Check to see if all app dependencies are met and install gems that are needed to meet the dependencies.
bundle install
Check to see if all app dependencies are met.
bundle check
Show where a bundled gem is installed (similar to "bundle exec gem which gemname")
bundle show gemname
Update a gem to the latest version - within the limits specified in the gem file. In particular, this
is needed to force Bundler to update a gem pulled from git. If changes have been pushed to the repo,
you must use "bundle update
" to force Bundler to bring down the latest. The commit hash is stored in
Gemfile.lock so that when you deploy, Bundler can ensure the deployed app is using the same commit.
bundle update gem-name
Update all gems to the latest version - within the limits specified in the gem file.
bundle update
Bundle stores its current state in a config file in the app (frozen, path, disable_shared_gems, without, etc). See "Grouping Your Dependencies" To view the current configuration use the command.
bundle config
Open the contents of a gem in the text editor specified in your shell ($EDITOR or $BUNDLE_EDITOR)
bundle open gem-name
Check for outdated versions of gems. Particularly useful after a major gem update
bundle outdated
See which specific gem is being used and where it's located.
gem which gemname
In the context of a Rails app this becomes.
bundle exec gem which gemname
Cleanup all versions of a gem, except for the latest one. If no gemname is given in the command line, cleanup will be run against all installed gems.
gem cleanup gemname
Display environment that RubyGems is running in
gem environment
Uninstall all gems on the system (to start fresh if desired).
gem uninstall --force --executables --all
Refresh all gems from their source and rebuilds all extensions and regenerates bin stubs
gem pristine --all
Ruby 1.9 includes RubyGems by default so you do not need a require 'rubygems'
statement in
order to load gem libraries. Just use require 'gemname'
statements as needed.
Create Rails app without Test::Unit, Turbolinks, and ActionCable
rails new app_name -T --skip-turbolinks --skip-action-cable -d mysql
Run Bundler, setup the database
cd app_name
bundle --without production # (--without is a remembered options, only needed the first time)
rake db:create # create the database
rake db:migrate # initial migration to create schema.db
Setup RSpec (must add gem 'rspec-rails'
to Gemfile)
rails g rspec:install
Run Guard in its own terminal tab.
bundle exec guard
Run tests: all tests, specify subdirectory, specify a spec file, specify specific specs
bundle exec rspec spec/
bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/
bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/your_spec.rb
bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/your_spec.rb -e "partial text from spec description"
Generate a controller
rails g controller Users new
rails g controller Pages home contact about
rails g controller Sessions new
Generate a model
rails g model User field1:string field2:string
rails g model Micropost content:string user_id:integer
Create a migration
rails g migration add_email_uniqueness_index
rails g migration add_password_to_users encrypted_password:string
rails g migration add_salt_to_users salt:string
rails g migration add_admin_to_users admin:boolean
Generate an integration test (i.e. request spec). Integration test will be created as
rails g integration_test some_name
Open up the db console
rails dbconsole -p [environment]
Show list of current routes
bundle exec rake routes
Database commands
rake db:migrate # Runs migrations that have not run yet.
rake db:create # Creates the database
rake db:drop # Deletes the database
rake db:schema:load # Creates tables and columns within the database following schema.rb
rake db:setup # Does db:create, db:schema:load, db:seed
rake db:reset # Does db:drop, db:setup
rake db:migrate:reset # Reset db + schema and rebuild using migrations db:drop db:create db:migrate
Rollback the last db migration / last 3 migrations
bundle exec rake db:rollback # just the last migration
bundle exec rake db:rollback STEP=3 # last three migrations
Rollback and redo the last db migration (typically after you've corrected a problem with the migration
bundle exec rake db:migrate:redo # redo the last migration
bundle exec rake db:migrate:redo STEP=3 # rollback and re-apply the last three migrations
Prepare the test database after adding new migrations (not needed in Rails 4.1)
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
Refresh the thumbnails generated by paperclip. You must specify the name of the class that contains the paperclip attachments. There are currently problems with this. Paperclip updates the created_at date for the model which causes it to save a new version of the attachments in the CMS app.
bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Contract --trace
There are several methods for calculating dates. The most readable 7.months.ago
is very slow.
Several other methods produce the same results with significantly faster performance
irb(main):098:0> Benchmark.measure { 100000.times { 16.days.ago } }
=> 9.300000 0.030000 9.330000 ( 9.329083)
irb(main):099:0> Benchmark.measure { 100000.times { - 16.days } }
=> 1.750000 0.020000 1.770000 ( 1.772659)
irb(main):100:0> Benchmark.measure { 100000.times { - 16 } }
=> 0.190000 0.000000 0.190000 ( 0.198303)
If Apache fails silently to start (no error in /var/log/apache2/error_log), try the following command to start Apache and display error output
sudo bash -x /usr/sbin/apachectl -k start