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File metadata and controls

318 lines (251 loc) · 12.7 KB

Example 1 - Treasury Yield Calculation


This sample can be run from the root directory with ./gradlew historicalYield. If you have just checked out the repository, you will need to run ./gradlew jar first.

Source code is in examples/treasury_yield. The data used in this example can be found in examples/treasury_yield/src/main/resources/yield_historical_in.json.

We end up with a test collection containing documents that look like this:

  "_id": ISODate("1990-01-25T19:00:00-0500"), 
  "dayOfWeek": "FRIDAY", "bc3Year": 8.38,
  "bc10Year": 8.49,

###Map/Reduce with Java

The goal is to find the average of the bc10Year field, across each year that exists in the dataset. First we define a mapper, which is executed against each document in the collection. We extract the year from the _id field and use it as the output key, along with the value we want to use for averaging, bc10Year.

public class TreasuryYieldMapper extends Mapper<Object, BSONObject, IntWritable, DoubleWritable> {
    public void map( final Object pKey, final BSONObject pValue, final Context pContext ) throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        final int year = ((Date)pValue.get("_id")).getYear() + 1900;
        double bid10Year = ( (Number) pValue.get( "bc10Year" ) ).doubleValue();
        pContext.write( new IntWritable( year ), new DoubleWritable( bid10Year ) );

Then we write a reducer, a function which takes the values collected for each key (the year) and performs some aggregate computation of them to get a result.

public class TreasuryYieldReducer
        extends Reducer<IntWritable, DoubleWritable, IntWritable, BSONWritable> {
    public void reduce( final IntWritable pKey, final Iterable<DoubleWritable> pValues, final Context pContext )
            throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        int count = 0;
        double sum = 0;
        for ( final DoubleWritable value : pValues ){
            sum += value.get();

        final double avg = sum / count;
        BasicBSONObject output = new BasicBSONObject();
        output.put("avg", avg);
        pContext.write( pKey, new BSONWritable( output ) );


We can also easily accomplish the same task with just a few lines of Pig script. We also use some external UDFs provided by the Amazon Piggybank jar:

-- UDFs used for date parsing
REGISTER /tmp/piggybank-0.3-amzn.jar
-- MongoDB Java driver
REGISTER  /tmp/mongo-2.10.1.jar;
-- Core Mongo-Hadoop Library
REGISTER ../core/target/mongo-hadoop-core_1.0.3-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-- mongo-hadoop pig support
REGISTER ../pig/target/mongo-hadoop-pig_1.0.3-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

raw = LOAD 'mongodb://localhost:27017/' using com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.MongoLoader; 
DEFINE UnixToISO org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.datetime.convert.UnixToISO();
DEFINE EXTRACT org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.EXTRACT();

date_tenyear = foreach raw generate UnixToISO($0#'_id'), $0#'bc10Year';
parsed_year = foreach date_tenyear generate 
    FLATTEN(EXTRACT($0, '(\\d{4})')) AS year, (double)$1 as bc;

by_year = GROUP parsed_year BY (chararray)year;
year_10yearavg = FOREACH by_year GENERATE group, AVG(parsed_year.bc) as tenyear_avg;

-- Args to MongoInsertStorage are: schema for output doc, field to use as '_id'.
STORE year_10yearavg 
 INTO 'mongodb://localhost:27017/demo.asfkjabfa' 
 com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.MongoInsertStorage('group:chararray,tenyear_avg:float', 'group');

Example 2 - Enron E-mails


This sample can be run from the root directory with ./gradlew enronEmails. This will download the Enron email corpus and import them automatically in to mongodb. You can manually download a copy of the data set here. Each document in the data set contains a single e-mail, including headers containing sender and recipient information. In this example we will build a list of the unique sender/recipient pairs, counting how many times each pair occurs.

Abbreviated code snippets shown below - to see the full source for this example, please see here

####Map/Reduce with Java

The mapper class will get the headers field from each document, parse out the sender from the From field and the recipients from the To field, and construct a MailPair object containing each pair which will act as the key. Then we emit the value 1 for each key. MailPair is just a simple "POJO" that contains Strings for the from and to values, and implements WritableComparable so that it can be serialized across Hadoop nodes and sorted.

public void map(NullWritable key, BSONObject val, final Context context)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        if (val.containsKey("headers")) {
           BSONObject headers = (BSONObject)val.get("headers");
           if (headers.containsKey("From") && headers.containsKey("To")){
              String from = (String)headers.get("From");
              String to = (String)headers.get("To");
              String[] recips = to.split(",");
              for(int i=0;i<recips.length;i++){
                  String recip = recips[i].trim();
                  if (recip.length() > 0) {
                     context.write(new MailPair(from, recip), new IntWritable(1));

The reduce class will take the collected values for each key, sum them together, and record the output.

    public void reduce( final MailPair pKey,
                        final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,
                        final Context pContext )
            throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        int sum = 0;
        for ( final IntWritable value : pValues ){
            sum += value.get();
        BSONObject outDoc = new BasicDBObjectBuilder().start().add( "f" , pKey.from).add( "t" , ).get();
        BSONWritable pkeyOut = new BSONWritable(outDoc);
        pContext.write( pkeyOut, new IntWritable(sum) );


