files describe the material and texture of the main field and add-on content field.
File Locations | vol/content/Terrain/A/MainField/ |
Extension | .mate |
Parent Archive | .mate.sstera |
Endianness | Little Endian |
Each file contains a 256×256 grid. For each vertex there is 4 bytes of data that describe the material of the heightmap mesh.
Each entry in the material data table is 4 bytes long.
struct waterData {
unsigned char material0;
unsigned char material1;
unsigned char blendWeight;
unsigned char unknown;
Offset | Length | Type | Description |
0x00 |
1 | Unsigned Byte | material0 |
0x01 |
1 | Unsigned Byte | material1 |
0x02 |
1 | Unsigned Byte | blendWeight |
0x03 |
1 | Unsigned Byte | unknown |
and material1
is an index from the user table in Terrain.Tex1.bfres
(the table is below).
and z
can be calculated, while iterating through the data table:
for (int index = 0; index < 256 * 256; index++) {
uint x = index % 256;
uint z = index / 256;
Note that z
is expected to be an integer quotient. The floor
function can be used if integer division is not supported.
id | file | name | attribute | attribute_sub | flag | Google Translated |
0 | Plant_GreenGrassField_A | 芝生(基本) | Grass | Grass | 0 | Grass (basic) |
1 | Rock_NoisyRock_A | ざらざら岩A | Stone | Stone_Light | 0 | Rough rock A |
2 | Rock_RedCubeRock_A | ※上書き禁止※ | Stone | Stone | 0 | ※ Overwrite prohibition ※ |
3 | Rock_RoughRock_A | 荒れた岩 | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rough rock |
4 | Rock_WhiteRock_A | 岩(白)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (white) A |
5 | Sand_BrownSoilAndGrass_A | 土(固め緑色) | Soil | Soil_Hard | 0 | Soil (consolidated green) |
6 | Sand_SandBeige_A | 砂(基本) | HeavySand | HeavySand | 0 | Sand (basic) |
7 | Sand_SandBeach_A | 砂浜(海岸用)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Sandy beach (for coast) A |
8 | Snow_SnowPowder_A | 雪(平ら) | HeavySnow | HeavySnow | 0 | Snow (flat) |
9 | Rock_GravelStone_A | 砂利A | Stone | Stone_Light | 1 | Gravel A |
10 | Sand_HardMad_A | 土砂&岩 | Soil | Soil_Hard | 0 | Earth and rock |
11 | Plant_GreenGrassAndMad_A | 芝生&土 | Grass | Grass_WithMud | 1 | Lawn & earth |
12 | Rock_FutagoRock_A | 岩(フタゴ)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (Futago) A |
13 | Floor_StoneTilesAndMoss_A | 石畳&芝生 | Stone | Stone | 1 | Cobblestones & lawn |
14 | Plant_FallenLeafAndGrass_A | 落ち葉A | Grass | Grass_Leaf | 0 | Fallen leaves A |
15 | Rock_RockAndGrass_A | 薄い岩&草 | Stone | Stone | 0 | Thin rock & grass |
16 | Rock_LargeCliffAndGrass_A | 崖(白)A&草 | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Cliff (white) A & grass |
17 | Rock_LargeCliff_A | 崖(白)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (white) A |
18 | Rock_LargeCliff_B | 崖(白)B | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (white) B |
19 | Rock_RedRockSoft_A | 岩(赤)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (red) A |
20 | Rock_RoundRockAndSand_A | 丸岩&砂 | Stone | Stone_Light | 0 | Maruwa & Sand |
21 | Rock_OrangeCubeCliff_A | 矩形岩(オレンジ) | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rectangular rock (Orange) |
22 | Rock_NoisyRock_B | ざらざら岩B | Stone | Stone_Light | 0 | Rough rock B |
23 | Sand_HardSoilRed_A | 土(固め赤色) | Soil | Soil_Hard | 1 | Soil (hardened red) |
24 | Sand_FarmMad_A | 土(畑用) | Soil | Soil_Soft | 0 | Sat (for fields) |
25 | Sand_HardMadAndStone_A | 土(固め小石混じり) | Soil | Soil | 1 | Soil (compacted pebble) |
26 | Plant_GreenGrassAndStone_A | 芝生&岩 | Grass | Grass | 1 | Lawn & rock |
27 | Rock_RoughRock_B | 荒れた赤岩 | Stone | Stone | 0 | Stormy rocks |
28 | Sand_LandSlide_A | 土砂A | Soil | Soil_Hard | 0 | Earth and sand A |
17 | Rock_LargeCliff_A | ※上書き禁止※ | Stone | Stone | 0 | ※ Overwrite prohibition ※ |
18 | Rock_LargeCliff_B | ※上書き禁止※ | Stone | Stone | 0 | ※ Overwrite prohibition ※ |
0 | Plant_GreenGrassField_A | 未使用 | Grass | Grass | 0 | unused |
29 | Plant_DriedGrassField_A | 芝生(枯れ) | Grass | Grass | 0 | Grass (dead) |
30 | Rock_WorldEnd_A | 世界のおわり | Stone | Stone | 1 | The end of the world |
31 | Rock_DeathMountain_B | 岩(火山)B | Stone | Stone | 1 | Rock (volcano) B |
32 | Rock_DeathMountain_C | 土(固まり・火山) | Soil | Soil | 1 | Sat (mass / volcano) |
33 | Snow_SnowBumpy_A | 雪(でこぼこ) | HeavySnow | HeavySnow | 0 | Snow (bumpy) |
34 | Sand_BrownSoil_A | 土(茶色) | Soil | Soil_Hard | 1 | Sat (brown) |
35 | Sand_SolidSoil_A | 土(固まり) | Soil | Soil_Hard | 1 | Earth (mass) |
36 | Plant_FallenLeafAndGrass_B | 落ち葉B | Grass | Grass_Leaf | 0 | Fallen leaves B |
