This project's aim is to develop a pipeline in R for predicting student performance in a course based on data available early in the course, by using historical course data to train predictive models.
The pipeline is structured as follows:
- Main.R: wrapper for all other modules, used for setting inputs, splitting train/test datasets, merging features, perform predictions and organising output.
- R_SQL_Connection.R: Connects to databases and retrieves required data
- Data_extract.R: Extract required tables for analysis
- Feature_extract.R: Contains functions for extracting features from retrieved tables
- Model_R.: Contains functions for performing predictive analytics on data
The following inputs can be set in Main.R:
- Target_course: String, name of the course.
- start_date: String, in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. Date of course start.
- week_range: Int, number of weeks of data to be used for training predictive model.
- cross_validate: Boolean, create cross-validation data? If true, latest course offering data is used as test, 2nd latest as validate and all older offerings as train.
- use_bigram_probs: Boolean, Extract bi-gram conditional probability features from m_log? (Heavily increases processing time)
- predict_on_test: Boolean, use models to predict on test data? if F predicts on validate data (Recommend default FALSE, TRUE should only be used for testing changes)
Function for merging student information (student ID) with model predictions, and generalising grade predictions into "Pass" and "Fail" values
- predy: Dataframe containing model prediction result, as outputted by model_rt(), model_glm() and model_naiveBayes()
- test_data: Datframe containing test data, required for student IDs
Dataframe of 3 columns containing student ID, grade prediction and pass or fail value
Example usage:
rt_pred = model_rt(fmla_vars, train, validate, test)
merge_demographics(rt_pred, test)
student_id predy result_predy
1 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
2 XXXXXXXXX 59.36207 Pass
3 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
4 XXXXXXXXX 81.54255 Pass
5 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
6 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
Function for majority voting between multiple models, based on models' predicted "Pass" and "Fail" values
- list_predictions: list of dataframes containing model predictions, as outputted by merge_demographics()
Dataframe containing student ID, columns containing Pass/Fail result from each predictive model, number of "Pass" votes accross all inputted results, and Pass/Fail result of majority vote
Example usage:
list_preds = list(rt_pred, glm_pred, bayes_pred)
maj_pred = majority_vote(list_preds)
student_id df$result_predy df$result_predy df$result_predy pass_votes maj_vote
1 XXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
2 XXXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
3 XXXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
4 XXXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
5 XXXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
6 XXXXXXXXX Pass Pass Pass 3 Pass
Extracts conditional bi-gram probability features from m_log. An implementation of technique described in: Li, Xiao, Wang, Ting & Wang, Huaimin 2017, ‘Exploring N-gram Features in Clickstream Data for MOOC Learning Achievement Prediction’, in Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 328–339. NOTE: Very long processing time
- m_log: dataframe of m_log data, as processed by Data_extract.R
- week_range: number of weeks of course data to analyse
Dataframe containing conditional bi-gram probability features for each activity to each other activity and end state, as well as from start state to each activity, for each student per course.
userid term_code
1 X 1812 0 0.000000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0.0
2 X 1812 0 0.000000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0.0
3 XXX 1812 0 0.000000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0.0
4 XXX 1812 0 0.000000000 0.3333333 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.6666667 0.00000000 0 0 0.0
5 XXX 1812 0 0.000000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0 0 0.0
6 XXXX 1812 0 0.009174312 0.1376147 0.02752294 0.02752294 0.04587156 0.7155963 0.03669725 0 0 0.5
Make student grade predictions using Regression Tree technique.
- fmla_vars: vector of column names of features to use in prediction
- train_data: dataframe of training data
- val_data: dataframe of validation data
- test_data: dataframe of test data
Dataframe of 1 column containing predicted grades, ordered in same student order as test_data.
Example usage:
fmla_vars = c("avg_duration_page.viewing_per_session", "avg_num_page.viewing_per_session", "num_sessions_track",
"no_quiz", "no_try.mean", "Student_Score.max.mean", "time.Session_No", "time.Session_Time_Mean",
"time.Morning_Session", "time.Day_Session", "time.Night_Session", "activity.Assessment", "activity.Informing_Orienteering",
"activity.Learning_Content_Access", "activity.Metacognitive_Monitoring", "activity.Metacognitive_Planning",
"activity.Social_Interaction_Passive", "activity.Social_Interaction_Active")
model_rt = function(fmla_vars, train_data, val_data, test_data)
Make student grade predictions using Generalised Linear Model technique
- fmla_vars: vector of column names of features to use in prediction
- train_data: dataframe of training data
- val_data: dataframe of validation data
- test_data: dataframe of test data
Dataframe of 1 column containing predicted grades, ordered in same student order as test_data.
Example usage:
See model_rt above
Make student grade predictions using Naïve Bayes technique.
- fmla_vars: vector of column names of features to use in prediction
- train_data: dataframe of training data
- val_data: dataframe of validation data
- test_data: dataframe of test data
Dataframe of 1 column containing predicted grades, ordered in same student order as test_data.
Example usage:
See model_rt above
Compares model prediction results with validation data and outputs confusion matrix and accuracy values
- validate_data: dataframe of validation data
- pred: dataframe of prediction model results, which was passed through merge_demographics() to produce column with "Pass" and "Fail" values
- pred_col_name: column name which contains "Pass" and "Fail values"
Dataframe of 5 columns containing confusion matrix values and accuracy of inputted model results.
Example usage:
student_id predy result_predy
1 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
2 XXXXXXXXX 59.36207 Pass
3 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
4 XXXXXXXXX 81.54255 Pass
5 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
6 XXXXXXXXX 75.90688 Pass
rt_acc = accuracy(validate, rt_pred, "result_predy")