directory_text.String = ['Switch xy (', num2str(handles.num_xy), ')'];
+ for kk = 1:handles.num_xy
+ handles.xy_popup.String{kk} = num2str(kk);
+ end
+ nc = intGetChannelNum(handles.data_c);
+ for kk = 0:nc
+ handles.channel_popup.String{kk+1} = num2str(kk);
+ end
f = 0;
while true
if isfield(handles,'data_c') && isfield(handles.data_c, ['fluor' num2str(f+1)] )
@@ -378,20 +422,17 @@ function initImage(hObject, handles) % Not updated
handles.channel_text.String = ['Channel (', num2str(f), ')'];
- if handles.FLAGS.f_flag >= 1 && ~handles.FLAGS.composite% Fluorescence
+ if handles.FLAGS.f_flag >= 1 %&& ~handles.FLAGS.composite% Fluorescence
if shouldUseErrorFiles(handles.FLAGS, handles.canUseErr)
- makeActive(handles.fluor_foci_scores);
- makeActive(handles.filtered_fluorescence);
+ makeActive(handles.foci_box);
- makeInactive(handles.fluor_foci_scores);
- makeInactive(handles.filtered_fluorescence);
+ makeInactive(handles.foci_box);
- makeInactive(handles.fluor_foci_scores);
- makeInactive(handles.filtered_fluorescence);
+ makeInactive(handles.foci_box);
if shouldUseErrorFiles(handles.FLAGS, handles.canUseErr)
@@ -508,6 +549,15 @@ function previous_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
go_to_frame_no_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles);
+function save_CONST_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ CONST = handles.CONST;
+ save( [handles.dirname0,'CONST.mat'], '-STRUCT', 'CONST' );
function max_cell_no_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.CONST.view.maxNumCell = round(str2double(handles.max_cell_no.String));
handles.max_cell_no.String = num2str(round(str2double(handles.max_cell_no.String)));
@@ -567,21 +617,6 @@ function switch_xy_directory_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Display options
-function channel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
-if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- f = 0;
- while isfield(handles,'data_c') && isfield(handles.data_c, ['fluor' num2str(f+1)] )
- f = f+1;
- end
- c = round(str2double(handles.channel.String));
- if isnan(c) || c < 0 || c > f
- handles.channel.String = '0';
- else
- handles.channel.String = num2str(c);
- end
- handles.FLAGS.f_flag = c;
- updateImage(hObject, handles);
function channel_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject, 'BackgroundColor'), get(0, 'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
@@ -596,6 +631,9 @@ function find_cell_no_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
function find_cell_no(handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ axes( handles.axes1 );
c = round(str2double(handles.find_cell_no.String));
maxIndex = handles.data_c.regs.num_regs;
if areCellsLoaded(handles)
@@ -608,6 +646,7 @@ function find_cell_no(handles)
if handles.FLAGS.cell_flag && shouldUseErrorFiles(handles.FLAGS, handles.canUseErr)
regnum = find(handles.data_c.regs.ID == c);
if ~isempty(regnum)
@@ -674,26 +713,48 @@ function false_color_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
updateImage(hObject, handles);
-function filtered_fluorescence_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function gbl_auto_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- handles.FLAGS.filt = handles.filtered_fluorescence.Value;
- handles.CONST.view.filtered = handles.filtered_fluorescence.Value;
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.gbl_auto(chan+1) = handles.gbl_auto.Value;
updateImage(hObject, handles);
-function fluor_foci_scores_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function filt_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- handles.FLAGS.s_flag = handles.fluor_foci_scores.Value;
+ channel = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.filt(channel) = handles.filt.Value;
+ handles.CONST.view.filtered = handles.filt.Value;
updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function foci_box_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.s_flag(chan) = handles.foci_box.Value;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function fluor_scores_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.scores_flag(chan) = handles.scores_foci.Value;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
function log_view_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- if ~isfield( handles.CONST, 'view' ) || ~isfield( handles.CONST.view, 'LogView' ) || isempty( handles.CONST.view.LogView )
- handles.CONST.view.LogView = true;
- else
- handles.CONST.view.LogView = handles.log_view.Value;
- end
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.log_view(chan) = handles.log_view.Value;
updateImage(hObject, handles);
@@ -737,6 +798,21 @@ function use_seg_files_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+function manual_lut_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.manual_lut(chan+1) = handles.manual_lut.Value;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function level_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.level(chan+1) = str2double(handles.level.String);
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
% Gate options
function clear_gates_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
@@ -772,11 +848,111 @@ function histogram_clist_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
gateHist(handles.clist, handles.histogram_clist.Value);
+function channel_color_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ if chan
+ handles.CONST.view.fluorColor{chan} = ...
