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  1. ADVIO ADVIO Public

    An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry

    Python 245 43

  2. DGC-Net DGC-Net Public

    A PyTorch implementation of "DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network"

    Jupyter Notebook 204 17

  3. relativeCameraPose relativeCameraPose Public

    Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks

    Lua 73 14

  4. hscnet hscnet Public

    Hierarchical Scene Coordinate Classification and Regression for Visual Localization

    Python 73 12

  5. deep-speed-constrained-ins deep-speed-constrained-ins Public

    Codes for Deep Learning Based Speed Estimation for Constraining Strapdown Inertial Navigation on Smartphones

    Python 57 29

  6. camera-relocalisation camera-relocalisation Public

    Implementation of "Camera Relocalization by Computing Pairwise Relative Poses Using Convolutional Neural Network" by Z.Laskar et al.

    Lua 44 10


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