- Ruby version - 2.3.0
- Rails version - 5.0.0
- System dependencies
- Postgresql
- Configuration
- Environment variables are specified in the .env file
- Developers should create a copy of .env file named .env.local and change the settings as per your system configuration. .env.local file is added in .gitignore
- For production environemnt, a file named .env.production need to be added with production settings
- Steps to make the system up and running
- Make sure that you had made the configuration as mentioned above and all dependencies are installed. Also, make sure that the ruby version is same as mentioned here
- run - bundle install
- Database creation
- run - bundle exec rake db:create
- For other environments run: RAILS_ENV=[environment] bundle exec rake db:create
- Database Migration
- run - bundle exec rake db:migrate
- For production run: RAILS_ENV=[environment] bundle exec rake db:migrate
- Database Initialization
- run - bundle exec rake db:seed
- For production run: RAILS_ENV=[environment] bundle exec rake db:seed
- Test suite
- Testing Framework - Rspec Rails
- To Run Test suite - rspec .
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