for ao
is a hyper parallel computer that provides decentralized compute. ao
re Thinks decentralized compute by borrowing from the Unix Way Architecture with Erlang Actor Module boundaries. In Unix, everything is either a File or a Program, in ao
everything is a Message or a Process. Just like files can be input and output to programs, Messages can be input and output to Processes in ao
. This means there is no shared state or shared dependencies, ao
uses a holographic state model. With this, ao
makes it possible for Processes to connect to the outside world using messages, or as io. When an ao
Process sends a message in which the Target is not a process, then it writes the message to Arweave a Permanent Storage Chain. The Simple Oracle service can query for those messages and process the requests, then send a message back to the Process, which it can process and manage.
cd oracle
yarn start
cd process
npm i -g
aos oracle --load oracle.lua