Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Open Bank Project!
If submitting a pull request please read and sign our CLA and send it to [email protected] - We'll send you back a code to include in the comment section of subsequent pull requests.
Please reference Issue Numbers in your commits.
Please comment your code ! :-) Imagine an engineer is trying to fix a production issue: she is working on a tiny screen, via a dodgy mobile Internet connection, in a sandstorm - Your code is fresh in your mind. Your comments could help her!
When naming variables use strict camel case e.g. use myUrl not myURL. This is so we can automatically convert from camelCase to snake_case for JSON output.
If would like to report an issue or suggest any kind of improvement please use Github Issues.
Open Bank Project API, API Explorer and Sofi are dual licenced under the AGPL and commercial licenses. Open Bank Project SDKs are licenced under Apache 2 or MIT style licences.
Please see the NOTICE for each project licence.
See the README for instructions on setup and running the tests :-)