+ handles.channel_color.String{handles.channel_color.Value};
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+ end
+function channel_popup_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ nc = intGetChannelNum( handles.data_c );
+ c = handles.channel_popup.Value-1;
+ if c == 0
+ handles.color_popup.Value = 1;
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ else
+ handles.channel_color.Value = ...
+ intGetColorValue(handles.CONST.view.fluorColor{c}, ...
+ handles.channel_color.String );
+ scoreName = [ 'FLUOR',num2str(c),'_MIN_SCORE'];
+ if isfield( handles.CONST.getLocusTracks, scoreName )
+ handles.min_score.String = num2str(handles.CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName) );
+ else
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ end
+ end
+ handles.FLAGS.f_flag = c;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function xy_popup_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ ll_ = handles.xy_popup.Value;
+ dirname0 = handles.dirname0;
+ if isnumeric(ll_)
+ if ~isempty(ll_) && (ll_ >= 1) && (ll_ <= handles.num_xy)
+ try
+ clist = handles.clist;
+ if ~isempty(clist)
+ save( [dirname0,handles.contents_xy(handles.dirnum).name,filesep,'clist.mat'],'-STRUCT','clist');
+ end
+ catch ME
+ printError(ME);
+ handles.message.String = 'Error writing clist file';
+ end
+ handles.dirnum = ll_;
+ handles.dirname_seg = [dirname0,handles.contents_xy(ll_).name,filesep,'seg',filesep];
+ handles.dirname_cell = [dirname0,handles.contents_xy(ll_).name,filesep,'cell',filesep];
+ handles.dirname_xy = [dirname0,handles.contents_xy(ll_).name,filesep];
+ ixy = sscanf( handles.contents_xy(handles.dirnum).name, 'xy%d' );
+ handles.header = ['xy',num2str(ixy),': '];
+ handles.contents = dir([handles.dirname_seg, '*seg.mat']);
+ handles.num_im = numel(handles.contents);
+ enable_all_panels(hObject,handles)
+ if exist([dirname0,handles.contents_xy(ll_).name,filesep,'clist.mat'])
+ handles.clist = load([dirname0,handles.contents_xy(ll_).name,filesep,'clist.mat']);
+ update_clist_panel(hObject, handles)
+ else
+ handles.clist = []
+ update_clist_panel(hObject, handles)
+ end
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+ else
+ handles.message.String = 'Incorrect number for xy position';
+ end
+ else
+ handles.message.String = 'Number of xy position missing';
+ end
+guidata(hObject, handles);
function histogram_clist_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+function channel_color_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+ set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
+function channel_popup_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+ set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
+function xy_popup_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
+ set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');
function make_gate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
@@ -1051,7 +1227,8 @@ function phase_flag_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of phase_flag
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- handles.FLAGS.phase_flag = get(hObject,'Value');
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ handles.FLAGS.phase_flag(chan+1) = get(hObject,'Value');
updateImage(hObject, handles);
@@ -1063,11 +1240,82 @@ function phase_level_txt_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of phase_level_txt as text
% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of phase_level_txt as a double
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- handles.FLAGS.phase_level = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
