This smart contract is for splitting incoming funds to other ETH addresses. e. g. this (smart contract)
Compile the smart contract with the latest solidity version (0.8.15).
Go to the deployment section and select "Injected Provider - MetaMask" as your environment.
Sign in to your MetaMask wallet and create two new wallets.
Copy the two wallet addresses to the field that says
address[] _address
(Array) next to the Deploy button.
Go to your deployed contracts and open your created smart contract.
Use indexing to get the address (e. g. 1:
address: 0x...
) -
In this case only two addresses will work because only two addresses have been inserted.
Go to the the MetaMask wallet where the smart contract was uploaded from.
Get the Transaction ID and look it up at PolygonScan.
Paste the Transaction ID and go to the contract.
Paste your
at the contract section and go with the settings you applied for remix at the beginning.