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How to Run the Actian OpenROAD Server in Docker

This article shows how to setup a Docker image with the Actian OpenROAD Server on Linux (rockylinux)


Before running the script

  • Git clone will extract the files and place them in a directory (e.g. openroad_server_docker) which will be the base directory for the setup. git clone
  • Check saveset directory for known working versions
  • Download the latest version of Non-RPM based ActianX 12.0 for Linux 64-bit and place it in the saveset directory (e.g. openroad_server_docker). See INGRES_ARCHIVE in Dockerfile.
  • Download the latest version of OpenROAD 12.0 for Linux 64-bit and place it in the saveset directory (e.g. openroad_server_docker). See OPENROAD_ARCHIVE in Dockerfile.
  • Download the latest version of tar.gz Apache Tomcat 9 package from the Apache Tomcat 9 page and place it in the saveset directory (e.g. openroad_server_docker). See TOMCAT_ARCHIVE in Dockerfile.
  • Place OpenROAD licence.xml inside licdata directory in the base directory (eg. openroad_server_docker/licdata)

Once all the above steps are completed, run following commands

docker build -t actian_orserver .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name actian_orserver_demo -it actian_orserver

Then check if OpenROAD gRPC Servlet is accessible:

curl http://localhost:8080/openroadg/jsonrpc?app=comtest

Debug shell inside docker container:

docker exec -it actian_orserver_demo /bin/bash 

Test OpenROAD gRPC server under debug shell:


The following directories are going to be used as volumes (docker-compose.yml):

  • deploy/ - for configuration files, including tomcat, orserver.json and application json files.
  • logs/ - catalina.out, w4gl.log and application logs

Deploy new OpenROAD Server application

  • If you want to deploy new OpenROAD Server application then copy and in the saveset directory.
  • and sample is available under Assets
  • orjarinstall_cfg.json file is available in saveset directory. This file will be copied to $II_SYTEM/ingres/files
  • The JSON file orjarinstall_cfg.json should contain a JSON object {...} with the following members (all optional): "libu3gldir" - the directory shared libraries/DLLs are deployed into. This directory should be contained in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux) or PATH (Windows); default: $II_SYTEM/ingres/lib (Linux) or %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin (Windows) "orjsonconfigdir" - the directory JSON config files for OpenROAD server applications are deployed into (default: $II_SYTEM/ingres/files/orjsonconfig) "resourcedir" - the directory "resource*" directories (and their contents) are deployed into (default: $II_SYTEM/ingres) "w4glappsdir" - the directory 4GL image files are deployed into; directory should be contained in II_W4GLAPPS_DIR (default: $II_SYTEM/ingres/w4glapps)
  • is an archive containing the server application and other resources required This archive can have the following subdirectories that will be processed: - libu3gl - shared libraries/DLLs - netutil - netutil command scripts - orjsonconfig - JSON config files for OpenROAD server applications - orserveradm_removeapp - JSON file to be used by the "" script with RemoveApp command - orserveradm_addapp - JSON file to be used by the "" script with AddApp command - resource* - Additional resource directories to be deployed - w4glapps - OpenROAD Server application images

Docker Cheat sheet items


docker ps
docker ps -a
docker images


docker stop actian_orserver_demo
docker rm actian_orserver_demo

docker image rm actian_orserver