The Akash DeCloud is comprised of two main components:
- The Network: an on-chain decentralized [marketplace] (DEX) for leasing computing resources.
- The Platform: an off-chain deployment platform used for hosting and managing workloads.
The Network is built with cosmos-sdk - it is a tendermint-based blockchain application.
The Platform is a set of cloud management services that leverage Kubernetes to run workloads.
The software to run the Network, the Platform, and the command-line client used to interact with them are all currently distributed in the akash
Deploying applications onto Akash involves two types of users:
- The Tenant: the entity that deploys the application.
- The Provider: the entity that hosts the application.
Given that there are live providers on the network, the lifecycle of a typical application deployment is as follows:
- The tenant describes their desired deployment in [SDL], called a deployment.
- The tenant submits that definition to the blockchain.
- Their submission generates an order on the [marketplace].
- Providers that would like to fulfill that order on it.
- After some period of time, a winning bid for the order is chosen, and a lease is created.
- Once a lease has been created, the tenant submits a manifest to the provider.
- The provider executes workloads as instructed by the manifest.
- The workload is running - if it is a web application it can be visited, etc...
- The provider or tenant eventually closes the lease, shutting down the workload.
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