Common Utils is a plugin that serves many common utilites in a day to day server life.
- Ability to change 914's class upgrading (ex, DClass goes in; scientist comes out.)
- Ability to add custom 914 recipies.
- Ability to completly configure a welcome message.
- Ability to completly configure a broadcast message, this can appear every 'x' amount seconds.
- Ability to add custom inventories to all the main classes.
(These are depricated, if you are using the Exiled 2.0 version of the plugin)
# Wether or not debug messages should be shown.
debug: false
# Wether or not SCP-049 should be able to talk to humans.
scp049_speech: true
# The text displayed at the timed interval specified below.
timed_broadcast: <color=lime>This server is running </color><color=red>EXILED Common-Utilities</color><color=lime>, enjoy your stay!</color>
# The time each timed broadcast will be displayed.
timed_broadcast_duration: 5
# The delay between each timed broadcast. To disable timed broadcasts, set this to 0
timed_broadcast_delay: 300
# The message displayed to the player when they first join the server. Setting this to empty will disable these broadcasts.
join_message: <color=lime>Welcome %player%! Please read our rules!</color>
# The amount of time (in seconds) the join message is displayed.
join_message_duration: 5
# The amount of time (in seconds) after the round starts, before the facilities auto-nuke will start.
autonuke_time: 1200
# Wether or not the nuke should be unable to be disabled during the auto-nuke countdown.
autonuke_lock: true
# The list of items Class-D should have. Valid formatting should be ItemType:Chance where ItemType is the item to give them, and Chance is the percent chance of them spawning with it. You can speci$
- Coin:100
- Flashlight:100
- KeycardJanitor:5
- Medkit:1
- Painkillers:10
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
slot1: []
slot2: []
slot3: []
slot4: []
slot5: []
slot6: []
slot7: []
slot8: []
# The list of custom 914 recipies for the Rough setting. Valid formatting should be OriginalItemType:NewItemType:Chance where OriginalItem is the item being upgraded, NewItem is the item to upgrade$
- KeycardO5:KeycardJanitor:50
- KeycardO5:Coin:100
scp914_coarse_chances: []
scp914_oneto_one_chances: []
scp914_fine_chances: []
scp914_very_fine_chances: []
# The list of custom 914 recipies for 914. Valid formatting is OriginalRole:NewRole:Chance - IE: ClassD:Spectator:100 - for each knob setting defined.
- ClassD:Scientist:10
- ClassD:Spectator:50
Coarse: []
OneToOne: []
Fine: []
VeryFine: []
# The frequency (in seconds) between ragdoll cleanups. Set to 0 to disable.
ragdoll_cleanup_delay: 300
# If ragdoll cleanup should only happen in the Pocket Dimension or not.
ragdoll_cleanup_only_pocket: false
# The frequency (in seconds) between item cleanups. Set to 0 to disable.
item_cleanup_delay: 900
# If item cleanup should only happen in the Pocket Dimension or not.
item_cleanup_only_pocket: true
# A list of roles and how much health they should be given when they kill someone.
Scp173: 125
Scp096: 70
# A list of roles and what their default starting health should be.
Scp173: 3000
NtfCommander: 200
# If the plugin is enabled or not.
is_enabled: true