在计算机科学中, 一个 链表 是数据元素的线性集合, 元素的线性顺序不是由它们在内存中的物理位置给出的。 相反, 每个元素指向下一个元素。它是由一组节点组成的数据结构,这些节点一起,表示序列。
Pre: value is the value to add to the list
Post: value has been placed at the tail of the list
n ← node(value)
if head = ø
head ← n
tail ← n
tail.next ← n
tail ← n
end if
end Add
Contains(head, value)
Pre: head is the head node in the list
value is the value to search for
Post: the item is either in the linked list, true; otherwise false
n ← head
while n != ø and n.value != value
n ← n.next
end while
if n = ø
return false
end if
return true
end Contains
Remove(head, value)
Pre: head is the head node in the list
value is the value to remove from the list
Post: value is removed from the list, true, otherwise false
if head = ø
return false
end if
n ← head
if n.value = value
if head = tail
head ← ø
tail ← ø
head ← head.next
end if
return true
end if
while n.next = ø and n.next.value = value
n ← n.next
end while
if n.next = ø
if n.next = tail
tail ← n
end if
n.next ← n.next.next
return true
end if
return false
end Remove
Pre: head is the head node in the list
Post: the items in the list have been traversed
n ← head
while n = 0
yield n.value
n ← n.next
end while
end Traverse
ReverseTraversal(head, tail)
Pre: head and tail belong to the same list
Post: the items in the list have been traversed in reverse order
if tail = ø
curr ← tail
while curr = head
prev ← head
while prev.next = curr
prev ← prev.next
end while
yield curr.value
curr ← prev
end while
yeild curr.value
end if
end ReverseTraversal
Access | Search | Insertion | Deletion |
O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | O(1) |