- 팀번호(Team No.): 35
- 팀명(Team Name): 데려다줄게
- 팀원(Team Member): 임도경(201424517), 최아윤(201624601), 최주연(201624606)
- 주제(Subject) : GAN을 이용한 Application 만들기
pretrain model should get at https://github.com/YuvalNirkin/fsgan
@inproceedings{nirkin2019fsgan, title={{Fsgan}: Subject agnostic face swapping and reenactment}, author={Nirkin, Yuval and Keller, Yosi and Hassner, Tal}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision}, pages={7184--7193}, year={2019} }
- PyTorch
- face_alignment
- Flask
- Flask_Reuploaded
- flask-ngrok
/dev/projects/fsgan/inference/upload.py 실행