An ORM / OGM for the Tinkerpop graph stack.
Discussion at!forum/totorom
This project has been created as an alternative to the Tinkerpop Frames project. If you like Gremlin and you like Java then you will like this!
It's just a way to give typed context to your gremlin queries:
public class Person extends FramedVertex {
public String getName() {
return getProperty("name");
public void setName(String name) {
setProperty("name", name); //Properties are simple method calls
public List<Knows> getKnowsList() {
return outE("knows").toList(Knows.class); //Gremlin natively supported
public List<Person> getFriendsOfFriends() {
return out("knows").out("knows").except(this).toList(Person.class); //Gremlin natively supported
public Knows addKnows(Person friend) {
return addEdge("knows", friend, Knows.class); //Elements are automatically unwrapped
public class Knows extends FramedEdge {
public void setYears(int years) {
setProperty("years", years);
public int getYears() {
return getProperty("years");
public class Programmer extends Person {
And here is how you interact with the framed elements:
public void testBasic() {
Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
FramedGraph fg = new FramedGraph(g);
Person p1 = fg.addVertex(Person.class);
Person p2 = fg.addVertex(Person.class);
Knows knows = p1.addKnows(p2);
Person bryn = fg.V().has("name", "Bryn").next(Person.class);
Assert.assertEquals("Bryn", bryn.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(15, bryn.getKnowsList().get(0).getYears());
Using TypeResolver.Java will save the type of Java class the element was created with for use later:
public void testJavaTyping() {
Graph g = new TinkerGraph();
FramedGraph fg = new FramedGraph(g, FrameFactory.Default, TypeResolver.Java);//Java type resolver
//Also note FrameFactory.Default. Other options are CDI and Spring.
Person p1 = fg.addVertex(Programmer.class);
Person p2 = fg.addVertex(Person.class);
Person bryn = fg.V().has("name", "Bryn").next(Person.class);
Person julia = fg.V().has("name", "Julia").next(Person.class);
Assert.assertEquals(Programmer.class, bryn.getClass());
Assert.assertEquals(Person.class, julia.getClass());
Here's a nice blog post talking about Totorom
This project uses code derived from the Tinkerpop project under the apache licence and or tinkerpop licence.