To accomplish the same with pig, but with much less work:

REGISTER ../mongo-2.10.1.jar;
REGISTER ../core/target/mongo-hadoop-core_cdh4.3.0-1.1.0.jar
REGISTER ../pig/target/mongo-hadoop-pig_cdh4.3.0-1.1.0.jar

raw = LOAD 'file:///Users/mike/dump/enron_mail/messages.bson' using com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.BSONLoader('','headers:[]') ; 
send_recip = FOREACH raw GENERATE $0#'From' as from, $0#'To' as to;
send_recip_filtered = FILTER send_recip BY to IS NOT NULL;
send_recip_split = FOREACH send_recip_filtered GENERATE from as from, FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(to)) as to;
send_recip_split_trimmed = FOREACH send_recip_split GENERATE from as from, TRIM(to) as to;
send_recip_grouped = GROUP send_recip_split_trimmed BY (from, to);
send_recip_counted = FOREACH send_recip_grouped GENERATE group, COUNT($1) as count;
STORE send_recip_counted INTO 'file:///tmp/enron_emailcounts.bson' using com.mongodb.hadoop.pig.BSONStorage;

Example 3 - Sensor Logs


This sample can be run from the root directory with ./gradlew enronEmails. This will generate the data necessary for this example. This example will deal with a basic example that does a "join" across two different collections, and will demonstrate using MongoUpdateWritable which lets you do complex updates when writing output records (instead of simple inserts).

Assume we have a collection called devices, each document contains the description of a sensor which records a particular type of data, for example:

  "_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d0ed"),
  "name": "730LsNaN",
  "type": "pressure",
  "owner": "lswNxts07k",
  "model": 18,
  "created_at": ISODate("2003-12-02T11:15:09.555-0500")

A second collection called logs contains data recorded by these sensors. Each document records the _id of the device it came from in the d_id field, the value, the timestamp when it was recorded, and the device's location at the time. The logs collection will be much larger than the devices collection, since each device will record potentially thousands of data points.

  "_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d678"),
  "d_id": ObjectId("51b792d381c3e67b0a18d4a1"),
  "v": 3328.5895416489802,
  "timestamp": ISODate("2013-05-18T13:11:38.709-0400"),
  "loc": [

As an example, let's solve an aggregation problem involving both of these collections - calculate the number of log entries for each owner, for each type of sensor (heat, pressure, etc).

We will solve this by doing two passes of Map/Reduce. The first will operate over the devices collection and seed an output collection by building a list of all the devices belonging to each owner. Then we will do a second pass over the logs collection, computing the totals by using $inc on the pre-seeded output collection.

####Phase One

The Mapper code in phase one just produces the pair <owner,_id> for each device. The Reducer then takes the list of all _ids for each owner and creates a new document containing them.

public class DeviceMapper extends Mapper<Object, BSONObject, Text, Text>{

    public void map(Object key, BSONObject val, final Context context) 
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        String keyOut = (String)val.get("owner") + " " + (String)val.get("type");
        context.write(new Text(keyOut), new Text(val.get("_id").toString()));


public class DeviceReducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, NullWritable, MongoUpdateWritable>{

    public void reduce( final Text pKey, final Iterable<Text> pValues,
                        final Context pContext )
            throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        BasicBSONObject query = new BasicBSONObject("_id", pKey.toString());
        ArrayList<ObjectId> devices = new ArrayList<ObjectId>();
        for(Text val : pValues){
            devices.add(new ObjectId(val.toString()));

        BasicBSONObject devices_list = new BasicBSONObject("devices", devices);
        BasicBSONObject update = new BasicBSONObject("$pushAll", devices_list);

        pContext.write(null, new MongoUpdateWritable(query, update, true, false));

After phase one, the output collection documents each look like this:

  "_id": "1UoTcvnCTz temp",
  "devices": [

####Phase Two

In phase two, we map over the large collection logs and compute the totals for each device owner/type. The mapper emits the device id from each log item along, and the reducer uses MongoUpdateWritable to increment counts of these into the output collection by querying the record that contains the device's _id in its devices array which we populated in phase one.

public class LogMapper extends Mapper<Object, BSONObject, Text, IntWritable>{
    public void map(Object key, BSONObject val, 
                    final Context context)
                    throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        context.write(new Text(((ObjectId)val.get("d_id")).toString()), 
                      new IntWritable(1));

public class LogReducer extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, NullWritable, MongoUpdateWritable> {

    public void reduce( final Text pKey,
                        final Iterable<IntWritable> pValues,
                        final Context pContext )
            throws IOException, InterruptedException{
        int count = 0;
        for(IntWritable val : pValues){
            count += val.get();

        BasicBSONObject query = new BasicBSONObject("devices", new ObjectId(pKey.toString()));
        BasicBSONObject update = new BasicBSONObject("$inc", new BasicBSONObject("logs_count", count));
        pContext.write(null, new MongoUpdateWritable(query, update, true, false));


After phase two is finished, the result documents look like this (the logs_count field is now populated with the result):

  "_id": "1UoTcvnCTz temp",
  "devices": [
  "logs_count": 1050616