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Mint Large Amount of cNFT


Minting a Large Number of cNFTs.
This code example demonstrates how to mint a large number (e.g., 100) of cNFTs.
The code uses SQLite to store taker addresses and minted signatures.

This is for experimental purposes only.


Running Steps

  1. Setup
  2. Add Taker Address to DB(SQLite)
  3. Upload JSON Metadata(e.g. Arweave)
  4. Create Merkle Tree
  5. Mint cNFT

1. Setup

Install Packages in umi directory

% cd umi
% mv .env.example .env
% npm i

Create .env in cNFT directory

% cd ..
% cd cNFT
% mv .env.example .env

Replace "ENDPOINT" in the .env file with your API key.

Get your API Key here: Metaplex DAS API RPCs

Install Packages and init tables in cNFT directory

% npm i
% npx prisma migrate dev --name init

2. Add Taker Address to DB(SQLite)

If you want to test minting, generate random taker address. You can modify taker address in takerAddress.csv.

% ts-node src/generateRandomPublicKey.ts > src/assets/takerAddress.csv

Add the taker address to the DB.

% ts-node src/addTakerAddressToDB.ts

3. Upload JSON Metadata(e.g. Arweave)

% cd ..
% cd umi
% ts-node src/irysUploader.ts

4. Create Merkle Tree

% cd ..
% cd cNFT
% ts-node src/createMerkleTree.ts

Write your Merkle Tree to src/mintWithoutCollection.ts.

5. Mint cNFT

% ts-node src/mintWithoutCollection.ts

You can stop it at anytime with command+C.


Get All Taker Address in DB

% ts-node src/findAllTakers.ts

Prisma Command List

Init Table:

% npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Reset Data:

% npx prisma migrate reset

Learn more Compressed NFT

256hax GitHub - Metaplex Bubblegum (Compressed NFT)


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