author: Kyle Scully One direct application of computational linguistics is text prediction, where based on user input the next word is predicted.
The application can be cloned from here:
The application is hosted on
Data is a compilation of text from news, blogs, and tweets retrieved at: (
The Data was cleaned in the following manner
set <- tm_map(set, stripWhitespace)
set <- tm_map(set, content_transformer(tolower))
set <- tm_map(set, removePunctuation)
set <- tm_map(set, removeNumbers)
badWords <- scan("./badwords", "")
set <- tm_map(set, removeWords, badWords)
Before runtime, buildsets.R builds term document matrices for n-grams 2-4 and associated frequency tables.
An n-gram is essnetially a "window" that masks the text so only n number of words can be seen at a time.
The tokenizing algothim basically does the following:
- Looks at the data through this "window"
- Writes down what it sees into a matrix
- Moves the "window" over one word
- Repeats
The end result is a matrix of strings all n number of words long
- The input text is passed through the same filter as the Data
- The input text is analyzed to determine the n-gram needed.
ngram_needed = number_of_input_words + 1
- The associated n-gram frequency is matched with the input:
regex <- paste("^",input_string,sep="")
if(ngram_needed >= 4){
prediction <- strsplit(quadgram.w[grep(regex,quadgram.w$word),][1]$word, " ")[[1]][4] }
- If the most frequent is "NA" it will retry with (n-1)gram