This is an open and collaborative project, and any suggestions for improvement are very welcome.
If you're making a pull request, please ensure it adheres to the following guidelines:
- Check if the link is working and pointing to the right location.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Choose the appropriate corresponding section.
- The list, after your addition, should be sorted alphabetically.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- If you use a text editor to fashion the pull request, make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace.
- New categories, or improvements to the existing categorization, are welcome.
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Use the following format for the commit message:
Add Company
(without 'awesome' or something else). - Keep descriptions short, sweet and to the point.
- Use the following format:
[Name](link) - Description.
keep the length of the name + description under 100 characters - Don't use any vague marketing language. Instead, use objective wording aiming to optimize word greppability. For example, if one wants to find Python jobs, or to filter for US-only companies, the following descriptions would be useful:
- Any new entry should have meaningful content at the time of the addition to this list. We can't tell whether something is awesome if there is little to see. As a general rule, there should be at least about six months worth of content.
- Companies in this list should have "remote DNA". This means they are not only remote friendly, but dedicated to remote work as a core of their business.
- Link to the career/job page rather than to a single job post.
- Job boards should be high quality, without paywalls, requiring login, etc.
- No agencies, please.
We check all links are valid with the awesome awesome_bot. If links die, we remove them - this saves time for the maintainers, and ensures awesome links. We'd be happy to accept PRs to re-add new links.