This code has been simplified of any libraries and framework for a better clarity. It is part of the following tutorial.
The purpose of this code is for demonstration only! Be aware that :
- The token and ticket are now stored in JSON accessible by everybody now if you don't make sure securing it properly.
- The scanner.php file is mixing css and js for simplicity reasons. Those should be separated on production.
For more information about WeChat's JS SDK please refer to their documentation page that can be found here http://admin.wechat.com/wiki/index.php?title=JS_SDK_DOCUMENT
|-- 1_demo_all => Folder with the official JS SDK demo of all the functionalities
| |-- all.php
| |-- demo.js
+-- 2_qrcode_app => Folder with the qrcode app scanner example
|-- scanner.php => File with the qrcode app, please note the file includes JS, CSS that should be splitted in different files for production use
|-- access_token.json => Where the access token retrieved is stored
|-- jsapi_ticket.json => Where the access ticket retrieved is stored
|-- jssdk.php => The jssdk php class that handle all the authentification process and store the token/ticket inside the json files
|-- README.md