+ handles.FLAGS.level(handles.FLAGS.f_flag+1) = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function lut_min_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject handle to phase_level_txt (see GCBO)
+% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of phase_level_txt as text
+% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of phase_level_txt as a double
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ handles.FLAGS.lut_min(handles.FLAGS.f_flag+1) = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function lut_max_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject handle to phase_level_txt (see GCBO)
+% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of phase_level_txt as text
+% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of phase_level_txt as a double
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ handles.FLAGS.lut_max(handles.FLAGS.f_flag+1) = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function min_score_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject handle to phase_level_txt (see GCBO)
+% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of phase_level_txt as text
+% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of phase_level_txt as a double
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ if chan
+ scoreName = [ 'FLUOR',num2str(chan),'_MIN_SCORE'];
+ tmp = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
+ handles.CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName) = tmp;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+ end
+function color_Callback(hObject, ~, handles)
+% hObject handle to phase_level_txt (see GCBO)
+% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of phase_level_txt as text
+% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of phase_level_txt as a double
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ if chan
+ tmp = get(hObject,'String');
+ if iscell( tmp )
+ tmp = tmp{1};
+ end
+ if ~isempty( tmp ) && ischar( tmp(1) )
+ handles.CONST.view.fluorColor{chan} = tmp(1);
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
+ end
+ end
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function phase_level_txt_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to phase_level_txt (see GCBO)
@@ -1094,6 +1342,20 @@ function composite_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% --- Executes on button press in composite.
+function include_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% hObject handle to composite (see GCBO)
+% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
+% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
+% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of composite
+if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ handles.FLAGS.include(handles.FLAGS.f_flag+1) = get(hObject,'Value') ;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
% --- Executes on button press in region_ids.
function region_ids_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to region_ids (see GCBO)
@@ -1121,7 +1383,9 @@ function region_ids_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
{'Field Movie'},0,0;
{'Field Mosaic'},0,0;
- {'Consensus Kymo'},1,0];
+ {'Outline figure'},1,0;
+ {'Consensus Kymo'},1,0;
+ {'Cell Info'},1,0];
@@ -1144,7 +1408,7 @@ function output_list_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
errordlg('No cell files found');
- im = makeKymoMosaic( handles.dirname_cell, handles.CONST );
