Minimalistic Command Line Notification Application under 50 Lines
This will notify you when 2021 February 20, PM 6:00.
noc -d 2021022018 --desktop # for desktop notification
Very much minimalistic.
npm install -g notification-cli
- node.js v13 or higher
Install node.js?
# node.js [nvm-sh/nvm](
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 13
node -v
This will only notify you by command line console output:
noc -d 2021022018
The output be like:
$ noc -d 202102120234
2021-02-12T02:33:16+09:00 Jobs started...
2021-02-12T02:33:16+09:00 You will be notified at: 2021-02-12T02:34:00+09:00
2021-02-12T02:34:00+09:00 Notified.
You can abbreviate your seconds, minutes, hours and so on:
noc -d 2022
This will notify you when PM 11:00 in the day:
noc -d 23 --format HH
An alias makes your code much more minimalistic:
alias notify="noc --format MM,DD,HH" # Specifying absolute path recommended
notify -d 2,20,18
This will run your command:
noc -d 2021022018 -c "firefox.exe sound.mp3"
No logs on background be like:
noc -d 2021022018 --desktop --hide-log --log "" &
My favorite format <3
noc -d 2021022018 -c "firefox.exe sound.mp3" --desktop -t "your appointment soon"
$ noc
Usage: noc [options]
-d, --date <date> specify date to fire (e.g. "2022010100" for 2020/1/1 00:00) (default: null)
-f, --format <format> specify date format (default: "YYYYMMDDHHmmss")
-D, --desktop enables desktop notification
-t, --title <text> specify title (default: "Notification-CLI")
-m, --message <text> specify message (default: ":)")
-c, --exec-command <command> specify command to run (e.g. firefox.exe ringtone.mp3) (default: null)
-l, --log <text> specify console log message (default: "Notified.")
-H, --hide-log hide information logs
-h, --help display help for command
The software is released under the BSD-3-Clause license.
Copyright (c) 2021, Fumiya Arisaka <> All rights reserved.
This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.