The layout is subject to change, and need to merge w/ libtsdb-go
- 01 Overview
- what is time series data and why we need time series database
- 02 Basic
- ? might move it into/before storage chapter
- Primitive Types
- statistic, distribution, random etc.
- maybe information theory
- 03 Data Model
- should also contains some basic survey, or link to survey
- 04 Query Language
- complex query execution would also be interesting
- continuous query, prometheus ppl also has an article about it
- ?query execution? a dedicated chapter?
- 05 Storage
- Compression
- Index
- local and remote backend (other db, s3 etc.)
- distributed
- 06 Benchmark
- components
- workload generator
- stats collector
- basic math, distribution
- historgram and lhdr (forgot what's the name ...)
- existing tools, their pro can cons
- components
- 07 Analysis (a.k.a ml a.k.a import ts as tf)
- prediction
- anomaly detection
- 08 Monitoring
- ? include log?
- 09 Tracing
- (keep it in this repo for now)
- ? IoT and Logging
- 09 OLAP, MPP
- 10 Build How to Build a Time Series Database
- features and components (like how to build relational db/search engine/operating system/programming language etc.)
- failure injection and correctness validation
- continuous benchmark