+ im = makeKymoMosaic( handles.dirname_cell, handles.CONST, handles.FLAGS );
if handles.save_output.Value
savename = [handles.dirSave, 'mosaic_kymograph'];
save (savename, 'im');
@@ -1153,6 +1417,8 @@ function output_list_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
elseif strcmp('Cell Tower',value)
+ elseif strcmp('Outline figure',value)
+ makeOutlineFigure(handles);
elseif strcmp('Cell Tower Mosaic',value)
elseif strcmp('Lineage',value)
@@ -1167,29 +1433,76 @@ function output_list_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
makeLineage( handles.clist, ids, min_width );
elseif strcmp('Field Movie',value)
- makeFieldMovie(handles);
+ makeFieldMovie(hObject,handles);
elseif strcmp('Field Mosaic',value)
handles = field_mosaic( handles)
elseif strcmp('Consensus',value);
handles = consensus_image(handles)
elseif strcmp('Consensus Kymo',value)
handles = consensus_kymo(handles);
+ elseif strcmp('Cell Info',value)
+ handles = cell_info(hObject, eventdata, handles);
set(hObject, 'UserData', get(hObject, 'Value')); % for double click selection
-function cell_info_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
-global settings;
-state = get(hObject,'Value');
-if state == get(hObject,'Max')
- settings.hObject = hObject;
- settings.handles = handles;
- settings.function = 'cell_info';
- settings.eventdata = eventdata;
- set(handles.axes1.Children, 'ButtonDownFcn', @clickOnImage);
-elseif state == get(hObject,'Min')
- updateImage(hObject, handles);
+function handles = cell_info(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+% global settings;
+% state = get(hObject,'Value');
+% if state == get(hObject,'Max')
+% settings.hObject = hObject;
+% settings.handles = handles;
+% settings.function = 'cell_info';
+% settings.eventdata = eventdata;
+% set(handles.axes1.Children, 'ButtonDownFcn', @clickOnImage);
+% elseif state == get(hObject,'Min')
+% updateImage(hObject, handles);
+ ii = [];
+if ~isempty( handles.cell_no.String )
+ cell_num = str2num(handles.cell_no.String);
+ if (cell_num)
+ if isfield( handles, 'data_c' )
+ if isfield( handles.data_c, 'regs' )
+ if isfield( handles.data_c.regs, 'ID' )
+ reg_num = find( handles.data_c.regs.ID == cell_num );
+ if ~isempty( reg_num )
+ ii = reg_num(1);
+ else
+ errordlg( 'reg number is empty' );
+ end
+ else
+ errordlg( 'no ID field' );
+ end
+ else
+ errordlg( 'no regs field' );
+ end
+ else
+ errordlg( 'no data_c field.' );
+ end
+ else
+ errordlg( 'cell number isnt valid.' );
+ end
+ errordlg('Please enter a cell number.' );
+if ~isempty( ii )
+ if isfield(handles.data_c,'CellA')
+ disp(['Pole orientation : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.pole.op_ori)]);
+ disp(['BoundingBox : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.BB)]);
+ disp(['Axis Lengths : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.length)]);
+ disp(['Cell Length : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.cellLength(1))]);
+ disp(['Mean Width : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.cellLength(2))]);
+ disp(['Cell distance : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.cell_dist)]);
+ disp(['Cell Old Pole Age : ', num2str( handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.pole.op_age)]);
+ disp(['Cell New Pole Age : ', num2str(handles.data_c.CellA{ii}.pole.np_age)]);
+ end
function handles = consensus_kymo(handles)
@@ -1260,7 +1573,7 @@ function makeCellKymo(handles)
if ~isempty( data_cell )
- makeKymographC(data_cell, 1, handles.CONST,[]);
+ makeKymographC(data_cell, 1, handles.CONST,handles.FLAGS);
ylabel('Long Axis (pixels)');
