You can prepare for the data sets by the bash script.
In order to execute the script, you should install mongoDB to use bsondump
which converts a BSON format to JSON format.
As a result of executing the script, the data sets are downloaded in /tmp/github-archive-data
bash src/bash/
cd /tmp/github-archive-data
ls -l
2015-01-01-0.json.gz 2015-01-01-17.json.gz 2015-01-01-4.json.gz
2015-01-01-1.json.gz 2015-01-01-18.json.gz 2015-01-01-5.json.gz
2015-01-01-10.json.gz 2015-01-01-19.json.gz 2015-01-01-6.json.gz
2015-01-01-11.json.gz 2015-01-01-2.json.gz 2015-01-01-7.json.gz
2015-01-01-12.json.gz 2015-01-01-20.json.gz 2015-01-01-8.json.gz
2015-01-01-13.json.gz 2015-01-01-21.json.gz 2015-01-01-9.json.gz
2015-01-01-14.json.gz 2015-01-01-22.json.gz dump
2015-01-01-15.json.gz 2015-01-01-23.json.gz github-users.json
2015-01-01-16.json.gz 2015-01-01-3.json.gz
You should build Apache Spark on your local machine to use it.
It takes a long time to compile Spark with sbt
for the first time.
So I recommend you to have a break for compiling.
This documentation is based on Spark 1.3 RC1, because Spark 1.3 have not released at Feb, 25 2015 yet.
git checkout && cd spark
git checkout -b v1.3.0-rc1 origin/v1.3.0-rc1
./sbt/sbt clean assembly