37 | Plant_FallenLeafAndGrass_C | 落ち葉C | Grass | Grass_Leaf | 0 | Fallen leaves C |
38 | Plant_MossField_A | 苔A | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Moss A |
39 | Plant_MossField_B | 苔B | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Moss B |
40 | Sand_CrackSoil_A | ひび割れた土 | Soil | Soil_Hard | 0 | Cracked soil |
41 | Wall_TerraZoraBridge_A | ゾーラの橋 | Stone | Stone | 0 | Bridge of Solar |
42 | Sand_BrownSoilAndStone_A | 小石混じりの土 | Soil | Soil | 0 | Pebbles mixed with pebbles |
43 | Rock_GravelStone_B | 砂利B | Stone | Stone_Light | 1 | Gravel B |
44 | Sand_GraySoilAndGrass_A | 雑草混じりの砂利 | Stone | Stone_Light | 0 | Gravel mixed with weeds |
45 | Rock_HorizontallyCliff_A | 崖(横割れ)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (transverse crack) A |
46 | Rock_LargeCliffSnow_A | 雪まじりの岩(黒) | Snow | Snow_Shallow | 0 | Snow-rocky rock (black) |
47 | Rock_RedRockDark_A | 岩(固まった溶岩) | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (hardened lava) |
48 | Rock_RockZora_A | ゾーラ岩(青)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Solar rock (blue) A |
49 | Sand_PebblySoil_A | 小石混じり砂(黄)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Pebble mixed sand (yellow) A |
50 | Rock_RockSnow_A | 雪まじりの岩A | Snow | Snow_Shallow | 0 | Snow-rocky rock A |
51 | Rock_RockSnow_B | 雪まじりの岩B | Snow | Snow_Shallow | 0 | Snow-rocky rock B |
52 | Rock_LargeCliff_C | 雪場用の(黒) | Stone | Stone | 0 | For snow fields (black) |
53 | Rock_BeigeRock_A | 岩(ベージュ)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (beige) A |
54 | Sand_RedPebbly_A | 小石混じり砂(赤)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Pebble mixed sand (red) A |
55 | Plant_GreenGrassField_B | 芝生B | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Lawn B |
56 | Sand_SandWindPattern_A | 砂紋A | HeavySand | HeavySand | 0 | Sandpaper A |
57 | Rock_CliffCheese_A | チーズ岩A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cheese rock A |
58 | Rock_ColorfulRock_A | カラフル岩A | Stone | Stone_Light | 0 | Colorful rock A |
59 | Rock_HardBrownStone_A | 固い岩盤A | Stone | Stone_Heavy | 0 | Hard bedrock A |
7 | Sand_SandBeach_A | 砂(川岸用)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Sand (for riverside) A |
60 | Wall_TerraZoraWall_A | ゾーラの壁 | Stone | Stone | 0 | Solar Wall |
61 | Snow_SnowAndStone_A | 雪&石肌 | Snow | Snow_Shallow | 0 | Snow & stone skin |
62 | Rock_MountainSheiker_A | シーカー岩A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Seeker rock A |
63 | Plant_MountainSheiker_A | シーカー苔A | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Seeker Moss A |
64 | Rock_TropicalCliff_A | 崖(熱帯)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (tropical) A |
65 | Plant_TropicalGrass_A | 苔(熱帯)A | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Moss (tropical) A |
66 | Rock_RedCubeCliff_A | 矩形岩(赤) | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rectangular rock (red) |
67 | Sand_PebblySoil_B | 小石混じり砂(黄)B | Sand | Sand | 0 | Pebble mixed sand (yellow) B |
68 | Rock_SeasideRock_A | 崖(海岸)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (coast) A |
69 | Rock_GravelStone_C | 砂利C | Stone | Stone_Light | 1 | Gravel C |
70 | Rock_TropicalLumpRock_A | 岩(熱帯)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (Tropical) A |
71 | Wall_HyliaStoneRoad_A | ハイリア建築石畳 | Stone | Stone_Marble | 0 | Hiria architectural stone pavement |
0 | Plant_GreenGrassField_A | 未使用 | Grass | Grass | 0 | unused |
72 | Plant_LakeHylia_A | 芝生(ハイリア湖) | Grass | Grass_Moss | 0 | Lawn (Lake Hiriah) |
73 | Sand_CrackSoil_B | ひび割れた土B | Stone | Stone_Heavy | 0 | Cracked soil B |
74 | Sand_SandBeachAndGrass_A | 砂浜(海岸用・芝)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Sandy beach (for shore / turf) A |
75 | Plant_BlackGrassField_A | 芝(汚染) | Grass | Grass | 0 | Turf (pollution) |
76 | Sand_WhiteSoilAndStone_A | 小石混じり砂(白)A | Sand | Sand | 0 | Pebble mixed sand (white) A |
77 | Sand_DebriWood_A | 木のガレキ | Wood | Wood | 0 | Wooden garetchi |
78 | Sand_DebriStone_A | 石のガレキ土 | Stone | Stone_Heavy | 0 | Rock of stone |
79 | Rock_RoughRockMoss_A | 崖(苔)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Cliff (moss) A |
80 | Plant_FallenLeafAndGrass_D | 落ち葉D | Grass | Grass_Leaf | 0 | Fallen leaves D |
81 | Plant_FallenLeafCherry_A | 桜落ち葉 | Grass | Grass_Leaf | 0 | Cherry blossoms fallen leaves |
82 | Rock_RockBeachCoral_A | 岩(磯)A | Stone | Stone | 0 | Rock (Aso) A |
This data is stored in Terrain.Tex1.bfres