xlabel('Time (frames)' );
@@ -1285,7 +1598,7 @@ function intMakeCellMovie(handles)
if ~isempty(data_cell)
handles.message.String = ['Movie for cell ', cell_name];
- mov = makeCellMovie(data_cell);
+ mov = makeCellMovie(data_cell, handles.CONST, handles.FLAGS, handles.clist);
choice = questdlg('Save movie?', 'Save movie?', 'Yes', 'No', 'No');
if strcmp(choice, 'Yes')
saveFilename = [handles.dirSave,cell_name(1:end-4),'.avi'];
@@ -1301,33 +1614,60 @@ function intMakeCellMovie(handles)
-function handles = makeCellTower( handles)
-if ~areCellsLoaded(handles)
- errordlg('No cell files found');
- if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
- c = str2double(handles.cell_no.String);
- if numel(c) > 1
- c = c(1);
+ function hanldes = makeCellTower( handles)
+ if ~areCellsLoaded(handles)
+ errordlg('No cell files found');
+ else
+ % if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ c = str2num(handles.cell_no.String);
+ if numel(c) > 1
+ c = c(1);
+ end
+ if isempty(c) || isnan(c) || c < 1 || c > max(handles.data_c.regs.ID)
+ handles.message.String = ['Invalid cell number'];
+ else
+ handles.cell_no.String = num2str(c);
+ xdim = 4; %str2double(handles.no_columns.String);
+ [data_cell,cell_name] = loadCellData(c, handles.dirname_cell, handles);
+ if ~isempty( data_cell )
+ handles.message.String = ['Cell Tower for cell ', cell_name];
+ figure(2);
+ clf;
+ %makeFrameMosaic(data_cell, handles.CONST, xdim);
+ makeFrameMosaic(data_cell, handles.CONST, xdim,[],[],handles.FLAGS);
+ title(cell_name);
+ end
+ end
- if isempty(c) || isnan(c) || c < 1 || c > max(handles.data_c.regs.ID)
- handles.message.String = ['Invalid cell number'];
+ function hanldes = makeOutlineFigure( handles)
+ if ~areCellsLoaded(handles)
+ errordlg('No cell files found');
- handles.cell_no.String = num2str(c);
- xdim = 4; %str2double(handles.no_columns.String);
- [data_cell,cell_name] = loadCellData(c, handles.dirname_cell, handles);
- if ~isempty( data_cell )
- handles.message.String = ['Cell Tower for cell ', cell_name];
+ % if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ if isfield(handles, 'data_c' )
+ tmp_axis = axis;
- makeFrameMosaic(data_cell, handles.CONST, xdim);
- title(cell_name);
+ axis(tmp_axis);
+ showSeggerImage( handles.data_c, [], [], handles.FLAGS, handles.clist, handles.CONST, [] );
+ clist_tmp = gate( handles.clist );
+ ID_LIST = clist_tmp.data(:,1);
+ doDrawCellOutlinePAW( handles.data_c, ID_LIST );
+ else
+ errordlg('No data_c field found');
- end
function [startFr,endFr,skip] = dialogBoxStartEndSkip (handles)
prompt = {'Start frame:', 'End frame:','Choose Total # frames :','or Skip Frames :'};
@@ -1414,15 +1754,18 @@ function intMakeCellMovie(handles)
-function makeFieldMovie(handles)
+function makeFieldMovie(hObject,handles)
% makes field movie
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS)
+ tmp = handles.go_to_frame_no.String;
clear mov;
[startFr,endFr,skip] = dialogBoxStartEndSkip (handles);
if ~isempty(startFr)
mov.cdata = [];
mov.colormap = [];
counter = 1;
for ii = round(startFr:skip: endFr)
delete(get(handles.axes1, 'Children'))
[data_r, data_c, data_f] = intLoadDataViewer( handles.dirname_seg, ...
@@ -1447,6 +1790,9 @@ function makeFieldMovie(handles)
+ handles.go_to_frame_no.String = tmp;
+ updateImage(hObject, handles);
@@ -1454,7 +1800,8 @@ function cell_tower_mosaic(handles)
if ~isempty(handles.FLAGS) && areCellsLoaded(handles)
- imTot = makeFrameStripeMosaic([handles.dirname_cell], handles.CONST, [], true);
+ imTot = makeFrameStripeMosaic([handles.dirname_cell], ...
