- release more preprocessed dataset and the pretrained model (coming soon)
- release the code of the eval
This project is still under development. Please feel free to raise issues or submit pull requests to contribute to our codebase.
branch explanation:
prev_generate_maps: generate 3d query sim maps and render them
The main changes happened in the eval folder and gaussian_renderer folder. And the render.py file
eval_only: only eval the 3d query's output, not 2d
langplat_vq: generate vq codebook and indices
Attention This repo has frequent hard codes and duplicate codes. For high-level learning, understanding, and semi-test only. DON'T TRY TO RUN IT!!!!
Usage:(Try not to run the code.) without vq:
use _mytest.py to generate language_feats_dim3_tensor_1.pt, and copy them to the eval/ folder.
go to eval folder, sh eval.sh to generate 0_valid_map_level_1_neg_0.pt, etc. This is the sim map, show be 1 pos and 4 neg
3.1 go back to base folder, edit the render.py file, hard code exist here. Modify the corresponding parts at meta_data.info. Then sh process.sh
3.2 hardcode exist here - LangSplat/gaussian_renderer/init.py. modify it
output should be LangSplat/dataset/lerf_ovs/figurines/output/figurines_1/train.
- only the eval folder changed. Hardcode here.