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File metadata and controls

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Lists messages in row contents

In the intializer, you can list message objects that conform to MessageProtocol to display messages using the rowContent parameter.

All the body and row contents are flipped vertically so that new messages can be listed from the bottom.

The messages are listed in the following order, depending on the readReceipt value of the MessageProtocol. For more details, please refer to MessageProtocol/readReceipt or ReadReceipt.

NOTE: The order of the messages is like below:

sending → failed → sent → delivered → seen

Scrolls to bottom

When a new message is sent or the scroll button is tapped, the view automatically scrolls to the bottom. You can also scroll the message list in other situations using the scrollDownPublisher by subscribing to it. See the following examples for how to use it.

How to publish

let _ = Empty<Void, Never>()
        receiveCompletion: { _ in
        receiveValue: { _ in }

How to subscribe

.onReceive(scrollDownPublisher) { _ in
    withAnimation {
        scrollView.scrollTo(id, anchor: .bottom)

How to handle the keyboard visibilty

Keyboard Visibility Publisher

keyboardVisibilityPublisher sends a boolean value that uses to show/hide keyboard.

.keyboardVisibility(_:) method:

  • sends the Visibility value via keyboardVisibilityPublisher just one time to change the keyboard visibility state.
  • receives keyboardVisibilityPublisher events, use keyboardReader() modifier.

This examples shows a view that sends the true via keyboardVisibility publisher to shows keyboard and shows keyboard.

    // Show up keyboard

When you want to receive event only, not send, assign .automatic to the parameter(visibility). This examples shows a view that only receives keyboardVisibilityPublisher events.


Recommendation: It's' recommended that use onReceive(_:perform:) together to receives keyboardNotificationPublisher event when use this method.

@State var isKeyboardShown: Bool = false
var body: some View {
        .keyboardVisibility(isKeyboardShown ? .visible : .hidden)
        .onReceive(keyboardNotificationPublisher) { value in
            isKeyboardShown = value

Keyboard Notification Publisher

keyboardVisibilityPublisher sends the current status of keyboard visibility.

When UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification notification is called, it sends true. When UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification notification is called, it sends false.

This examples shows how to receive the publisher event and handle the delivered value.

@State private isKeyboardShown: Bool = false

var body: some View {
    SomeView(isKeyboardShown: $isKeyboardShown)
        .onReceive(keyboardNotificationPublisher) { isShown in
            isKeyboardShown = isShown

How to show message menu on long press gesture

You can add message menus to display when a rowContent(such as MessageRow) is on long press gesture by setting menuContent parameter of the MessageList initializer.

MessageMenu and MessageMenubuttonStyle allow you to create message menu more easily. Here is an example:

MessageList(messages) { message in
    // row content
    MessageRow(message: message)
        .padding(.top, 12)
} menuContent: { highlightMessage in 
    // menu content
    MessageMenu {
        // Copy action
        Button(action: copy) {
            HStack {


                Image(systemName: "doc.on.doc")
            .padding(.horizontal, 16)
        .frame(height: 44)
        // Delete action
        Button(action: delete) {
            HStack {
                Image(systemName: "trash")
            .padding(.horizontal, 16)
        .frame(height: 44)
    .padding(.top, 12)