Demo shows the recreate deployment strategy with Kubernetes.
Get the images to docker hub:
make docker_deploy
Notice: You need to change DOCKER_PROJECT_ID in Makefile.
Notice: it causes downtime.
minikube start kubectl config use-context minikube kubectl apply -f kube-api-service.yaml # deployment kubectl apply -f kube-demo-api.yaml # notice, it takes longer time due to the initialDelaySeconds kubectl get po # get the port our service is exposed on by minikube export SVC_PORT=$(kubectl get service demo-api --output='jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}"' | tr -d '"') # check whether it is correct: curl $(minikube ip):${SVC_PORT}
# run curl in an endless loop to # see the changes from the user perspective: watch -n0.3 -x curl -s $(minikube ip):${SVC_PORT} # observe watch -n0.3 -x kubectl get po # let's get from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 kubectl set image deployment/demo-api app=wojciech11/api-status:2.0.0 # notice: beacause of the initialDelaySeconds readiness and liveness probes # we need to wait longer
We would also change the version in kube-demo-api.yaml to 2.0.0 and use kube apply -f kube-demo-api.yaml