+ handles.CONST, [], true, handles.clist, handles.FLAGS );
if handles.save_output.Value
save ([handles.dirSave,'tower_cells'],'imTot');
@@ -1519,4 +1866,140 @@ function edit_links_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
setappdata(0, 'dirname_cell', handles.dirname_cell);
setappdata(0, 'nn', str2double(handles.go_to_frame_no.String));
\ No newline at end of file
+function ind = intGetColorValue( str, lib );
+ ind = find(strcmp(lib , str));
+function intShowLUT( handles )
+ handles.FLAGS.phase_flag = double(logical(handles.FLAGS.phase_flag));
+ % do the show lut stuff
+ chan = handles.FLAGS.f_flag;
+ if chan == 0
+ im = handles.data_c.phase;
+ cc = 'w';
+ else
+ im = handles.data_c.(['fluor',num2str(chan)]);
+ cc = handles.CONST.view.fluorColor{chan};
+ end
+ axes(handles.lut_show )
+ [y,x] = hist( double(im(:)), 100 );
+ plot( x,y, '.', 'Color', cc );
+ set(gca, 'Yscale', 'log', 'Color', [0,0,0] );
+ % now set everything in the channel pannel
+ handles.include.Value = handles.FLAGS.include(chan+1);
+ handles.level.String = num2str(handles.FLAGS.level(chan+1));
+ handles.lut_min.String = num2str(handles.FLAGS.lut_min(chan+1));
+ handles.lut_max.String = num2str(handles.FLAGS.lut_max(chan+1));
+ handles.manual_lut.Value = handles.FLAGS.manual_lut(chan+1);
+ handles.phase_flag.Value = handles.FLAGS.phase_flag(chan+1);
+ handles.gbl_auto.Value = handles.FLAGS.gbl_auto(chan+1);
+ if chan == 0
+ makeInactive(handles.channel_color);
+ makeInactive(handles.phase_flag);
+ makeInactive(handles.log_view);
+ makeInactive(handles.false_color);
+ makeInactive(handles.foci_box);
+ makeInactive(handles.scores_foci);
+ makeInactive(handles.min_score);
+ makeInactive(handles.filt);
+ handles.foci_box.Value = 0;
+ handles.scores_foci.Value = 0;
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ handles.log_view.Value = 0;
+ else
+ makeActive(handles.channel_color);
+ makeActive(handles.phase_flag);
+ makeActive(handles.log_view);
+ handles.log_view.Value = handles.FLAGS.log_view(chan);
+ filtname = ['fluor',num2str(chan),'_filtered'];
+ if isfield( handles.data_c, filtname );
+ makeActive(handles.filt);
+ handles.filt.Value = handles.FLAGS.filt(chan);
+ else
+ makeInactive(handles.filt);
+ handles.filt.Value = 0;
+ handles.FLAGS.filt(chan) = 0;
+ end
+ makeActive(handles.false_color);
+ filtname = ['locus',num2str(chan)];
+ if isfield( handles.data_c.CellA{1}, filtname );
+ makeActive(handles.foci_box);
+ makeActive(handles.scores_foci);
+ makeActive(handles.min_score);
+ handles.channel_color.Value = ...
+ intGetColorValue(handles.CONST.view.fluorColor{chan}, ...
+ handles.channel_color.String );
+ handles.foci_box.Value = handles.FLAGS.s_flag(chan);
+ handles.scores_foci.Value = handles.FLAGS.scores_flag(chan);
+ scoreName = [ 'FLUOR',num2str(chan),'_MIN_SCORE'];
+ if ~isfield( handles.CONST.getLocusTracks, scoreName )
+ handles.CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName) = 0;
+ end
+ handles.min_score.String = num2str(handles.CONST.getLocusTracks.(scoreName));
+ else
+ makeInactive(handles.foci_box);
+ handles.foci_box.Value = 0;
+ handles.FLAGS.s_flag(chan) = 0;
+ makeInactive(handles.scores_foci);
+ handles.scores_foci.Value = 0;
+ handles.FLAGS.scores_flag(chan) = 0;
+ makeInactive(handles.min_score);
+ handles.min_score.String = '';
+ end
+ end
+function ImageClickCallback ( objectHandle , eventData )
+ axesHandle = get(objectHandle,'Parent');
+ coordinates = get(axesHandle,'CurrentPoint');
+ coordinates = coordinates(1,1:2);
+ message = sprintf('x: %.1f , y: %.1f',coordinates (1) ,coordinates (2));
+ helpdlg(message);
+function clickOnImageInfo(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+ point = round(eventdata.IntersectionPoint(1:2));
+ reg_num = handles.data_c.regs.regs_label( point(2), point(1) );
+ if reg_num
+ cell_num = handles.data_c.regs.ID( reg_num );
+ else
+ cell_num = 0;
+ end
+ handles.message.String = ['Cell number: ',num2str(cell_num),...
+ ' Region number: ',num2str(reg_num)];
+ if cell_num
+ handles.cell_no.String = num2str( cell_num );
+ end